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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

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    yeah its getting less active every month imo

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    i agree with the generation thing.

    jordan, clarissa, joe etc in spam - now it's nothing
    loads in runescape - now nothing

    too many.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

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    It is getting rather bad to be honest. For the past two years I've made an average of five posts a day, for the past few weeks it's just been a post or two a day. There simply isn't enough interesting threads to post in.

    No one seems to be asking for help in the Technology Discussion. The Current Affairs forum is a disaster, every single thread is just a rant about the government, and then a certain group of users will turn it into an argument about the EU or something similar and trivial. It's now very boring and it's full of threads which aren't interesting. Never anything interesting in Discuss Anything anymore, and even the Feedback forum isn't interesting anymore

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    It is undoubtedly an issue at the moment, it is something I highlighted before my return and I am very much interested in doing everything possible to improve the issues Habbox as a whole is having, in particular the Forum.

    It is my feeling that, as Gomme has said, Habbox is losing it's previously dedicated members. It is therefore important to attract new members, so as to replace the members we are losing. In attracting more members we must retain them. Retention is difficult, however, and for this reason I feel our focus should be on gaining new members - the more we gain, the more we retain (in theory).

    In order to achieve this it is important to increase our presence on Habbo itself. Restoring Habbox's previous Habbo glory is the key to increasing Forum activity. In the coming month's every department is planning big things for Christmas and the fansite week. Hopefully this will work toward creating hype for Habbox and then in the New Year we can really continue to push - hopefully with a General Management team who are fully active (note that I am not criticising here, it is unavoidable!) so such things can be coordinated and pushed through.

    We are aware of the problems and we are seeking to improve them.
    Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

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    The forums been going up and down for ages now. I'm still here, atlhough i've had my breaks. I put most of it down to the fact i was alot younger when i first came on, perhaps the forum was more appealing then!

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eled View Post
    Rare Values has been wrong for a long time, items should be pressed on rarity, because at the moment, values are being changed from mostly people trying to sell things for more to bump up the Habbox price. Some of the Habbox RVR's make up prices, for them to either get profit in their items or just to produce their 6 reports a week... You should base it more on the rarity, like thrones shouldn't be anywhere near as high as 80.0 IMO... And things like Russian samovar's are VERY rarely seen in Habbo IMO, they're price should be much higher...

    And with HxL, they're used to be over 130 listeners regularly, now there's rarely even 100...
    Are you a relatively new regular habbox user? If so, welcome, take some time to get used to things and rant about them then If not, that post was very uninformed and foundationless. Rare values have worked like that since habbox started doing them, the value of things is set by the trades the RVRs see. If you think a throne is worth less, go and try and buy one for less! If no-one will do it because they don't think the throne is worth that, the value is clearly correct And HxL had around 300 listeners last time I listened about a year ago, to quote 130 as the peak means something has gone horrifically wrong with them if it's dropped that far!

    Aaaaaanyway -breathe- em yeah I've noticed this too, maybe its just the natural evolution of things, look at myspace. It failed to keep up with the times and something newer and better came along and took its place (facebook). Maybe habbox has done the same; the forum skins have been the same for years, there are still archaic rules like not having a picture of you in an avatar on the grounds of safety when people putting pictures of themselves on facebook left right and centre, we never implemented features such as groups and medals and the arcade (granted it's there but criminally underused and hard to access) and as a result the forum is simply behind the times. Us older users don't mind because we were there before and don't like change (like the people who still use myspace) but the forum just isn't an attractive prospect for newer users.

    That on top of all the points about less presence on habbo and stuff that have been brought up earlier!

  7. #17
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    I think alot of the older members scare new members off with some of the goings on on the forum. Considering they could be as young as 11.

  8. #18
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    Yeah I think it is a case of becoming a bigger presence on Habbo again. I think the appeal of fansites has declined a lot compared to what it used to be. Doesn't help that Sulake doesn't seem to give a crap now that Habbo is well-known all over the world. Fansites like Habbox were around before anybody had heard of Habbo but look at their "Offical Fansites" page, it's a joke :rolleyes:.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sergio View Post
    Yeah I think it is a case of becoming a bigger presence on Habbo again. I think the appeal of fansites has declined a lot compared to what it used to be. Doesn't help that Sulake doesn't seem to give a crap now that Habbo is well-known all over the world. Fansites like Habbox were around before anybody had heard of Habbo but look at their "Offical Fansites" page, it's a joke :rolleyes:.
    Not forgetting they treat them like crap too. The whole VIP fiasco is a shambles, no company should ever treat their fans like crap, especially when fansites need some sort of income to give free advertising to their somewhat lame product

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Professor-Alex View Post
    Are you a relatively new regular habbox user? If so, welcome, take some time to get used to things and rant about them then If not, that post was very uninformed and foundationless. Rare values have worked like that since habbox started doing them, the value of things is set by the trades the RVRs see. If you think a throne is worth less, go and try and buy one for less! If no-one will do it because they don't think the throne is worth that, the value is clearly correct And HxL had around 300 listeners last time I listened about a year ago, to quote 130 as the peak means something has gone horrifically wrong with them if it's dropped that far!

    Aaaaaanyway -breathe- em yeah I've noticed this too, maybe its just the natural evolution of things, look at myspace. It failed to keep up with the times and something newer and better came along and took its place (facebook). Maybe habbox has done the same; the forum skins have been the same for years, there are still archaic rules like not having a picture of you in an avatar on the grounds of safety when people putting pictures of themselves on facebook left right and centre, we never implemented features such as groups and medals and the arcade (granted it's there but criminally underused and hard to access) and as a result the forum is simply behind the times. Us older users don't mind because we were there before and don't like change (like the people who still use myspace) but the forum just isn't an attractive prospect for newer users.

    That on top of all the points about less presence on habbo and stuff that have been brought up earlier!

    I agree with them, and whenever anyone seems to suggest anything, older member seen to shot them doing saying the like old-school Habbox and that everything should stay the same when there are hardly any of them left, and most of the time, they get listened to.

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