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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Default Megxit: Royal couple surrender HRH titles as they abandon royal duties

    Megxit: Royal couple surrender HRH titles as they abandon royal duties

    So you obviously know that last week this spoilt couple basically openly demanded to their own family that they should be paid as royals by Prince Charles's Duchy of Cornwall, that the British taxpayer should continue to pay for their worldwide security and that they can go off and be "progressive royals" - in other words, they were no longer interested in opening a maternity ward in Aberdeen on a rainy Wednesday night, but want to go off to Hollywood and give speeches about how hard done by she is by racism and him giving speeches on global warming, barefoot.

    In other words, they're not interested in duty they're interested in being woke celebrities.

    Anyway, after meetings with the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William:

    Glad the Palace has been clear-cut and hasn't allowed them to get away with one foot in, one foot out.

    Never want to hear from them again. Although suspect we will when the inevitable psychodramatic divorce happens.


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    You seem to be implying climate change and racism aren't real. I'd like to see your qualifications on those subjects. Have you previously mentioned them being "spoilt", or has that opinion only formed when Harry has stopped allowing the press to treat his wife the same way they treated Diana.

    There's obvious controversies around Meghan and her celebrity status, no doubt about it, but to throw a fit in the way you are over dropping some titles when you know Harry has gone through the death of his mother to the press is childish and unnecessary.
    just here to be political considering there's been a pretty one-sided viewpoint on here for a couple of years x

  3. #3
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hungryfront View Post
    You seem to be implying climate change and racism aren't real. I'd like to see your qualifications on those subjects. Have you previously mentioned them being "spoilt", or has that opinion only formed when Harry has stopped allowing the press to treat his wife the same way they treated Diana.

    There's obvious controversies around Meghan and her celebrity status, no doubt about it, but to throw a fit in the way you are over dropping some titles when you know Harry has gone through the death of his mother to the press is childish and unnecessary.
    I'm not throwing a fit over anything. Who is the one currently hiding away in Canada, sending her husband over to do her dirty work?

    Royalty is there to perform a constitutional duty, not act as celebrities. I don't want to hear the Duchess of Windsor Sussex complaining about how hard her life is or how racist everyone is when she's been cheered to the rafters by the Great British public on her wedding day (paid for by the taxpayer) or because of some headlines in a newspaper she doesn't like. Criticism, worthwhile or not, is not racism. Complaining about newspaper headlines when you're famous is like a sailor complaining about getting wet. I also don't want to be lectured by royals like Prince Harry who fly all over the world, and then give trendy speeches in barefoot about global warming about how the rest of us should cut down on our carbon emissions.

    Now, they're off to Canada/America to try and cash-in on their royal status with trademarking the Royal Sussex brand and giving self-pitying, droll interviews to Oprah and Gloria King. Opening maternity wards in Belfast, maternity wards in Grimsby? Doing their duty? No, not for this pair. They want to be opening the Oscars, have all the cameras on them, reap millions from tacky American interviews and lecture us all on trendy subjects.

    And you know what? All of that is fine, if that is what they want. But it's only fine provided they have their royal titles removed so they are not constitutionally linked, that all their taxpayer security and protection ends and they stop leeching off his fathers Duchy of Cornwall grant.

    Quote Originally Posted by hungryfront
    when you know Harry has gone through the death of his mother to the press is childish and unnecessary.
    Enough of this Diana nonsense. Diana was known to phone the press in advance to get them there to take pictures of her "running away".

    The press didn't kill Diana. What killed her was getting into a car with a drunk driver, not wearing a seatbelt and speeding.

  4. #4
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    to clarify, the racist argument is not the criticism itself but both the excessive nature and of stance on the topic e.g. the one about avocados which for kate was a positive story, but meghan a negative one (only one i know off the top of my head)

  5. #5
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    to clarify, the racist argument is not the criticism itself but both the excessive nature and of stance on the topic e.g. the one about avocados which for kate was a positive story, but meghan a negative one (only one i know off the top of my head)
    The Duchess of Cornwall and Duchess of Cambridge both initially had the same treatment by the press for years. Princess Michael of Kent has also not had an easy ride over the years, and neither have the Prince of Wales and Prince Edward. Now Meghan - who supposedly is hurt by the press - is going to throw herself into interviews with..... the press in America, where they'll both be eaten alive. There's no deference over there for royalty. I'm so done with the pair of them, literally don't want to hear about them again. And I'm an ardent monarchist.

    Meanwhile, the 93-year old Queen, the Princess Royal, Princess Alexandra, the Countess of Wessex and others just get on with their duty.

    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 19-01-2020 at 05:16 PM.

  6. #6
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    normally id ask for a source on your claim but i dont really care about any of this, i was just explaining the case

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