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  1. #11
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    do you attend events? whenever i see one on, i'll go visit.

    why (not)? i attend events because that's where the community is however if an event is boring me to death like don't get/roll a __ then i'm more likely to sit out in the vip and not take part in the event.

    do you think the average event prize is acceptable? the rule of 2 credits at a bare minimum is pretty decent i think, however i believe there should be more alternatives other than tokens or rep because really, no one chooses them because of the minuscule amounts of them which are being offered. maybe raising the amount of rep/tokens given out may increase the proportion of people who choose to take rep or tokens as their prize. furthermore, to draw more recurring players into habbox events maybe creating an events player reward system where you get a point for each win (or more points depending on how difficult the game is to win or how long the game lasted) could do the department some justice. the points could be redeemed for bigger things like rares or credits, a bit like tokens but for habbo items rather than forum goodies. knowing that you could grab yourself a rare over time if you kept returning to habbox events may just entice some people into becoming a reccuring events player.

    do you think the department is working well? there's such a lack of events that it's really hard to tell what is really going on although that isn't to say the department isn't working well. you could introduce some staff bonding tasks, cards against humanity maybe or the events department playing carnival together with agms or something, i remember back in 2011 i hosted a staff bonding for the events dept and we played draw my thing together and it was really fun and everyone got interacting with eachother, this is especially good when there's a lot of trialists, it's an opportunity for them to make friends within the department which might make them want to stick aroud. maybe put off the events hosting rewards system for a week and introduce a staff challenge which had a leaderboard (things that earn points don't have to be exclusively on client, maybe gaining a point for each post made of the forum, gaining extra points for using the events suggestions thread or creating an original event) and the people with the top 3 amounts of points at the end of the week would be given rares or something greater than the staff rewards currently running.

    if you could what would you change? for now, just the quantity of events, without events being hosted habbox's presence on the hotel just feels so dead because nothing is actively happening. some other suggestions are given below under "anything else to add".

    what is the worst thing about the department?
    sometimes just being given credits every single time you win is boring it'd be nice if furni was a prize choice aswell as creds. it feels like no one cares enough about the department, from the outside it literally looks like no one is motivated or enthusiastic about events. there's not much persuading people to join habbox within the actual event rooms either, events are a great way to entice people into joining habbox but no one will want to sign up just because the host said sign up to habboxforum, i remember @Smurfed-; was particularly good with making friends with new people in events when he was manager, speaking to new people rather than just current habbox members, it's especially nice when people with some sort of high role at habbox is speaking to a new face in an event, feeling like you have a friend with a high role might make you feel like you'll find it easier to fit in at habbox.

    what is the best thing about the department? am blank! just kidding, @!:random!:!; 's murder house or whatever it's called whenever it's hosted it gets super busy and it's super fun to play, it should be considered as a weekly event imo because she hosts it really well and her room is always wonderfully layed out. i like it when people have nicely themed rooms, kimmy is particularly good at this esp with her halloween room which was also wonderfully layed out, lukasaur's halloween was just equally as lovely. i've not really seen much from the other eo's or i can't really bring anything unique to mind but i'm sure there's something there! events has potential, it just takes a bit of work to bring it out.

    what are the events you enjoy? events where the room looks half decent (as you can probably tell from above answer), some events rooms lately are looking a little weak and cheap (just gross in general) and it's not a good look at all. most of these rooms are group rooms anyway, couldn't they be decorated a little more nicely? i'm willing to drop some furni here and there for anyone who needs it but i've seen a few rooms where the furni doesn't match and everything just looks out of place, if the room isn't good looking, people are going to presume the prize is terrible and aren't going to want to stay for the duration of the event to see what's actually on offer.

    what events do you want to see less/more of?
    ​i don't think there should be more or less of any particular event, just more events in general would be a good start. it would be nice to see more original games being hosted, maybe put a ban on certain games like falling furni (which really doesn't appeal to many people nowadays) or don't get/roll a __ (which requires absolutely no effort to host and if i'm honest is just a lazy event and seems really slackerish). getting some weekly events in order would also be a nice thing also as they always seem to be "in the process" but i never hear anything of them actually happening.

    rate the events department out of /10 3 i don't mean this in a harsh way i just believe it could easily be better. compare the habbox events timetable to thishabbo's, it's impossible to say there isn't a significant difference, there's just something vital lacking @ habbox.

    anything else to add?
    firstly, please do not even consider raising the minimum back to 3 events just to get the quantity of events to increase, i believe it's staff member numbers, motivation & dedication that will improve the department. raising the minimum wouldn't change a thing, you can't expect individuals to dedicate hours upon hours to a virtual game giving away their furniture and money away, this is why i believe it would take an increase in staff members for the number of events to increase.

    when habbox is advertised in events i mainly see the forum link or the jobs link however i believe that the link should be used more frequently, if there is a newcomer to habbox events in the room i don't think they're going to want to take time up signing up to the forum to apply just based upon one event, plus if habboxlive djs are constantly advertising habbox for it's radio, shouldn't events organisers be advertising habbox for it's events page? if the events timetable were full then it'd be far more impressive to a newcomer, and seeing a fuller events time table might convince someone to keep checking back into habbox rooms.

