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  1. #21
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    they aren't going to learn about sex at 5 years old... they'll learn about health and maybe something to do with relationships.

  2. #22
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifuseekamy View Post
    So basically more of Labour's plans to dumb down education in order to obtain the national statistics they desire. Of course the anti-British republicans will also use this opportunity to attack the royals for daring to have an opinion on political affairs.
    Thank you, hit the nail exactly on the head on both points.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexxxxx View Post
    isn't this an initiative asked for by teachers to liberise and give them the power to teach them what's nessasary rather than curriculum forged somewhere else. It might be easier for people in York to learn about local history (like the vikings etc) because of their proximity to places for school trips etc and kids in Bath to learn about the Romans, as bath is an ancient town. History and Geography is already mixed in some schools under the banner of 'Humanities' so I guess that isn't really a change.

    Teachers know best how to teach children, not some opinionated fool trying to win support for ill-thought populist ideas.
    Actually humanities is the department they all fall in, as they are smaller departments they are often grouped together for school/staff purposes, but the lessons rarely are, only for maybe the lower sets.

    Teachers do know best, just like how my old Geography teacher a few years ago told me how over the past 10 years the stuff the lower school were doing 10 years ago, the A-level students are now doing. Labour can boast about how its got the highest education records ever, but we're not stupid - we know its fiddled everything to suit its own needs.

    Quote Originally Posted by LuketheDuke View Post
    So climate change doesnt exist now all of a sudden? And scientists are being paid off by nobel prize winner Al Gore? Climate change is no longer classified as a theory, 99% of people who have researched the subject show amountable evidence that shows its occuring. I think itd be a good idea if children knew about it.
    No it doesn't exist at all, mainly because the temperatures have hardly changed (infact a year ago a government scientists openly admitted on NewsNight that global temperatures had stayed the same for the last 100 years) - it is merely a money making machine that people are now starting to wake up from.

    You may swallow everything the left throws out but some of us have more common sense and history on our side when we look at these issues.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexxxxx View Post
    they aren't going to learn about sex at 5 years old... they'll learn about health and maybe something to do with relationships.
    Surely that's something taught at any moment in any class and a "life skill/lesson"? Chucking it into "sex education" is a waste of time :/ Did they get rid of PSHE/PSE/Citizenship/RSS? Relationships have always been discussed, and when thinking about it more... Relationships weren't needed to be discussed. Why do they need to learn about relationships? Seems like dumbing down to me :/ And these children are 5, talking about health will confuse them. Again, another topic pointless to be discussed at 5, and it kinda suggests children just appear from no where and lack parents or homes. This isn't a school matter, it's a life and family "school" matter :/

  4. #24
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    How is prince charles ???? Um confuesedm o wait nvm I forgot this is a uk site

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Actually humanities is the department they all fall in, as they are smaller departments they are often grouped together for school/staff purposes, but the lessons rarely are, only for maybe the lower sets.

    Teachers do know best, just like how my old Geography teacher a few years ago told me how over the past 10 years the stuff the lower school were doing 10 years ago, the A-level students are now doing. Labour can boast about how its got the highest education records ever, but we're not stupid - we know its fiddled everything to suit its own needs.
    Humanities was taught as a subject in a middle school that i was once at. I think it is quite popular to do this in smaller schools.

    This has nothing to do with A-Levels or GCSEs though, this is to do with primary education. Teachers do know best how to teach and therefore more senior teachers should be taking roles in setting the curriculum for that particular school, whilst maintaining national standards of quality and depth.

    IB should be taught instead of A-Levels.

  6. #26
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    On the news yesterday they said 5-year-olds would be taught about how to behave in a relationship. They didn't mention sex education.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sergio View Post
    On the news yesterday they said 5-year-olds would be taught about how to behave in a relationship. They didn't mention sex education.
    That's stupid... How to behave in a relationship? What things will they be discussing? A relationship follows the same codes of conduct as talking to any other human being - respect, manners and compassion. A relationship works on the same lines :/

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GommeInc View Post
    That's stupid... How to behave in a relationship? What things will they be discussing? A relationship follows the same codes of conduct as talking to any other human being - respect, manners and compassion. A relationship works on the same lines :/
    It's in relation to domestic abuse. Agreed, though.

  9. #29
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    I thought the Royals wernt meant to interfer with government policy and not be bias towards any party?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sergio View Post
    It's in relation to domestic abuse. Agreed, though.
    Watching a parent go through abuse, or stopping themselves from abusing? At 5 years old, the latter won't go through to them and the former is something teachers should be looking for in a child's behaviour, not the other way round Then again, they could teach children basic law and emergency services, so steering away from sex education or relationships and focusing on a bigger picture might be better - instead of focusing on just the child/parent abuse, why not teach them the importance of law?

    It seems like a "half-arsed" attempt at re-writing the school classroom agenda :/ But at school, I remember some lessons being a bit on the pointless side, so the revamp on geography, history and so forth might be a welcome change to some. You can only do so much without getting boring or complicated.
    Last edited by GommeInc; 27-11-2009 at 02:07 PM.

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