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  1. #11
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    Although Britain will be better funded if we leave, I personally think we should stay in the EU. We would be funded better if we left as the taxpayer's money shouldn't have to go to other countries, but, if we left, we would not be protected as much, as the other countries would not be there for us.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Concentric
    Sorry to pounce on you here, but that doesn't make any sense. How has the EU supported the UK in "the war" (by which i assume you mean Iraq)? Other major EU members such as France and Germany were opposed to the war. Please explain what you mean.

    Further to this, do you have any reasoning to support your idea that we're better of united than seperate? Why exactly are we better off like that? To my mind we're worse off to certain extent, because we end up having to support the other less economically successful EU members.
    For example, between 1995 and 2003 Britatin paid more into the EU per person than France and Italy, despite getting far less back due to having a far smaller farming industry and most of the EU subsidies being farming related (the UK pays roughly £6billion into the EU for agricultural use, and would get very little back if it weren't for the ~£2-3billion rebate).
    But if we ever needed help the eu and other countries would help us?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    I think we should stay in the EU as they have supported us over the years.

    Concentric - Super Mod
    PLEASE(!!!!!) try to elaborate on any point you make in a debate. Do not simply post a one sentence answer in which you do not justify or support your points with reasoning or statistics.
    Last edited by Concentric; 22-12-2005 at 11:03 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Ah, what an interesting debate.

    Now is the time for Britain to talk about withdrawing from the European Union? right.. Should We Stay or Should We Go?, is the question.

    Most of Britian sees the conflict over the constitution as a battle between the forces of Old Europe, led by France and Germany ('statist, tax-devouring etc) and New Europe ('more market-flexible, politically loose). New Europe is led by Britain, but with the very important fresh allies of Eastern European countries that have recently joined the EU, and which are more drawn towards the British and American political model -

    Some research and I have found that 'the EU did nothing to free Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Hungary from the Soviet empire' -

    At a time when the possibility now exists of sending so severe a shock to the EU's system that change is unavoidable, it would be crazy, now of all times, to consider withdrawal, we'll get a lucky escape if we do leave now.
    If the referendum is allowed to turn into a vote for or against EU membership, it will let the Euro-federalists off the hook.. will it not?

    Better off out! is what I think.

    Most of Britian feel that the whole EU project has gone too far, and that the surrender of sovereignty involved is already so serious, that the only answer is to withdraw completely. The threat to our sovereignty, our democracy and our centuries-old tradition of self-government, coupled with the huge costs and institutionalised corruption of the EU. The only way forward is out.

    Leaving the EU would be a liberating, refreshing, positive, modern thing to do. And we would be very much richer as well! Think about it, not having to worry about the other EU countries and their problems, we can make Britian a better place, well the government can

    So, I say it again "The only way forward is out."

    Britian should leave the EU.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klock
    Ah, what an interesting debate.

    Now is the time for Britain to talk about withdrawing from the European Union? right.. Should We Stay or Should We Go?, is the question.

    Most of Britian sees the conflict over the constitution as a battle between the forces of Old Europe, led by France and Germany ('statist, tax-devouring etc) and New Europe ('more market-flexible, politically loose). New Europe is led by Britain, but with the very important fresh allies of Eastern European countries that have recently joined the EU, and which are more drawn towards the British and American political model -

    Some research and I have found that 'the EU did nothing to free Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Hungary from the Soviet empire' -

    At a time when the possibility now exists of sending so severe a shock to the EU's system that change is unavoidable, it would be crazy, now of all times, to consider withdrawal, we'll get a lucky escape if we do leave now.
    If the referendum is allowed to turn into a vote for or against EU membership, it will let the Euro-federalists off the hook.. will it not?

    Better off out! is what I think.

    Most of Britian feel that the whole EU project has gone too far, and that the surrender of sovereignty involved is already so serious, that the only answer is to withdraw completely. The threat to our sovereignty, our democracy and our centuries-old tradition of self-government, coupled with the huge costs and institutionalised corruption of the EU. The only way forward is out.

