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Results 171 to 173 of 173
  1. #171
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Quote Originally Posted by mrbolton2005
    The throne, the ''legendary'' furni all habbo fulled people must have, but heres why you shouldnt vote for it :
    1. Sulake stand to make recored profits
    2. Throne - its as rare as winning a comp - keep it that way
    3. newbies want it, but traders may pack there bags, there world will be turned upside down.
    4. The throne is ''idolised' as the leading brand - sure rich people may have them, but if a poor person got one, that would make there day. But if they were common they wont feel that way...
    5. And if they were common, so would everything else.
    6. Its the only thing that is worth something in habbo's pixelated world - take that away - you leave habbo hotel completly worthless.

    Save Thrones 2005 =] Votes Orb =] :eusa_danc
    If they make profit, that's a good thing. We wouldn't want our favourite chat service closing down due to insufficient funding, would we?

    Thrones aren't coming out. Stop going on about it.

    Give back our edit button!

    My 1337th post.

  2. #172
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    No matter how big the petition grows, Habbo won't listen to it, they do what ALL the habbo's want as 1, not just what the rich snooty habbo's that want to keep the throne rares. I can pretty much garentee that habbo will end up releasing the throne because that is the best thing on the list. It's understandable that releasing the throne in the catalouge will destroy it's rare value, thus making many richy richy's angry and less rich, oh boo hoo, some habbo's feel great just to have shoes and your angry beacause your shoe doesn't shine like they used to (sort of speak)? You're still rich so get over it, if I was allowed I would have added many bad words to this post.

  3. #173
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Thrones = Useful.
    Others= for what?

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