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Thread: Riots in the UK

  1. #21
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    ^ While you make a semi-valid points its irrelivant? This situation has nothing to do with race as I said if it had happend anywhere else protests would of still occured. Far enough they have gotten completley out of hand and thats where your point is valid on multi-culturalism and the break down between police and the communitys. However thats not the point at hand here.

    Again this was first ment to be people standing up to the fact that the shooting may have been unjust. Now I dont see why people are sayin he was not innocent, obviously he was not innocent he had a gun, but the point is there's a certain procedure that needs to be followed. If he did not shoot anyone then why was he shoot?. I can't judge the guy because I dont know him and him having a firearm does not give a good impression but if he did not shoot anyone then all of this would have been avoided by simply arresting him and charging him.

    The riots have gotten out of control and what was ment to be a protest has now turned into a roit which is a shame because it only causes more problems for evryone. The clean up is going to cost alot of tax payers money. Its a shame though that today in society the only way to really get headline news is to infact do things like this. If it had been a peacfull roit sure it would of gotten in the news somewhere, but it would of not made front page news and thats the problem, thats the same thing that occured with the students protest. They did not focus on the thousand of students that turned up and had a peacfull protest but the focused on the minority who made it violent.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by [Jay] View Post
    ^ While you make a semi-valid points its irrelivant? This situation has nothing to do with race as I said if it had happend anywhere else protests would of still occured. Far enough they have gotten completley out of hand and thats where your point is valid on multi-culturalism and the break down between police and the communitys. However thats not the point at hand here.

    Again this was first ment to be people standing up to the fact that the shooting may have been unjust. Now I dont see why people are sayin he was not innocent, obviously he was not innocent he had a gun, but the point is there's a certain procedure that needs to be followed. If he did not shoot anyone then why was he shoot?. I can't judge the guy because I dont know him and him having a firearm does not give a good impression but if he did not shoot anyone then all of this would have been avoided by simply arresting him and charging him.

    The riots have gotten out of control and what was ment to be a protest has now turned into a roit which is a shame because it only causes more problems for evryone. The clean up is going to cost alot of tax payers money. Its a shame though that today in society the only way to really get headline news is to infact do things like this. If it had been a peacfull roit sure it would of gotten in the news somewhere, but it would of not made front page news and thats the problem, thats the same thing that occured with the students protest. They did not focus on the thousand of students that turned up and had a peacfull protest but the focused on the minority who made it violent.
    If it has nothing to do with culture (again, not race) then why are the areas in which trouble is breaking out in, black/ethnic areas which have managed to retain/grow a different culture as opposed to pan-Britishness? I have heard time and time again on the news that there are tensions between 'the community' and the Police - that there is 'nothing for the youths to do'. An effort is being made here to make out that the Police are racist and are picking on black people for no apparent reason, of course we know this to be rubbish but this can be seen especially with the BBC which wants to make us all believe that the people causing this damage are really just being overcome by a disease called 'crime' when we know such a disease does not exist.

    As for your claim on the man who was shot, I very much doubt this would kick off in areas not similar to these - clearly the gangsters in the area, with their numerous contacts and friends are upset at the action made against the armed Mr. Duggan by the Police. Again, this is the reaction we get when we encourage people to see one another as 'black community' and so forth.

    The ghettoisation of our towns and cities which turns people into seperate groups is a direct result of uncontrolled, mass immigration. The second part, the failure of integration, is a direct result of the scale of immigration to hit us along with political correctness which I touched on above. The product of this political correctness can be seen directly in coverage of the event slamming the Police for 'not supporting the community' - absolute tosh of course but thats the kind of rubbish you get when you allow political correctness to fester all around us.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 08-08-2011 at 10:35 AM.

  3. #23
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    I doubt the riots have anything to do with immigration/multiculturalism. It's to do with teenagers in a gang subculture who'd like to find any reason to cause a bit of mayhem and have some fun even if that means a lot of headache for other people. And this sort of attitude is in all gang subcultures, both black and white.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inseriousity. View Post
    I doubt the riots have anything to do with immigration/multiculturalism. It's to do with teenagers in a gang subculture who'd like to find any reason to cause a bit of mayhem and have some fun even if that means a lot of headache for other people. And this sort of attitude is in all gang subcultures, both black and white.
    Really? then why are self-appointed 'community leaders' having a go at the Police for not 'engaging with the community' (whatever that means)? why is it that only areas effected by mass immigration and ghettoisation (which includes whites also, again this is cultural) having violence flare up? I linked earlier to the same event that happened in Tottenham in the 1980s.. strange how it flares up in only these areas, Toxteth in Liverpool being another example with the Toxteth riots. We didn't have this reaction when Brazillian-born Jean Charles de Menezes was shot who lived in more or less the same area. A consquence of multi-culturalism *not multi-racialism*, we're reaping what our politicians have sown.

