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View Poll Results: Are you a Chav?

193. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    34 17.62%
  • No

    159 82.38%
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Results 181 to 190 of 210
  1. #181
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    to answer ur question


  2. #182
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

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    No iam not a chav, iam not a mosher, and neither a goth ect.

    i wear nike and timberland ect, but that does not realy class me as a chav.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrabRacket View Post
    Thats not respect! Prehaps to you but not me.
    When you respect someone, you don't bother them.
    When you fear someone, you don't bother them.

    Fear breeds respect, it's how all good politicians and businessmen get power.
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    Blessed be
    + * + * + * +

  4. #184
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    When you respect someone, you don't bother them.
    When you fear someone, you don't bother them.

    Fear breeds respect, it's how all good politicians and businessmen get power.
    I have to agree. You would disrespect a guy who famously battered the hardest guy in town. Being kind gets you friends, but not respect.

  5. #185
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by CrabRacket View Post
    In this present time, we tend to see streets infested with vermin pretty much everywhere we look- and this vermin isn't rats! Its the polite chav gang that spit poison cigarette tar at your brand new jeans. How nice!
    I decided to create a poll to see how many of the teenagers that attend are members of the chav society. Oh, and just to clarify on what chavs are;
    - Usually have an aspiration of gaining an ASBO (Anti social behaviour order)
    - Dress in track suits
    - Speak in Jafaikan (Google it)
    - Burberrey scarfs, hats and other types of clothing
    - Strong odour of cigarette smoke
    - Gold chains and lots of them
    - Tend to move in herds around the town centre
    - Lose their virginity at the age of 11-15
    - Attend the Jeremy Kyle show
    - Swearing and spitting at anyone within 3 metres of them
    - Hearl abuse at anybody until the victim finally stands up to them. They soon scatter.

    No, I am not one, I prefer to stand back and laugh at them attempting to look tough. Has anyone noticed they never start on people when they are alone? Because I have, they always need "friends" if you can class them as that with them. Some can be ok, but then most are complete...ill stop there.
    Yea I maybe fat, but your ugly, at least I can diet

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by -L!NK!N-P@RK- View Post
    No, I am not one, I prefer to stand back and laugh at them attempting to look tough. Has anyone noticed they never start on people when they are alone? Because I have, they always need "friends" if you can class them as that with them. Some can be ok, but then most are complete...ill stop there.
    Yep, wise choice
    Some are nice but most of them have something negative about them...

  7. #187


    Quote Originally Posted by CrabRacket View Post
    - Usually have an aspiration of gaining an ASBO (Anti social behaviour order)
    - Dress in track suits
    - Speak in Jafaikan (Google it)
    - Burberrey scarfs, hats and other types of clothing
    - Strong odour of cigarette smoke
    - Gold chains and lots of them
    - Tend to move in herds around the town centre
    - Lose their virginity at the age of 11-15
    - Attend the Jeremy Kyle show
    - Swearing and spitting at anyone within 3 metres of them
    - Hearl abuse at anybody until the victim finally stands up to them. They soon scatter.
    Stereotyping or what?! I'm actually shocked that someone could spend so much time being as stupid as to write all this. Chains on lads look amazin... and as for the virginity one.. that is the WORST 1! I'm 13 and I've just lost mine and I don't find that chavvy AT ALL because it's NOT! And whats wrong with smoking? It's not JUST chavs that smoke you know, I know plenty of people who smoke that aren't chavs. And they don't swear and spit at people unless they say anything to em, an even then they don't spit they just stand up for themselves. Don't see why everyone seems to stereotype them so much its ***** ridiculus. If i wanted to stereotype Emos I would say

    -Get great pleasure over stabbing self
    -Listen to awful music
    -Wear awful clothes
    -Get buzzes off pain and dead people

    But if emos choose to live the way they do i'll let them live that way... you've obviously never spoken a word to anyone REMOTELY chavvy otherwise you'd understand that most of them are genuinely nice people who just like to stand up for themselves and like to drink n go out n stuff! Live and let live

    Quote Originally Posted by CrabRacket View Post
    I am sure there has to be a chav aroud habbox somewhere. Or maybe because its Friday night there out...
    Oh my! I just read that and that is ridiculous! I go out on Fridays but only because my bf does wi all his mates so I go 2... but tbh where would you rather be? at home flicking around on msn or out with your mates having fun?
    Last edited by Hannybobz; 18-02-2007 at 03:09 AM. Reason: Read more shocking stuff =D
    i love chaz xx
    what more can I say

  8. #188
    Join Date
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    Flagstaff, Arizona, US.