    Leaving the EU would be a liberating, refreshing, positive, modern thing to do. And we would be very much richer as well! Think about it, not having to worry about the other EU countries and their problems, we can make Britian a better place, well the government can

    So, I say it again "The only way forward is out."

    Britian should leave the EU.
    Surley if we lleft the EU we'd have to allie with another country, being an independant country would leave us vulnerable in future wars or debt. If we were to ally with a country, it would have to be a supreme MEDC (More economically developed country), the US. Them being one of the biggest MEDC's in the world would help the UK along in future.
    Sure the UK would be in a better position than we are of today but theres always setbacks like i've already stated.

    I'll state veiws based on both we should stay or we should leave.

    We should stay.
    I think the UK should keep there position within the EU because;
    - Trade:Many EU states rely on the UK's trade, for example, woods, plastics they all come from different spots around the world and if you have a plot of some, other countries will want to trade with you.

    - Freedom of movement of citizens:A very good law but abused quite alot. A combined community of citizens allowed to live in EU states makes it good for business, education and trade.

    We should leave.
    On this, I think the UK should leave the EU for reasons such as;
    - Trade:Sure trade is good when you have a system equally trading with each other, everything goes smooth, right? What would happen if we withdrew our position from the EU? Were still legally aloud to trade with many countries still within the EU. Like I said, many countries have high demands for our trade, look at Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland, they all have a seperate treaty with each other, a smaller community but with almost all the same powers as the EU has. Its sadi that they trade up to twice as more than the UK with countries such as China and India which demand so highly of there resources, they make profit from there trade.

    - Freedom of movement of citizens:As I stated, its a good law but it does come with a few sneaky and money consuming catches. Many South Eastern countries migrate to wealthier EU states such as the UK, they know they will live an easier and simple life. But along with that, tax is needed to fund for there required living. This is why there is a constant increase in tax per year, with more citizens migrating to the UK there has to be more houses built, schools, hospitals leaving not enough thought on improving and moving up a notch on levels of research.
    Leaving the EU would benefit the UK by upgrading the research for healthcare, education and other subjects of life that need looking at. A scenario given for the EU would be the Titanic, once a sparkly new adventurer to a sinking ship.

    If the UK don't leave the EU suddenly then we might get too tied up and be left with no way out.
    The best way of life, an idol country is Australia, segregated from the worries of others than themselves, using there money to help benefit there own people. This is how every country in the world should be like but we've come too far in time to look back at that now. We've formed Unions such as the EU, UN and NATO reason being because all the countries in the world cannot be trusted at this time, the revelution of nukeleare war has made man's thought a little more suspicous.

    To conclude my thoughts, I agree that the UK should leave the EU.

    Opinions and veiws written by NekkLe

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    I think we benefit somewhat from it, but if we were to leave immigration rates would be better.

    Concentric - Super Mod
    PLEASE(!!!!!) try to elaborate on any point you make in a debate. Do not simply post a one sentence answer in which you do not justify or support your points with reasoning or statistics.
    Last edited by Concentric; 22-12-2005 at 11:04 PM.


  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NekkLe
    Surley if we lleft the EU we'd have to allie with another country, being an independant country would leave us vulnerable in future wars or debt. If we were to ally with a country, it would have to be a supreme MEDC (More economically developed country), the US. Them being one of the biggest MEDC's in the world would help the UK along in future.
    Sure the UK would be in a better position than we are of today but theres always setbacks like i've already stated.

    I'll state veiws based on both we should stay or we should leave.

    We should stay.
    I think the UK should keep there position within the EU because;
    - Trade:Many EU states rely on the UK's trade, for example, woods, plastics they all come from different spots around the world and if you have a plot of some, other countries will want to trade with you.

    - Freedom of movement of citizens:A very good law but abused quite alot. A combined community of citizens allowed to live in EU states makes it good for business, education and trade.