    with this comes prebooking which i think needs a push, it'd look a lot better if people were booking events in advance but it seems like everyone enjoys booking events about an hour before it's meant to take place, maybe add prebooking an event within a certain time frame to the list of staff rewards points or whatever as it'd encourage people to prebook and it'd look much better to someone visiting the habbox website to see a nice long list of events that they're welcome to.

    another thing is, like i mentioned previously, the number of staff within the events department. i remember when i was staff in events earlier this year, i found it ridiculously easy to recruit events staff. i don't think people realise how much of an advantage events has as a department in terms of how easy it is to find someone to host an event for events. with departments such as content it's so hard to find people to apply because a lot of habbo based people don't know much about what content is or what it does or how to edit a page and really people aren't willing enough to learn either, but it's much different with events because habbo games aren't that hard to host and people host events all the time therefore people who would be interested in hosting an event make themselves so obviously known which is why i really don't see any excuse for the lack of staff in the events department, all it takes is a quick add of people who are hosting events on habbo out of their own free will and asking them if they're interested in hosting for an official habbo fansite, that's how people like broski3.0 and athletesheart came about and admit it, they were good while they lasted (even athletesheart managed to host 6~ events in a week)! i remember when i was in events sammy was trying to create a role for someone who would be able to find events organisers that showed an interested in hosting for habbox and within this role the person would have the ability to put someone straight through to a trial without the hassle of submitting an application. even more, with the mention of the events rewards scheme (aka referring to it as getting paid for hosting events) people were easily persuaded into applying for events.

    i remember back in 2011 we were allowed to host duo events with other staff members, maybe consider bringing this back, it made hosting events a little more enjoyable. obviously, this could only be done anyone could think of events that could use to hosts (or even better, invent your own that could use 2 hosts) even more, this may have the effect of raising the number of original events being hosted if people enjoyed hosting as a duo, this would count to both of the people's minimums and therefore might encourage people to host together or fill up a few extra slots on the timetable but only if people were willing to work together.

    another thing that might be useful in gaining staff members is looking back through events staff archives at who has previously been an active, well-performing events staff and contacting them and seeing if they have an interest in joining the department, i could name a few who are currently at habbox or have recently visited who would be a great assett to the team.

    one more suggestion is to create a rule where your events room must advertise habbox in one way other than on a stickie note, constant repetition of habbox links or room name, examples could be spelling out "habbox events" with the builders club letters, having a habbox wired message or a bot which will do it regularly, i'm sure there are tons of other ways this could be done that i can't think off.

    also just a final little thing, please can we make it so that there's no habboxvip passwords, make the lounge areas available for everyone, not just exclusive for habbox members. it probably makes people who are new to a habbox event feel excluded from the community if they don't know the keyword.

    tl;dr: the events dept has so much potential, there's so much that can be done with a bit of dedication, i believe it.

    (also i'm so sorry if half of this comes across harsh i was trying to be constructive and half of it might not make sense i'm really sleepy).

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Thanks to everyone who gave their input, we will take everything on board. @Mrs_Plant and myself will be looking at all of the feedback during the weekend. Once we have done that, we will dicuss what to do next. If you have anything else to had then please do. Thank you all once again

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassiieee View Post
    4) If you could what would you change? To much to state.
    5) What is the worst thing about the department? LOL. - I'm not even going to say....
    8) What events do you want to see more of? Skill events. (Look in your handbook)
    10) Rate the events department out of /10. Meh.
    Anything else to add? No
    Thank you so much for your contribution?!? Why did you even bother if you just intend to show how much you don't care anymore? From your answers what in the name of GOD do you really expect to come from your post?

    Anyway, ignorance aside here's what I have to say.

    1a) Do you attend events?
    Afraid not, sorry!

    1b) Why (not)?
    It is absolutely nothing personal to the department, it will always be close to my heart ever since I managed it all those years ago. I have just grown out of Habbo and when I do come online there's either no event (so I just log out) or just sit in the event and see what's going on.

    2a) Do you think the average event prize is acceptable?
    I never had a problem with the prizes I've received in an event when other people have. This is one of those things where you just can't please everyone. I would love to see more forum based prizes like VIP and Icons given mainly to encourage new users.

    2b) If not what would you like? (be realistic)
    I would love to see more forum based prizes like VIP and Icons given mainly to encourage new users. Something I spoke to Chris about when I was FM and he was GM was having a "Newbie" VIP. I was going to give every EO and DJ 2 Weeks of VIP to give out per week to give to people who aren't signed up to try and get them onto the site. Maybe you could see what people think of this idea but would have to talk to Matt and General Management.

    3a) Do you think the department is working well?
    Well there's not exactly a lot of events but this has been a problem for a very long time unfortunately. I think Management are indeed working well to do what they can for the department.

    4) If you could what would you change?
    The amount of events but alas wouldn't we all? Something that I have never seen in events being done by anyone but me is someone who isn't the events hose talking to people they don't recognise in the room, making them feel welcome, telling them about what habbox has to offer (like if there's a big event on with lots of creds or something. Competitions is also really good to advertise here). It REALLY does work guys, it's where most of my referrals are from.

