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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

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    Fire alarm ahhaha that was funny. Only mocks though but we didn't have to finish the exam woop woop!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

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    nothing major

    once during a gcse exam one person started whistling which started off a chain reaction of whistles which was quite funny until 1 person was caught and got shouted at SOOO bad outside the exam hall we heard every single word

  3. #13
    Ekelektra's Avatar
    Ekelektra is offline Content Design Manager
    HabboxLive Senior DJ (Erin)

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    Jun 2011

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    After my year 12 German exam a group of people put in a request for special consideration because the window was open so they could hear the traffic and an ambulance went past at one point, and they couldn't hear the recording for the listening section well and were distracted. I think though that they were just making it a huge deal to try and get extra points because if the window was distracting, they should have asked if it could be closed or asked for the sound to get turned up. It actually passed though and all of us got special consideration in marking although I felt bad because I wasn't affected.

    Also in my latest exam when the invigilator came to compare us to our ID cards, she didn't think it was actually me in my photo. I glanced up at her which is usually fine but she asked me to look up again, then asked me again, then got a piece of paper and wrote down my number and desk. Then she was talking to another invigilator and said something like 'I was unable to ID her in the grey jacket' so he came around and checked too took one look at my card and walked away so I guess he thought it was really me.
    I have a feeling though that the first invigilator was really hoping to catch someone cheating, she told lots of people off for not having their bags directly underneath their desks and later caught someone wearing a watch. She seemed really smug when she told them off and when she said she couldn't ID me too.

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