    We should leave.
    On this, I think the UK should leave the EU for reasons such as;
    - Trade:Sure trade is good when you have a system equally trading with each other, everything goes smooth, right? What would happen if we withdrew our position from the EU? Were still legally aloud to trade with many countries still within the EU. Like I said, many countries have high demands for our trade, look at Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland, they all have a seperate treaty with each other, a smaller community but with almost all the same powers as the EU has. Its sadi that they trade up to twice as more than the UK with countries such as China and India which demand so highly of there resources, they make profit from there trade.

    - Freedom of movement of citizens:As I stated, its a good law but it does come with a few sneaky and money consuming catches. Many South Eastern countries migrate to wealthier EU states such as the UK, they know they will live an easier and simple life. But along with that, tax is needed to fund for there required living. This is why there is a constant increase in tax per year, with more citizens migrating to the UK there has to be more houses built, schools, hospitals leaving not enough thought on improving and moving up a notch on levels of research.
    Leaving the EU would benefit the UK by upgrading the research for healthcare, education and other subjects of life that need looking at. A scenario given for the EU would be the Titanic, once a sparkly new adventurer to a sinking ship.

    If the UK don't leave the EU suddenly then we might get too tied up and be left with no way out.
    The best way of life, an idol country is Australia, segregated from the worries of others than themselves, using there money to help benefit there own people. This is how every country in the world should be like but we've come too far in time to look back at that now. We've formed Unions such as the EU, UN and NATO reason being because all the countries in the world cannot be trusted at this time, the revelution of nukeleare war has made man's thought a little more suspicous.

    To conclude my thoughts, I agree that the UK should leave the EU.

    Opinions and veiws written by NekkLe
    Exactly. If we leave now, it's an easy escape and we're better off.

    Nice Nathan.

    Concentric - Super Mod
    Ideally in a debating environment you would wait until you had enough to say to make your point worthwhile before interjecting; i.e. not simply posting to congratulate another debater on their point without adding anything of your own or elaborating on that issue.
    Last edited by Concentric; 22-12-2005 at 11:09 PM.

  8. #18
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    Should Britain stay in the EU?
    Personally I believe Britain should stay in the European Union. For many different reasons which I am going to speak about in this post. They all revolve around one key idea. That key idea Look at what Europe has done for us. So without any more chit-chat let me put my point across, which has been backed up with key evidence and facts.

    With the population of Britain rapidly expanding more jobs have to be made. The EU created 3.5 Million jobs for British citizens, which is very good. Because with the freedom to work, live and travel to other countries in the EU it has made many Britains do as so.
    In 1998 over 450,000 British citizens where living/moved to countries in the EU.


    We have a lot of trade within Britain. But 50% of our trade goes to Europe. Over 700,000 British companies have links and buisness deals in Europe.
    In 2000 59% of trade in Britain was with members of the EU. Also out of 10 top trading partners, 8 of them are based in Europe.

    International matters.

    Britain and the EU have together made many matters work and many peace plans happen. In Western Europe for 50 years there has been a peace plan. On matters such as Climate change and Global warming, the EU as a whole has much more impact/say in the matter than the UK alone.

    Benifits for British Citizens.

    In the UK citizens have seen many Benifits since joining the EU. Since the E111 scheme if a British holiday maker was to go on holiday to a country within the EU and were to fall ill, they would get the same treatment in another country in the EU as they would at home.

    Overall I believe that YES Britain should stay in the EU.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Y shud i tell u ?

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    I think they should
    Edit by Baving (Super Mod) - Please try and support your opinion with evidence or reasons, and put just post simple answers like 'Yes I Agree'
    Last edited by Baving; 22-12-2005 at 10:50 PM.

  10. #20
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    You all seem to be hooked on the idea that Britain will be left vulnerable and won't have any allies if we leave the EU. This is nonsense. The EU does not bind the nations by any form of military alliance, so whether we are in or out of the EU makes no difference. Take the war in Iraq, for example. Did all the other EU member states have to go to war with us, just because we were in the EU with them? Of course not, most of them opposed it. Other EU members would do sod all to protect Britain if we were engaged in conflict, whether we are fellow members or not, so Britain would not be vulnerable as a non-EU member (at least not militarily).
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