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Thread: lost

  1. #1
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    Default lost

    hello its been a while lol im sure some of you might remember me maybe
    last september i left habbo/x to go to uni and started working at primark
    was doing an art foundation at uni an absolutely hated it and dropped out after 7 weeks and went full time at primark and i loved it, met a great group of friends and went to disneyland, rome, venice and lisbon with them during the summer
    september came i tried uni again to do a degree in fine art without the foundation, moved into halls
    i got the minimum loan though which didnt even cover my rent, my first payment i owed £2700 and only got £1800 loan each term and couldnt afford to live lol carried on working at primark for a month and travelling home from halls then quit primark and joined wetherspoons the next day
    2 weeks after joining spoons decided i wanted to drop out of uni, my flatmates were so dirty to live with and uni just really isnt for me lol i lived in campus with a 2 minute walk but the amount of motivation i needed to go into uni was ridiculous
    i made friends but not that many close close friends so in the end just felt like i couldnt talk to anyone and got very lonely
    all my flatmates wanted to go clubbing but i got spiked in a club and refused to go clubbing since
    most the time i couldnt even go out because half my time was spent working til 2am and wouldnt get home til 2:40 then go to uni the next day and repeat to try and afford to live
    week number 7 i dropped out of uni and had to travel back to wetherspoons at uni every couple of days for my shifts until my notice period was over, then i transferred and now i start full time at spoons near me tomorrow

    through this whole time i was so set on that i wanted to be an art teacher and was gonna do my art foundation, my degree then teaching thing and thought it was all set
    then after art foundation flopped and realised i could still do the degree i thought wow great its not all over
    now i realised that im not a uni person i cant be an art teacher without uni to be honest im just a bit lost lol thought i knew what i wanted to do but now im just back to having no idea, working full time in a place that i dont want to be work and feeling generally unhappy

    if you cant be bothered to read that then just to summarise i thought i knew what i wanted to do in life then it flopped now im clueless again and dont know what to do with my life

    if any of u have any life stories where its worked out well for you or any tips or anything lol please i would really appreciate them right now

    hope you're all well thought and im glad to see everything still running

    much love

  2. #2
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    Oh my lord, its Gina!
    You were literally a little kid DJ way back when!
    Weird how we both chose the same time and day to log back into Habbox and reminice on past times.

    Reading that, I feel I can half relate to it in a way, not quite the same but I feel for you. However let me tell you this; reading that, I can tell you've had a lot more life experience than most people these days have at your age (Can't remember how old you are exactly, but I remember you're younger than me lol)
    I'm never one to give out advice, because generally I'm terrible at it, but I think if you feel strongly about becoming and Art Teacher I'm sure there are other ways to pursue such a career? One of my friends became an Art Teacher which she got offered the job at a local Primary School after being seen presenting works of Art at her job in the Art Museum. Isn't there some sort of course you can do that doesn't involve going to Uni that'll give you the same outcome, such as a teaching assistant or similar jobs? - I'm not too sure on things like that, but if you've attempted to go to Uni as many times as you have knowing full well after the first time that you hated every moment of it, then I don't think it's something you should give up on, and my evidence of this is you voicing your concerns to us here at Habbox, clearly you don't want to give up.

    I wouldn't say I have a life story that's worked out, I don't think a lot of people have, there is always an end goal, but once reached you have more goals, so life never quite feels like you've worked it out, and if you keep that in mind and just take baby steps in the right direction, you'll be able to look back in a few years and see that you actually have completed most of the goals you once had without even realising it.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sectional View Post
    Oh my lord, its Gina!
    You were literally a little kid DJ way back when!
    Weird how we both chose the same time and day to log back into Habbox and reminice on past times.

    Reading that, I feel I can half relate to it in a way, not quite the same but I feel for you. However let me tell you this; reading that, I can tell you've had a lot more life experience than most people these days have at your age (Can't remember how old you are exactly, but I remember you're younger than me lol)
    I'm never one to give out advice, because generally I'm terrible at it, but I think if you feel strongly about becoming and Art Teacher I'm sure there are other ways to pursue such a career? One of my friends became an Art Teacher which she got offered the job at a local Primary School after being seen presenting works of Art at her job in the Art Museum. Isn't there some sort of course you can do that doesn't involve going to Uni that'll give you the same outcome, such as a teaching assistant or similar jobs? - I'm not too sure on things like that, but if you've attempted to go to Uni as many times as you have knowing full well after the first time that you hated every moment of it, then I don't think it's something you should give up on, and my evidence of this is you voicing your concerns to us here at Habbox, clearly you don't want to give up.

    I wouldn't say I have a life story that's worked out, I don't think a lot of people have, there is always an end goal, but once reached you have more goals, so life never quite feels like you've worked it out, and if you keep that in mind and just take baby steps in the right direction, you'll be able to look back in a few years and see that you actually have completed most of the goals you once had without even realising it.
    wow hahaha been a while !!! thank you for the reply though and hope life is going alright for you
    and i know right mad that i'm 19 now and not 12 anymore lol

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
    wow hahaha been a while !!! thank you for the reply though and hope life is going alright for you
    and i know right mad that i'm 19 now and not 12 anymore lol
    Jesus... 19.
    Man do I feel old. I'm always walking around Habbo and finding out that I joined Habbo long before most of these people were even born (My first account is orito - Still have access to it as well)
    Life is doing alright for me I suppose, check out my "Evening!" Thread if you wanna catch a glimpse of what I've been up to, it's not very detailed because I'm lazy, but it's something.

    I do remember your little cute ass voice on the radio, and everyone would like be in awe at your adorableness.. I hope you still got it! haha

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers
    Like Gina Liked

  5. #5
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    that sucks gina
    i went to uni and i've done absolutely nothing with my degree, it was a complete waste, so don't worry if you don't do uni just because everyone else is! i'm sure there are other ways to achieve what you want without uni? do you know any successful artists and can ask them for ideas?
    totally understand the working to live and being in debt. it's really shitty and you see people out there getting everything paid for them from their parents and being able to afford going out all the time. being an adult sucks!

    i don't have much tips as im still tryna sort my own life out lol but my life has changed crazy from my late teens - early 20's - now. things do work out and you can't compare yourself to other people. some people seem to have everything but they're just as empty as the rest of us hehe.

    as long as you're working full time and earning enough to look after yourself you should be proud. you sound like you've grown into a sensible adult.

    i'm sorry you're feeling so low though.

    are there no apprenticeships or anything like that? somewhere where you can work doing what you enjoy and get paid for. granted you don't get paid a lot but if you could move in and flat share with someone (someone you like/trust)? not really sure.

    hoping things get better for you xx

    pigged 25/08/2019

  6. #6
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Maybe you should find a normal job you don't mind in a different (big) vibrant city like London, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester and find an art club/art things to do on the side. That way you have a clean slate, your free time you'll always be able to find something to do (in those places) and you can focus on art on the side where you'll meet people in the art scene there too. You need to throw yourself in the middle of it and fate (may) take your hand.

    Somewhere like Shoreditch in London or Baltic Triangle in Liverpool. Associate and get involved there, and you never know! I know someone who's brothers have started club nights and associated art in the Baltic Triangle area, simply because they made connections there and boom! Another few lads got together and bought this old warehouse and covered it in art/made a bar, which is now the centre of a thriving area (Baltic).


    Much as if you want to be involved in politics, you have to be in London. For art, you'll have to move to it - it won't come to you.

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