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  1. #1
    Duck's Avatar
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    Default What's your worst wardrobe malfunction and how did you handle it?

    This post comes with a funny anecdote!

    So a few weeks ago, I was meeting my friends for drinks.I was meeting them from work so I didn't have time to stop home to get a change of clothes but I was already dressed somewhat casual so it wasn't a big deal.

    15 minutes left in work I noticed a hole in my pants in what I will only describe as the most unfortunate place on a pair of pants to get a hole the crotchal region

    This was the one time in my life I didn't have a change of clothes and my house is way too far away for a detour to grab a change of clothing.

    SO! I did what any normal, sane individual would do..........

    I grabbed the stapler from my desk, ran to the bathroom and stapled the hole shut!

    Surprisingly enough it did the job pretty well and the hole wasn't at all noticeable.

    That brings me to this thread idea.

    What was your biggest (if not most memorable) wardrobe malfunction? How did you handle it? How did it work out in the end?
    Last edited by Duck; 22-07-2020 at 05:03 PM.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Shrewsbury, England


    When I was on holiday in Gran Canaria I was waking to the beach in a strapless bikini and shorts. I was walking along minding my own business with my boyfriend when a young couple walking in my direction started looking at me, talking and laughing, after they walked past I said to my boyfriend "What on earth is so funny?" I then looked down and...well, the only way to describe it without being too graphic is something I usually keep more hidden had 'popped' out of my strapless bikini.

  3. #3
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    I had an interview up in Crawley (just under an hour's train away) and on the train up realised that my trousers had a big ol' split riiiight in the gusset. No way to hide it because it was all formalwear so shirt tucked in and a suit jacket isn't exactly long, so was very self conscious the entire time and making sure I sat like a proper lady. I did not get the job
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