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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hecktix View Post
    Attacked Iraq on suspicions they had WMDs. (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

    North Korea HAS ADMITTED testing WMDs. Or Nuclear testing anyway.
    Why aren't we at war with them.

    I don't like Bush. I don't like Blair. However I believe that Blair WAS forced into the Iraqi decision by Bush and I also believe Mr Blair regrets his decision now.

    Saddam run a similar regime to Hitler. We didn't bother with Hitler despite the fact we knew what he was doing until he invaded Poland and we HAD to act unter a pact we had.
    So if Britain will ignore a dictator killing thousands of Jews, why go in full guns blazing on someone running a more leniant regime?
    You said why don't we go to war with North Korea?..

    Well i do believe we, were planning to but North Korea Said " If you ingauge in war we will self destruct the Nuclear bomb" I got that from a news article on my homepage ages ago. Anyways thats why were not at war with North Korea.

    Also i feel the war with Iraq was wrong yea maybe they were under suspicion that they had WMDs. But did they actually find any evidence of this? No so clearly it was a mis-understandment in going to war with Iraq. Well thats what i think anyways..

  2. #22
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    Basically its all about war now.

    I honestly think that if everyones needs were met we could have world peace.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neurotic View Post
    Basically its all about war now.

    I honestly think that if everyones needs were met we could have world peace.

    I agree with what you have said. Yea basically the world is just some big battle field now, ready to explode!.

    I do think they should all gather round a table and discuss there diffences and sort the world out once and for all before it's too late..

  4. #24
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    I think there are many hidden facts about this war.

    But I dont think that is a bad thing.

    The government should keep secrets from the public. If we know then the whole world does, including our enemys.

    I know it is bad that 119 Brithsh have died but....

    When it is all over Iraq will be a better place.

    Sadam could have turned into the next hitler and it could have turned into a worse situation.

    About the government and secrets.

    I think there were other reasons for going into Iraq and other things that are keeping us there. Because of this I dont think we can make comments like it is for nothing. Some might say "we are the people and need to know everything about our government" But I would rather them know it all and be able to keep us safer.

    About the secret prisions that the US had, which were found out. They were toturing prisoners to get information about future attacks. I didnt see a problem with that but now that the whole world knows they have to act like it is a bad thing and charge them with a crime and not toture interrogate them.

    Basically to sum everything I said up.

    I dont think anyone but the high government knows enough about the war to say if it is right or wrong. And I dont think that is a bad thing.

  5. #25
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    War doesn't break out, peace does.
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  6. #26
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    Overall, it just isnt a war worth fighting

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BL!NKEY View Post
    I think there are many hidden facts about this war.

    But I dont think that is a bad thing.

    The government should keep secrets from the public. If we know then the whole world does, including our enemys.

    I know it is bad that 119 Brithsh have died but....

    When it is all over Iraq will be a better place.

    Sadam could have turned into the next hitler and it could have turned into a worse situation.

    About the government and secrets.

    I think there were other reasons for going into Iraq and other things that are keeping us there. Because of this I dont think we can make comments like it is for nothing. Some might say "we are the people and need to know everything about our government" But I would rather them know it all and be able to keep us safer.

    About the secret prisions that the US had, which were found out. They were toturing prisoners to get information about future attacks. I didnt see a problem with that but now that the whole world knows they have to act like it is a bad thing and charge them with a crime and not toture interrogate them.

    Basically to sum everything I said up.

    I dont think anyone but the high government knows enough about the war to say if it is right or wrong. And I dont think that is a bad thing.
    There is a difference between hiding facts about war stradegy, and hiding facts from the public about why you went to war in the first place.

    And no. Iraq wont be a better place. Did you know that there were never bombings in Iraq before this war? This wasent happening all along. 2%, (Thats right, you can look it up) of the population of Iraq is dead over the war. If 2% of your country were dead, there would be outrage. They arent bombing just to be mean, theyre bombing because we're there.

    Citizens have EVERY RIGHT to criticize what the leaders are doing, youd be an idiot to think otherwise. If it wasent for citizens, there would be nothing stopping leaders from doing anything wrong. It isnt only our right, its our duty to question everything that goes on. It is 100% necessary. We cant follow blindly behind someone.

    The problem with the secret prisons is that many, (possibly even most) of those prisoners are 100% innocent. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. These prisoners never had trial. So these people are being tortured for information, AND THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING. Oh, and by the way, if one person being tortured actually does know information, do you actually think they would give it away? These people are willing to blow themselves up, I doubt water boarding will make them say a word about anything. Torture works on TV, but it never works in real life.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedStratocas View Post
    There is a difference between hiding facts about war stradegy, and hiding facts from the public about why you went to war in the first place.
    I agree.

    I am also saying that I think they are hiding facts about why we went to war so "I" dont want to say that we did it for a right or wrong reason. Because I think we dont know the whole story.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedStratocas View Post
    And no. Iraq wont be a better place. Did you know that there were never bombings in Iraq before this war? This wasent happening all along. 2%, (Thats right, you can look it up) of the population of Iraq is dead over the war. If 2% of your country were dead, there would be outrage. They arent bombing just to be mean, theyre bombing because we're there.
    But before the was Sadam was toturing his people and it was a dictator ship. Because we wont pull out untill there is democracy, Iraq will be a better place when we leave. I know that alot of bad things are happening to Iraq but that is because there is a war going on. Americans died in the war of independence but that doesnt mean that independence was not worth it.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedStratocas View Post
    Citizens have EVERY RIGHT to criticize what the leaders are doing, youd be an idiot to think otherwise. If it wasent for citizens, there would be nothing stopping leaders from doing anything wrong. It isnt only our right, its our duty to question everything that goes on. It is 100% necessary. We cant follow blindly behind someone.
    I agree that we have the right to criticize what they are doing. I stated that "I" dont want to say that we did it for a right or wrong reason. Because I think we dont know the whole story. I know the government makes mistakes but they are not going to pourposly make bad choices.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedStratocas View Post
    The problem with the secret prisons is that many, (possibly even most) of those prisoners are 100% innocent. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. These prisoners never had trial. So these people are being tortured for information, AND THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING. Oh, and by the way, if one person being tortured actually does know information, do you actually think they would give it away? These people are willing to blow themselves up, I doubt water boarding will make them say a word about anything. Torture works on TV, but it never works in real life.
    Well Bush just signed a bill legalizing them


    Anyways I agree that it is bad to tourture innocent people, but we were talking about this in my history class a while ago. Some of the prisioners were giving information about future attacks (probably through torture). If they give the information which turns out to be true then they are obviously not innocent people. So they probably have more information.

    Now is the moral choice.

    Do we toture them more untill they give us more information to save thousanda of innocent citazens lives?

    Or do we keep our morals high and put the terrorst in a regular prision?

    Should we keep our morals high or step lower to their morals.

    Obviously everyone has differnt oppinions about this but I think in that case it would be ok to toture them for more information about future attacks.

  9. #29
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    This is easy one, The war in Iraq is wrong!
    I mean like what is it really over!, the tried to make us believe all the rubbish Tony Blair and George Bush came out with, but we all know what what it is really about...Oil.
    Personally I think that if they both want to start a war, then fine but they both have to go out and fight with the troops, also if their children are the right age to join, then they should, maybe then they might think twice. But then again, knowing Blair and Bush they would come out with some pathetic excuse.
    Last edited by Starburst..x; 22-10-2006 at 02:43 PM.

  10. #30
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    I think that Britain/America did the right thing to go to war on Iraq, but in my opinion they never found what they was looking for (weapons of mass destruction) so they should come out.

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