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    nah not really.

  9. #189
    Join Date
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    Redcar ( Near Middlesbrough )


    no i am not to anwser your q

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannybobz View Post
    Stereotyping or what?! I'm actually shocked that someone could spend so much time being as stupid as to write all this. Chains on lads look amazin... and as for the virginity one.. that is the WORST 1! I'm 13 and I've just lost mine and I don't find that chavvy AT ALL because it's NOT! And whats wrong with smoking? It's not JUST chavs that smoke you know, I know plenty of people who smoke that aren't chavs.
    1)Ok first of, what the **** do you think a chav is? "Chav" is a derogatory stereotype. Nothing more. Chav IS a steriotype. So yes, Obviously its steriotyping, if you dont steriotype chavs dont exist, since all chav is is a steriotype?

    2) Im not sure id assoiated chains with the chav stereotype, but regardless there association doesn't change depending on whether you think it looks cool or not.

    3) loosening there virginity at an early age and teenage pregnancy are part of the chav stereotype, The stereotype is a set of conventions which mean anyone whom meets enough of them, then classes as the steriotype, in this case a chav, you may be a chav, you may not be. I dont know, ive never met you. For filling one convention doesn't necessarily mean you fit the full stereotype though.

    4) As above, its part of the chav steriotype, but its not the whole of it, you can have a chav who doesnt smoke (theoerticaly) and a smoker whos not a chav. The stereotype is unaffected.

    And they don't swear and spit at people unless they say anything to em, an even then they don't spit they just stand up for themselves. Don't see why everyone seems to stereotype them so much its ***** ridiculus.
    1) whats rediculus is how stupid youd have to be to not realise that "chav" IS a stereotype.
    2) If there not massively anti-social there NOT chavs. Its an essential part of the stereotype.
    A chav, does spit, does swear and do "start" on people for no reason. If they didnt, they wouldn't be chavs.

    If i wanted to stereotype Emos I would say

    -Get great pleasure over stabbing self
    -Listen to awful music
    -Wear awful clothes
    -Get buzzes off pain and dead people
    Emo is also a stereotype, although you've confused it with goth by the looks of it, aka the association with the ocult, pain and death.

    The emo steriotype is more around the rich, well off people, whom act as if there really hard done by one over react to things, Wrist slitting, terrible cloths, and emo styled music are what comprise much of the steriotype yes. whether the cloths and music is awful or not is really a matter of opinion.

    But if emos choose to live the way they do i'll let them live that way...
    And... because someone fits a stereotype, there only emos because you stereotype them as emos remember, whats the difference here. Saying what the conventions of the emo stereotype is, is no different from doing the same thing to the chav one?

    you've obviously never spoken a word to anyone REMOTELY chavvy otherwise you'd understand that most of them are genuinely nice people who just like to stand up for themselves and like to drink n go out n stuff! Live and let live
    No, youve obviously never met a chav, more likely just a bunch of the even sadder bunch of people, id class as "scene" "posers" or whatever. Basically there the real sad acts with no identity of will of the own, who then pretend to be members of another stereotype, chav or emo maybe, to avoid haveing to be themselves. Hence why they fail to forfil the stereotype conventions and instead only claim to be part of the stereotype.

    Oh my! I just read that and that is ridiculous! I go out on Fridays but only because my bf does wi all his mates so I go 2... but tbh where would you rather be? at home flicking around on msn or out with your mates having fun?
    Having fun, like most people, although friday is stereotypically the main night the chavs go out, although to be fair, its the main night most people go out, being the start of the weekend an all.

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