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Thread: Christianity.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

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    Like Fiendly said, I think it isn't about the having fun etc. etc. but more that I want to learn about it. I mean it's a hard thing to put out there without starting a crap storm but I do believe in God and I think if I went to mass or just something church oriented, I may be able to fill what I feel is missing at the moment, an involvement with others who kind of have the same train of thought as me.

    I'm actually really nervous to talk to the friends I mentioned in the original post about wanting to go to the youth group or something because I don't think they'll take me seriously. Hmmm I'm starting to think I have a problem with fear of rejection :/
    Quote Originally Posted by Special-1k View Post
    How do you uninstall an internet? I want to uninstall my Google Chrome and
    get firefox but I never really got rid of an internet my dad usually did it for me.
    If you know how post below so I can do this.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Well I used to go to Church but my family sort of stopped when my brothers started playing Hockey & Tennis...anyway I'd just go. Your own family should let you do what you want, and if anyone, it shouldn't be your family calling you a Jesus freak, they should be encouraging you to go if that's what you want to do.

    Go to Church, talk to the people and find out about any youth groups they do, I know a lot of Churches do them. If not maybe just attend once a month? It's not a go once go every week type of thing, you can go once then not turn up for a year then go every week for a few months or whatever suits you.

    I suggest go, if your family really care they won't tear you down for your own beliefs.

    DJ Robbie
    Former Jobs: Events Organiser, News Reporter, HxHD

  3. #13
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    Well myself and another friend who is kinda in the same situation as me have talked to a mutual friend of ours and we are off to service this sunday Is it wierd that I am really excited haha. I think it's just the fact that I am going to get to meet so many new people!
    Quote Originally Posted by Special-1k View Post
    How do you uninstall an internet? I want to uninstall my Google Chrome and
    get firefox but I never really got rid of an internet my dad usually did it for me.
    If you know how post below so I can do this.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    I was raised Christian my entire life. I'm now 23, and I am still a Christian.

    I can tell you I am generally happy with the things that are taking place in my life, and the direction I am heading in, and for that I thank God!

    I think a lot of people bash Christians due to stereotypes. Just like people in America tend to stereotype people of other races, and other religions. I'm glad the people you hung out with were cool. Most Christians I hang out with are really down and hey! I love Jesus but I drink a little.

    moderator alert Edited by mdport. (Forum Moderator): Please do not bump old threads!

    Last edited by Matt; 23-10-2014 at 02:12 AM.

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