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  1. #21
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    Without human beings on this planet, animals would be getting on with their lives, eating what they need to survive and no more, and certainly not ruining the earth through greed and experimentation - we're so pompous as a species that we think that just because something doesn't speak our language it's somehow inferior, and it doesn't matter if it get's destroyed for our own good. I say, if you want to use products or keep youself alive beyond your natural time for dying then be prepared to put yourself forward for testing - one horror story gets in the news and suddenly everyone thinks human testing is terrible - imagine the number of animals who die lonely and painful deaths in labs around the world with no way of complaining about it. I'd like to see less people sitting around watching tv and getting obese, and more going out and trying to recreate some of the environments that we've trashed in our quest for science and progress - remember it's only a few hundred years since we thought the earth was flat, so how can we imagine that we know enough about animals to justify the torture inflicted? it makes me cry

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edna Birch View Post
    i dunno much about it, so i'll say:

    Do they get an animal and put make-up on it? and spike up its hair?

    Yes they do. They put make up on them, use shampoo and other cosmetic products to test if it doesn't sting when you get it in your eye, if you don't get allergic reactions when you use it and other stuff.

    Also, people/scientists say it's bad when there are too many of one specie, it messes up the food chain. Guess what! There are too many humans and we messed it up big time.
    Humans are looked upon as the best species, the dominant ones, the smartest ones (one of the smartest ones anyway), but we aren't. Most humans can't catch their own food, build their own houses, protect themselves without using weapons. I personally think humans are the weakest specie.
    But I'm going way off topic now.

    Why should humans be allowed to test on animals to cure human disseases? Animals aren't testing on us or other animals to cure their disseases. In the wild you get eaten when you're sick and/or old, humans should have the same destiny.
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  3. #23
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    Animal's in labs are not treated badly, I watched a program on channel four which showed how well they are treated, some people just refuse to belive them =l The way the scientists are treated is terrible! the amount of crap they go through to do what they wanna do in life is stupid. If the animal protesters would just sit down and chat instead of rampaging the streets of london, then this mess with animal protesting will be eradicated. Of course i'm talking about medicine-wise, without animals we would still lack even the basics. Cosmetics is another topic, if they are gunna test them, test them on humans, why slap up a pig in make-up just to see if it will affect nothing, why make a monkey smoke even though the effects are clearly known. Cosmetic testing is wrong but for medical science is right. Before saying animal testing is sick, research the topic and think if animal testing has saved someone in your family from an illness.

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  4. #24
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    I don't really see the point in testing on animals because they may react differently than humans do, they could of found a cure for cancer, tried it on a rabbit and it turns out bad because the rabbit reacted badly, a human might not react like that so testing on animals isn't really 100% effective, testing make-up and stuff on animals is dumb because make-up is just as pointless as cigarettes are, drugs should be tested on criminals that are sentenced to death, not animals or just random people

  5. #25
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    This is a really tricky subject. I am ok with it, I tend to not think about it day in, day out so I just tend to ignore the fact it is happening and let them do what they want. After all, animals are different to humans, we tend to forget that an animal isn't as aware as us and they don't act the same as we do in situations.

  6. #26
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    Default Animal Testing.

    Animal testing has been around for a very long time, just like the animal protesters that try to stop it.

    Good Points
    • It will show if some products are unsafe and potentially saving human lives.
    • It will save the company from a law suit about harming human beings.
    • It will sort out the harmful products from the non-harmful products.
    Bad Points
    • The product may not react the same on animals as it does on humans, therefore showing that the product is safe on animals and not on humans when they try to release the product onto the market.
    • The animals themselves could be hurt or injured for life, even killed.
    • The animals will get upset and will gradually die.
    My View

    I am opposed to animal testing because i think it is wrong to harm any other living thing on the planet intentinally for human vanity. They only test on animals so they don't harm any of the humans who want to wear make-up and other products for pure vanity.


  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I don't really see the point in testing on animals because they may react differently than humans do, they could of found a cure for cancer, tried it on a rabbit and it turns out bad because the rabbit reacted badly, a human might not react like that so testing on animals isn't really 100% effective, testing make-up and stuff on animals is dumb because make-up is just as pointless as cigarettes are, drugs should be tested on criminals that are sentenced to death, not animals or just random people
    i like your idea of putting make up on criminals. i think it would make them look very pretty

  8. #28
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    It should be allowed, imagine how many lives we can save by killing a few rats.

    There isn't really much to debate about this subject, if your gran could be saved by a rat dieing then what would you pick?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by X:RiX:X View Post
    Animal's in labs are not treated badly, I watched a program on channel four which showed how well they are treated, some people just refuse to belive them =l The way the scientists are treated is terrible! the amount of crap they go through to do what they wanna do in life is stupid. If the animal protesters would just sit down and chat instead of rampaging the streets of london, then this mess with animal protesting will be eradicated. Of course i'm talking about medicine-wise, without animals we would still lack even the basics. Cosmetics is another topic, if they are gunna test them, test them on humans, why slap up a pig in make-up just to see if it will affect nothing, why make a monkey smoke even though the effects are clearly known. Cosmetic testing is wrong but for medical science is right. Before saying animal testing is sick, research the topic and think if animal testing has saved someone in your family from an illness.
    Ok let me rub crap that stings like hell in your eye, and then tell me how that isnt treating you badly ;o not to mention the death of the animal in many cases, but i guess that isnt miss-treating them either?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    It should be allowed, imagine how many lives we can save by killing a few rats.

    There isn't really much to debate about this subject, if your gran could be saved by a rat dieing then what would you pick?
    Rat's don't get used as much as chimps and other primates because they are closer relatives to humans. Also the genes and other things that have evolved inside us humans may re-act different to animals then what it does us as I posted. If they found a product worked on "Rats" and then released it into the market and it killed someone then they will be sued all over the place.. maybe even taking more then 1 [the animals] unnessicary life..[the humans]

    At the end of the day, it's all about human consumption and Vanity. If the world wasn't so materialistic then we wouldn't have to test on animals and the world wouldn't be all heaty uppy n stoof.

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