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  1. #11
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    Why does: "pero necesito" mean "but I need"
    when both words apart mean "but" and "need" respectively...

    Where does the "I" come into play?
    As If I was reading that assuming I knew the words, I'd translate it as "but need more Duolingo"

    Is the "I" something you just add in when translating to make it grammatically correct in English?


    porque es muy bueno"
    I understand "es" means "is" - Yet in this sentence it seems to mean "It is" - would it be wrong to use the word "esta" there?
    - "So
    porque esta muy bueno"
    Last edited by Triz; 08-11-2020 at 08:25 PM.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  2. #12
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    Oh it's because, unlike English, one most likely identifies the subject straight from the way the verb/adjective is written since it varies depending of the amount of subjects and — SEXIST? — their gender;

    For instance:
    A tired male is "cansado"
    A tired female is "cansada"
    >1 tired males are "cansados"
    >1 tired females are "cansadas"
    >1 tired... beings... (when at least one of them is male AND female) are "cansados"

    ...but it's also technically valid to insert their equivalent of "I" before the verb — which happens the most during spoken speech; yet, a bit redundant. Do note that some words do not have any types of variations but its plural (virgem, redundante, feminista)

    To the thread's subject! The only thing I can recommend you to do, that, from personal experience, is the most effective and enjoyable way of learning a language (not necessarily Spanish) is being fearless and faking it until you make it without wanting to be constantly aware of the progress you've made until the present moment. Try not to be inherently app-driven theoretical — give an actual utility to what you want to learn instead of only storing words and phrases in your head. If you enjoy reading the news online, consider adding sites like El Mondo to your notification list — as the title suggests, its subject radius is not only limited to the Spanish fields! And, hmm... by reading your signature, I believe you have tons of Steam games. Does at least one of them contain complete Spanish localizations/translations, with Spanish voice tracks and everything? Consider that, too. Find a Spanish movie that you think you'll enjoy! Or, if you can't find of any, a English film that somehow manages to capture the ways of a Spanish-speaking culture should definitely go. "Stand and Deliver" is one of my favorite ones! But... remember: Spanish audio, Spanish subtitles! But, Lucas, how do you want me to understand what they're saying?? You will eventually, you eventually will! Remember when we were babies whose code of vocabulary would only be consisted of googoodada, cries and sobs until the moment we were rightfully exposed to the omnipresent language stimuli until we "miraculously" did say "mommy" for the first time ever? The dynamics are similar. One beautiful day, you will simply understand those seemingly funny words. Trust me! Oh, and enjoy the final days of Flash player by creating an account there at the Spanish Habbo, whose (rumour has it) contains one of the biggest base of members these days, after the Brazilian Hotel, of course. You will certainly find someone to talk to. I would basically pay to have an English speaking person there in the Brazilian Hotel, we cannot find it anywhere around there! Just don't be afraid of saying things incorrectly to the point of making your face blush — you will have this phase. We natives normally think very highly and admire the efforts of an English speaking person practicing another language, even if just for the fun of it. If you're being unlucky and find someone who makes you feel bad for your attempts, say them to **** themselves (as I do), invent your own equivalent of the meme from the beginning of this post and move on. Take a screenshot of the random words you find interesting and save it in a folder you always aim your eyes to. Here in the real world of real time foreign language speaking *stares at myself yo* you will learn precious words, idioms and acronyms that the formal education from schools and apps don't normally teach. At least that is how I, a broke youngster living in a place where the system of instruction still is embarrassingly elitist and unequal, found my way of learning a few languages without emptying my pockets. Still a long road to travel but one is always trying. I mean, you're a coder too, aren't ya? We can all agree you know more than one language! You'll nail it

    Being it motivational or not, here's an old email I sent to an indie game maker that I loved very much! God, what a shit show of a **** post!

    Good luck,
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 09-11-2020 at 02:11 AM.

    Like Triz Liked

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    "necesito" is already referring to the first person "I" so there's no need to use it. The "I" is basically here : "Yo tuve clase de español en 2018..."

    Also, you can say "tuve clase de español en 2018" (Implicit "I"), and, "Yo tuve clase de español en 2018..." (explicit "I") ~~> both allowed.

    Translating "but need more Duolingo" would be "pero necesitar mas duolingo" and that's incorrect.

    You can use "está" too in that sentence. The main difference is that if you are referring to a state or something progressive/fact.

    "La comida está mala" -> ~ "the food is bad" ~ (but wasn't bad in the past or is not going to be bad in the future) -> temporary state
    "La comida es mala" -> ~ " ' ' ' " ~ (assumed and known as bad) -> permanent state
    Like Triz Liked

  4. #14
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    Oh wow thank you Lucas, I agree that it would be best to just learn without keeping track and let it naturally progress which I guess I'll try to do.. I'll start trying to read kids books in Spanish I think.. I feel that'll be a good place to start haha.

    But yeah English people generally don't learn another language as typically there is no need as half the world speaks English so there is no real desire to speak another language... I'm kinda just doing it for fun, I'm on day 22 at the moment so still early doors and I hope I stick with it because I think it'll be really cool to be able to speak another language, kinda always wanted to learn.. so thanks for the words of wisdom and advice!!!
    @Hola.; Thanks as well for that explanation, I suppose it's probably best to learn enough so that I can converse with people, even if it's broken Spanish, and then once i can hold a convo, I can then learn to use the correct words, like esta Vs es etc... I feel that'll be easier to learn as that's just perfecting as opposed to learning completely... Already having way too much information thrown at me on Duolingo lol, I think I'll keep revisiting the categories I've already completed until I'm 100% on them as I just started another one yesterday and I can tell it's getting harder and harder... I'm much better at reading Spanish than understanding it verbally, as some of the words get lost as it's hard for me to differentiate between multiple words, especially the smaller words such as "es".

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sectional View Post
    But yeah English people generally don't learn another language as typically there is no need as half the world speaks English so there is no real desire to speak another language... I'm kinda just doing it for fun, I'm on day 22 at the moment so still early doors and I hope I stick with it because I think it'll be really cool to be able to speak another language, kinda always wanted to learn.. so thanks for the words of wisdom and advice!!!
    YVW — By the way: Sigmund Freud learnt Spanish solely to read Dom Quixote :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sectional View Post
    I'll start trying to read kids books in Spanish I think.. I feel that'll be a good place to start haha.
    If when I was tiny crawling English speaker wannabe I was consciously aware that I was a tiny crawling English speaker wannabe I'd 101% do similar by, er, I don't know, say, watching Teletubbies (which of course would contain the 2x victory of giving me Habbox people's supercool British accent) — though the people around me would find that a little strange...

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