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  1. #1
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    Default Habbox Charity Christmas VIP 2017 ~ Nominate Your Charity!

    As you may or may not know, Habbox sponsors a Charity ever year during the Christmas period. During this period, all of the takings from the sale of the Christmas VIP go towards to chosen charity.

    It's that time of year where we ask you to nominate the charity Habbox should should sponsor this year.

    Please reply to this thread with your nomination and why it should be supported. The nominations will run over the next few weeks and the charity with the most support at the end will be our Christmas Charity VIP.

    Here's a list of all the charities we've supported in the past and how much we raised!

    Cancer Research
    Cancer Research
    Help For Heroes
    Macmillan Cancer Support
    Make a Wish Foundation
    Depression Alliance
    Alzheimers Society

    We can repeat any of the above of course if they get enough votes! We'd prefer a global/international charity but it will be put out to the public to vote so if your cause is good enough you might win anyway!

    Please post below with your chosen charity you'd like to nominate, and a little bio about introducing the charity.

  2. #2
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    I vote for the RSPCA because these guys do such a cracking job taking care of ill and mistreated pets. It makes my heart bleed to see an animal in distress and mistreated by humans.

  3. #3
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    Anthony Nolan - a charity that collects stem cell information and if you're a match, you do a semi-painless procedure where your bone marrow is collected and you end up saving someones life. Something I've always been a part of - all you have to do is gob into a tube and you're on the register. Plus, if you get selected as a potential donor, they'll fly you out and hotel you up for the day. Not bad for saving someones life!

  4. #4
    Martin's Avatar
    Martin is offline Habbox Merit
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    Rainbow Trust - Children's Charity.

    Rainbow Trust supports families who have a child aged 0-18 years with a life threatening or terminal illness. They have 9 teams spread out across the UK.

    They provide support for the family, the siblings, home support, hospital support and bereavement support.




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  5. #5
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    Kidney Kids Scotland was founded as a Charitable Trust in 2000 and is the ONLY Scottish Charity supporting children with renal/urology illness and their families. The main aim of the charity is to enable children to receive treatment as close to home as possible and minimize disruption to their family unit.

    The charity works closely and relies on the expertise of consultants, medical and welfare personnel to identify where help is most needed. Kidney Kids Scotland supports hospitals all over Scotland by supplying them with much needed equipment and funding for posts recognised as being essential. Our main support goes to The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow as this is the centre of excellence for children with renal illness. It is the only hospital in Scotland to perform paediatric haemodiaysis and transplantation. Kidney Kids Scotland has supplied EVERY haemodialysis machine used within this unit.

    In addition our Trustees believe that no family should have to worry unduly over financial problems whilst also worrying about a sick child. We therefore do our utmost to support these families in any way we can – this can often be helping them with much needed financial assistance putting them in contact with another family with similar problems or just a listening ear.

    Since the charity’s inception in July 2000 well over 1.6 million has been given directly towards the treatment of children in Scotland who suffer from renal/urology problems. Kidney disease has no cure and the only way to prolong life is by treating with dialysis or transplantation. This is a disease the child and their family have to learn to live with. These families come from all over Scotland.

    Fantastic charity that I do a lot of work with and they are a smaller lesser known charity.
    Last edited by Mikey; 24-11-2017 at 03:59 AM.

  6. #6
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
    -:Undertaker:- is offline Habbox Hall of Fame Inductee
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    I'm going to suggest a national charity because I believe charity begins at home. Added to that, the smaller the reach of a charity the more efficiently the donations are spent in that the money actually reaches people rather than CEO salaries.

    What is close to my heart and what breaks it is old people who are lonely. It makes me so sad. I think in other cultures (Italy, Spain, Mexico come to mind) the older generations are very much looked up to whereas in this country you hear and see so many older people who are basically just left. Many won't have family, cannot get out the house and loneliness can literally be a killer.

    I found this charity, the Royal Voluntary Service, which is part of the Campaign to End Loneliness and it organises events for older people who are lonely, has volunteers to go and see them in hospitals and homes for a chat, helps provide older people with journeys to GPs, days out and going to see their friends.

    Quote Originally Posted by Information
    The Royal Voluntary Service wants to help create a society where everyone feels valued and involved whatever their age. We are one of the largest volunteer organisations in the country. Our 25,000 volunteers help older people stay active, independent and able to continue to contribute to society. They do this by providing practical and emotional help where and when it’s needed.

    Patron: Queen Elizabeth II
    President: The Duchess of Cornwall

    Royal Voluntary Service helps in all sorts of ways:

    - We help older people get out of the house for a bite to eat, social occasions or just to see friends
    - We enjoy popping round for a chat as often as is liked
    - We will help with jobs such as doing the shopping and collecting library books
    - We can also do the simple but important things, such as changing a light bulb or fixing a lock
    - We are here to make sure older people are calm and well informed before they have appointments or a stay in hospital, and we’ll check they are ok when they get home
    - We also work on a national level to raise awareness of the issues older people face. We do this through our media campaigns and research.
    - Be part of an important and growing movement
    - As a charitable organisation we’ve got big plans for the future. Our aim is to reach two million older people in the next ten years. It’s incredibly important we achieve this as the UK’s older population is growing and needs more support.

    Sharing time with older people is enjoyable, rewarding and inspiring for all of us, young and old. By volunteering now you can help today’s generation of older people live and enjoy the kind of old age they deserve.

    To support our volunteers we run a full range of fundraising activities that enable them to continue their vital work.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 24-11-2017 at 04:11 AM.

  7. #7
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    I nominate Mind.


    We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Over more than 60 years Mind has worked to improve the lives of all people with experience of mental health problems. Through public campaigns, government lobbying and more than 1,000 services our local Minds have delivered in communities across England and Wales, we have touched millions of lives. Because of Mind, millions more people have access to advice and support thanks to our information and services nationally and locally, in England and Wales. We're building on change, but we know there is much more to do.

  8. #8
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    I would like to nominate a charity this year to help people in situations my family found themselves in last year.

    Alzheimer's Research UK
    Our vision is a world where people are free from the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia.

    Without effective treatments, one in three children born today will die with dementia. Today, there are no dementia survivors but research can change this.

    Alzheimer’s Research UK is the world’s leading dementia research charity dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Backed by our passionate scientists and supporters, we’re challenging the way people think about dementia, uniting the big thinkers in the field and funding the innovative science that will deliver a cure.

    Our mission is to bring about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025.

    With your support, we’ll focus our energies in four key areas of action to make this mission a reality.

    • Understand the diseases that cause dementia.
    • Diagnose people earlier and more accurately.
    • Reduce risk, backed by the latest evidence.
    • Treat dementia effectively.
    • Through these important strands of work, we’re bringing about breakthroughs that will change lives.
    Although it's a UK-based charity, they are the founding member of a worldwide dementia consortium and have donors from around the world including Bill Gates.

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