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  1. #1
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    Young people should begin working a part-time job

    Young people should begin working at a part-time job as early as possible in life

    Research shows that it is mostly positive outcomes for teenagers who have an after-school part-time job. Some teenagers see a decrease in their grades, and even get involved with alcohol and drugs as a result, however the majority thrive with added responsibility along with independence.

    Here are a few positives reasons for teenagers to secure a part-time job

    • Having a part-time job make adolescent life more affordable
    • Teenagers will build valuable work experience
    • They can contribute or start saving for further education
    • Constructive use for free time
    • Employment encourages and healthy transition into adulthood
    • Working during school years teaches balance
    • Searching for part-time work and attending interviews is good practice
    • Part-time jobs may spark life-long careers
    • Helps teenagers build confidence

    What are your thoughts on this?
    Do you think teenagers should be required to get a part-time job when possible, or are you against this?


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    Last edited by Sloths; 09-03-2019 at 07:23 AM.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  2. #2
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    This official debate is now open! ~~~

  3. #3
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    When i was younger I got a part time job because there were things that I wanted to get that I knew my parents weren't going to put on the top of their lists to get me, so what happened is my mom used her credit to buy me the TV and the Xbox 360 that I wanted and gave me the bill for it and I was allowed to pretty much make payments on it up until 6 months (I paid both of them off in 3 months). I think having a part time job was a benefit to me as I typically got all of my homework finished during school so after school I never had anything to do but play games so having a part time job gave me a little more to do after school. With that being said, I really do believe that it is beneficial for teens to get part-time jobs while in school, it creates a job history, teaches them a little bit of responsibility and respect for others.

  4. #4
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    I never got a job until later on because I had savings from all my birthdays. But I really wish I had gone and got a job because it improves your confidence, you meet new people and it gives you a reason to get up. Plus I paid for a few cool holidays with my first little job that was part-time (I left last year) so it was well worth the experience. I wouldn't change it really.

  5. #5
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    Personally I hated school with a passion. I couldn't stand further education either. I learn by doing, not sitting in a classroom. You show me how to do something, I'll do it, you tell me, I'll struggle... For this reason I would much rather be learning to do a job by actually doing it and getting paid to do so. For example if a job requires a certain level of maths ability that I currently don't have, then I'd be more wiling to learn knowing it'll actually help me do my job easier/faster, and it'll be something that I actually want to do, rather than being forced to in an environment where I never excelled in anyway.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  6. #6
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    The idea that young people should waste their youth getting early experience for something they're probably going to spend 50+ years doing anyway is folly. I don't think a part-time job is anymore 'constructive use of free time' than playing with friends and having fun.

  7. #7
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    Required? No.
    Encouraged? Yes.

    I've been in employment since I was 13 and imo it did me nothing but good. I was employed throughout College and University. Life is hard and the quicker everyone gets used to working the better.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    The idea that young people should waste their youth getting early experience for something they're probably going to spend 50+ years doing anyway is folly. I don't think a part-time job is anymore 'constructive use of free time' than playing with friends and having fun.
    Waste? - If I had a part-time job when I was at school, I'd have had more options to do better things, thus enriching my childhood as opposed to sitting at home playing Playstation because I had no money to go out and do anything lol. Part-time job is defined as under 16 hours I believe, but doesn't mean you have to max those hours... A mere 6 hours a week would suffice, it'll give young people a taste on what the working world is like and the experience and benefit of a steady pay which they can choose to spend on whatever they like, and if they're smart, they can get a head start on saving for things such as a car or even a mortgage, so then budgeting and managing money becomes something which they've learned from a young age.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sectional View Post
    Waste? - If I had a part-time job when I was at school, I'd have had more options to do better things, thus enriching my childhood as opposed to sitting at home playing Playstation because I had no money to go out and do anything lol. Part-time job is defined as under 16 hours I believe, but doesn't mean you have to max those hours... A mere 6 hours a week would suffice, it'll give young people a taste on what the working world is like and the experience and benefit of a steady pay which they can choose to spend on whatever they like, and if they're smart, they can get a head start on saving for things such as a car or even a mortgage, so then budgeting and managing money becomes something which they've learned from a young age.
    Yes, waste. You don't have to sit inside and play video games. There are plenty of things you could do to enrich your life besides work. There are absolutely benefits to having money, but I'd much rather value time, especially time in my youth, which I am free to spend on hobbies, with friends, and such, before work inevitably gets in the way. There are positives and negatives for both sides, but people spend practically their whole lives working, some even work up until their demise. I have absolutely no interest in rushing in to that. I also think finding a job to get 'a taste of what the working world is like' is the wrong attitude. Is there anyone who willingly wants to be part of the ordinary 'working world' as it is? Young people should be encouraged to follow their interests and enjoy their youth, not to slot into positions of routine labour. I know many wouldn't mind, but personally I am glad I spent my early years doing other things.
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  10. #10
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    Potentially controversial opinion: ABSOLUTELY not.

    Yes, it's good experience for future careers BUT kids these days are getting pressured with more and more homework, at-home independent study, having to take up extracurriculars to look "good" on university applications, trying to maintain a social balance (friends are important for kids!!), so to expect them to do a job on TOP of that is outrageous.

    Ban/reduce homework and add a set amount of hours of community service/job type things fine.

    it's also a problem that entry-level/intern jobs expect experience of a fresh-out-of-school or university young adult.

    Far too much pressure. Let kids **** be kids.

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