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Thread: Revolving door

  1. #1
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    Default Revolving door

    Literally been using the forum for about a month and I've already seen like 20 staff changes.

    What's the deal?

  2. #2
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    20 doesn't seem that much really? When you have close to 100 staff roles having regular new / leaving is pretty normal, and from what I've seen, pretty consistent with other fansites?

    When most of your staff are around teen/early adult years things like school, university, new jobs tend to build up and people do leave! It's not like a real job where people stay for years and get paid for it, it's only volunteer, so people do tend to come and go a lot as their real life comes first.

    We have a great recruitment team looking into more benefits for staff and rewards to make them stay longer and I always try and talk to people (especially senior+) who are leaving to see why and 8/10 it's IRL issues, 1/10 they've been offered a job at another fansite - we do all we can to try and keep people motivated and stick around though!

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  3. #3
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    Habbox is an amazing fansite and has been around a long time. I previously worked here a few months back, and I've recently come back, and even in that space of time I can see the improvements all of the staff are making in order to improve this fansite, as well as keeping staff for as long as they can. As Laura said, people do come and go, but that's just life - we can't please everybody and real life always comes first! I think that this is very normal and we have some amazing and loyal staff on this fansite, which is what makes it unique and different!

  4. #4
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    I know what you mean by the revolving door comments where people are in and out and back again every few months but that's just the way some people are, fact is some get bored in one department few a few months and fancy a chance - the total opposite to me but they're still contributing so can't really knock them for it. Different strokes for different folks.

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    Can't really add much more than the others have said. But in my personal experience, I've held quite a number of positions including management - circumstances change and I haven't really held a position longer than 9 months (which I think is okay, but others have spent a lot more time).

  6. #6


    I understand too a degree HOWEVER I said this to despect a while back that it's just so easy to get a job on here now. I remember once upon a time it was kind of a privilege on the site to be a staff member. Especially to be a DJ on the website.

    I get that people have lives and stuff too however staff being employed for a week then being removed is just a bit chaotic

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flakefish View Post
    I understand too a degree HOWEVER I said this to despect a while back that it's just so easy to get a job on here now. I remember once upon a time it was kind of a privilege on the site to be a staff member. Especially to be a DJ on the website.

    I get that people have lives and stuff too however staff being employed for a week then being removed is just a bit chaotic
    Unfortunately yes it has gotten easier to get jobs around here but that’s simply because we wouldn’t have the numbers if we didn’t. It’s common knowledge we don’t have the numbers in the community we used to have so making it easier to get into departments is how we keep the departments going.

    Most departments still have trials though so if people don’t do the job properly or aren’t prepared to take on the tasks they signed up for they just won’t pass. Sort of a ‘give everyone a chance’ idea nowadays.

    But yes unfortunately people here do have lives offline which I swear we didn’t used to years ago haha and also people dont actually realise how long three hours (hxhd example) actually takes up from their week. It doesn’t seem like much but sometimes if you have a lot going on it’s hard to slot it in but you don’t really realise that until you get accepted into the department.

  8. #8
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    I think it's always been pretty easy to get a job, then again supposed it depended. I remember in Rare Values Department 2006-2007 we were a department of around 25 and I used to give anyone a trial if they wished, provided I could justify it from the application. A lot of the better members of staff often turned out to the ones who sent in the worse applications, ironically.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I think it's always been pretty easy to get a job, then again supposed it depended. I remember in Rare Values Department 2006-2007 we were a department of around 25 and I used to give anyone a trial if they wished, provided I could justify it from the application. A lot of the better members of staff often turned out to the ones who sent in the worse applications, ironically.
    in like 2005 i was pretty much begging to be hxhd staff, how times have changed

  10. #10
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    I agree with everyone elses replies to this. I've been here at Habbox for little over 2 years now, on and off, and obviously when I'm not here I've got real life situations that needs dealing with so instead of posting away a long time, it's best to just leave and come back.

    As @Sloths; said, it is common knowledge around Habbo that Habbox is not as popular as it used to be but the Management team and AGMs we've got now are set to change that. We already get a lot more listeners than in previous months because of the number of events etc we do on the Habbo client.

    Yes it is easier to get into Habbox, but that's because everyone has got to start somewhere don't they? We've got a lot of experienced members of Habbo and Habbox so in a way, we can all teach each other as we don't all know everything so we always ask other members, even if their rank is below yours.

    Habbox has been my home for a few years now and I've held quite a few positions, mainly to trial out a department, then if I can do it, I stay, if not... well you get the picture.

    The term 'revolving door' might not be the term to use but I see why you've picked that term. It's just as Laura said, Habbox is voluntary, although we now have our Recruitment Department that are coming up with rewards etc to get people to stay, sometimes real life takes over and, as much as we probably don't want to, we must leave and come back later.
    Last edited by Conor; 09-11-2017 at 04:15 PM.

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