    5) What is the worst thing about the department?
    From the times I've been there more recently I haven't seen a lot of engagement with people who aren't friends of the hose, people from Habbox etc. There's also a lot of picking on people that are just 'passer by's' in events. This is something I addressed a good while ago. In events where there's a p2k option, people always kick the people they don't know. While that's obviously the natural thing to do, they are eliminating possible members of the community before their friends and it's like GUYS COME ON?!

    6) What is the best thing about the department?
    Management seem proactive in trying to solve the problems they currently have which is great, well done guys!

    7) What are the events you enjoy?
    Skill events, one I particularly liked was Isolation.

    8) What events do you want to see more of?
    Original and WEEKLY EVENTS

    9) What events do you want to see less of?
    I hate trivia games especially when capitals and/or periodic tables are topics and I'm playing against @Samanfa; I don't even mind luck games like fridge game, younger members like them because they might not have as much skill or logic to play other games and we need to welcome these members.

    10) Rate the events department out of /10.
    It would probably be unfair for me to say but lack of events aside, maybe like a 7.

    Anything else to add?
    I think I've said everything but thank you both for your work, I hope this thread and all the feedback you're getting is worthwhile, just skip Cassie's....

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    @Elegance; when you say "hours upon hours" are you really suggesting that hosting three events per week is too much? Some of the staff play habbo 5-10 times that amount of time in a week. 3/168 is not demanding. Funding is available (afaik?) if prizes are becoming an issue.

    yes to compulsory visible advertising (not just stickies) but no to removal of habboxvip pls. It's very useful.
    Last edited by Kyle; 07-11-2015 at 03:18 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Probably the worst feedback given, since I'm not really providing any solutions - sorry

    1a) Do you attend events?
    I try to but there's not many on when I want to go it seems. Plus (I know I can look myself but y'know lol) if I ever ask in HxHD if there's any events on I get ignored quite a lot or just told 'probably not' or 'maybe', nothing specific such as what event or who's hosting it if there is one. I also only attend events that seem fun, I can't really be bothered playing don't get a carrot and a few other boring luck games.

    1b) Why (not)?
    See above

    2a) Do you think the average event prize is acceptable?
    I think the current prizes (or at least the ones I have received since last winning, which was a while ago) are pretty decent. A minimum of a few coins of overall value should always be strictly applied though - if not it may consequently discourage players returning as most non-habbox players are probably looking for good prizes to build up their wealth.

    2b) If not what would you like? (be realistic)
    See above, keep a good minimum prize. There certainly shouldn't be a maximum, the greater the prize the better, being realistic of course.

    3a) Do you think the department is working well?
    It's OK, I don't think that it's bad or anything, but there's room for improvement. We certainly need to bring up the quantity of staff and the overall quantity of events, but I know how hard than can be. It'd be good to try and encourage current staff to host more, but don't push it of course - a minimum of 2 events a week is good enough and doesn't put staff under too much pressure. It'd also be good to see more internationally timed events, reaching a wider audience. But, yet again, the problem is actually finding people to host which is a struggle. The only way really is to go around the hotel, spread the word of the beautiful habbox events department. Sorry I can't be much more help .

    I haven't seen Murder Mansion / Ghost Train in a while, so that's a huge worry for me!

    3b) Why (not)?
    See above

    4) If you could what would you change?
    More wired game events/original events/skilled events, balancing out the amount of luck events hosted - there's just too many and it's boring for me personally, more interacting between hosts and players, and making people more aware of habbox better through actual discussions and explanations and not just spam-bot-wired-sticky advertising

    5) What is the worst thing about the department?
    The lack of events hosted, but I know how hard this can be and it's not necessarily management's fault!
    The amount of luck events need to be lowered too (or the amount of skill/wired/original events increased?)

    6) What is the best thing about the department?
    The dedication a lot of hosts have and their enjoyment of hosting .

    7) What are the events you enjoy?
    Wired events, original events, skill events, events which the host actually has to put effort into, murder house, MURDER HOUSE, MURDER HOUSE!!! MURDER HOUSE!!!!!!!

    8) What events do you want to see more of?
    Explained above

    9) What events do you want to see less of?
    As said, luck events. Some really are boring - like don't get a carrot, don't roll a 6, pod racing, don't touch my wall, etc. They're all so tedious, and require little effort from both the players and the hosts. I'm not saying to stop hosting them completely - there needs to be a variety between luck and skill, of course.

    10) Rate the events department out of /10.
    If the quantity of events weren't a problem, probably a 8/10. However due to the lack of events, I'd say a 6/10 for now. As said, this isn't me blaming management or faulting them, it's tough work. Quantity is definitely one of the biggest problems right now.

    Anything else to add?
    If the events host isn't enjoying the event they're hosting, it is likely the players won't either.
    Last edited by Lewis; 07-11-2015 at 08:16 PM.
    The day I get to 200 in Ping Pong II is the day my life is complete.

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