    The idea of Police vs blacks or whatever it may be is ridiculous nonsense used to justify the actions they've taken, however it must be noted that the offical policy of government of promoting multi-culturalism coupled with uncontrolled immigration only serves to encourage this viewpoint.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 08-08-2011 at 11:10 AM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Really? then why are self-appointed 'community leaders' having a go at the Police for not 'engaging with the community' (whatever that means)? why is it that only areas effected by mass immigration and ghettoisation (which includes whites also, again this is cultural) having violence flare up?
    cause the areas effected by mass immigration are also the areas with the most poverty and therefore the most crime and therefore the police's target zones when looking for criminals, especially of the ASBO-teenage type but not just limited to such. At the end of the day, police are human too. If their 25 years of experience has taught them that a robbery could be linked to someone within a neighbourhood, of course that's going to be the first place they'll look. However, this just gives rise to the 'police vs blacks' as you put it. You seem to have a habit of saying that these reasons (especially if they're sociological, which I know you despise) justify their actions. It doesn't justify their actions at all. It's a (possible) explanation, not an excuse.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inseriousity. View Post
    cause the areas effected by mass immigration are also the areas with the most poverty and therefore the most crime and therefore the police's target zones when looking for criminals, especially of the ASBO-teenage type but not just limited to such. At the end of the day, police are human too. If their 25 years of experience has taught them that a robbery could be linked to someone within a neighbourhood, of course that's going to be the first place they'll look. However, this just gives rise to the 'police vs blacks' as you put it. You seem to have a habit of saying that these reasons (especially if they're sociological, which I know you despise) justify their actions. It doesn't justify their actions at all. It's a (possible) explanation, not an excuse.
    Quite the opposite, i've said crime isn't a disease - something sociology thinks is. The people involved in this should be punished severely [they won't though] as they are knowingly and purposely doing damage and harm.. however as you say, the multi-culturalism part is an explanation behind the mindsets.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 08-08-2011 at 11:42 AM.

  7. #27
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    Half the rioters probs don't even know why they're doing it, just joining in for the "fun" setting fire/causing damage to INNOCENT (yeah that's innocent, not the person who got shot I don't get how the hell you can class him as the innocent one Lamar) peoples property.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inseriousity. View Post
    cause the areas effected by mass immigration are also the areas with the most poverty and therefore the most crime and therefore the police's target zones when looking for criminals, especially of the ASBO-teenage type but not just limited to such. At the end of the day, police are human too. If their 25 years of experience has taught them that a robbery could be linked to someone within a neighbourhood, of course that's going to be the first place they'll look. However, this just gives rise to the 'police vs blacks' as you put it. You seem to have a habit of saying that these reasons (especially if they're sociological, which I know you despise) justify their actions. It doesn't justify their actions at all. It's a (possible) explanation, not an excuse.
    Cause and effect in action.

    I think it has become pretty obvious that multi-culturalism is a myth that will never truly exist. I disagree with undertaker, I do think one of the issues here is race, because in a lot of areas your race will define your culture (note: not all) and cultures don't mix, even though races do. The problem is the lack of integration into British culture (as has been stated) and there are people who believe that immigrants should not adopt our culture; as long as these people exist we will never have complete social integration of the races. The issue here is not people from different cultures learning about and cherishing their cultural heritage, it is the active eschewing of British culture, which leads to pockets of seperate cultures (and usually races) that cannot coincide. When you have this situation, which we do - there is no denying it - you are asking for riots and segregation by culture. If we aren't united by culture we are divided by it; this is human nature. We have mostly moved past division by race but I have a feeling this won't happen with culture.

    As has been stated by undertaker, the root cause of this is the uncontrolled immigration which lead to poor integration.

  9. #29
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    Isnt just there now, its all over London theres been riots theres riots going on in Hackney atm, my phones me going off for ages asking me to go and join in, dont think so

    But yeah the man got shot for a reason, carry a gun get shot its the only way, these riots have nothing to do with the man being shot.

  10. #30
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    at first i was in full support of the police's action, now i think they need to step it up a bit. if the looting/rioting continues it will spread countrywide. many many people will go in for a freebie.

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