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  1. #341
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  2. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbie! View Post
    Me likes.
    Back for a while.

  3. #343
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by CHA!NGANG View Post
    No you haven't hence why I don't have anything against you and think that you are a good City fan, unlike a certain other City fan on this Forum. And to be honest, even before the season started I didn't respect City for spending loads and trying to buy success, it had nothing to do with the game. And also, the lack of respect wasn't soo much to do with City, more to do with Toure and Adebayor, well no mainly Adebayor as Toure did well with Arsenal, and no-one really Critisised him leaving as he wanted a change. Adebayor on the other hand, showed disrespect for Arsenal and purposely injured his ex team-mate which is why people don't respect him. Also, I don't understand how it was racism. Maybe I was missing something as I didn't see the whole game but why would be racist to him? We have plenty of players the same race/colour as him and we aren't racist to them. We weren't even racist whilst he played for the club, we thought he was lazy hence why we booed him. Race doesn't have much to do with it I don't think. Even Henry said the Celebration was disrespectful towards the arsenal fans and manager as without them, he would probably be playing for Monaco and wouldn't be as good of a player as he is now.

    Anyway, that's that delt with.

    Chelsea look unstoppable also on a side note
    If you knew what your fans we're singing you would no what I am on about... To sing what they sang against a former player of theres is just disgusting. The only player that I can think of and that used to play for City and the fans show disloyalty to, is Joey Barton, all we do is boo him, but he did beat up one of our own players...
    Quote Originally Posted by BoomItsClowgon View Post
    The thing is I've, been to 9 united matches so i know what it's all about.

    Obviously your friend's weren't real United fans because if they supported them for years why all sudden go support a different team?

    Real Football? United play Real football.

    Say if you moved to another City.. would you still support the Blues? :eusa_clap
    Oh no! That makes such a difference! My mates must have seen 2/3 games but to be able to see Wolves every fortnight makes them happy enough, and some are even going to away games!

    I have seen Fleetwood Town FC play four times and I only ever watch them when I see my cousins (twice a year) and a match is on at the same time. That hardly makes me a fan lol. A true fan watches must at least, (as a minimum!) four games in one season of their club. So unless you have supported United for the past two years then maybe fair enough. But I'm guessing not as you supported them when you was two. How many home games have you missed from Man Utd then over the last few seasons? Naughty naughty.

  4. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamedragon3 View Post
    If you knew what your fans we're singing you would no what I am on about... To sing what they sang against a former player of theres is just disgusting. The only player that I can think of and that used to play for City and the fans show disloyalty to, is Joey Barton, all we do is boo him, but he did beat up one of our own players...

    Oh no! That makes such a difference! My mates must have seen 2/3 games but to be able to see Wolves every fortnight makes them happy enough, and some are even going to away games!

    I have seen Fleetwood Town FC play four times and I only ever watch them when I see my cousins (twice a year) and a match is on at the same time. That hardly makes me a fan lol. A true fan watches must at least, (as a minimum!) four games in one season of their club. So unless you have supported United for the past two years then maybe fair enough. But I'm guessing not as you supported them when you was two. How many home games have you missed from Man Utd then over the last few seasons? Naughty naughty.
    Disagree. Does that mean exiled fans of smaller clubs living abroad are not true fans?

  5. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamedragon3 View Post
    If you knew what your fans we're singing you would no what I am on about... To sing what they sang against a former player of theres is just disgusting. The only player that I can think of and that used to play for City and the fans show disloyalty to, is Joey Barton, all we do is boo him, but he did beat up one of our own players...
    Edit: That was distasteful, sorry!

    But yeah it's all part off the parcel of being a professional footballer.
    Last edited by Browney; 20-09-2009 at 07:20 PM.

  6. #346
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  7. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbie! View Post

    Gotta love it.
    Corruptness at it's highest level.

    Anyway. Dirty scummy fan spitting.

  8. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamedragon3 View Post
    If you knew what your fans we're singing you would no what I am on about... To sing what they sang against a former player of theres is just disgusting. The only player that I can think of and that used to play for City and the fans show disloyalty to, is Joey Barton, all we do is boo him, but he did beat up one of our own players...

    Oh no! That makes such a difference! My mates must have seen 2/3 games but to be able to see Wolves every fortnight makes them happy enough, and some are even going to away games!

    I have seen Fleetwood Town FC play four times and I only ever watch them when I see my cousins (twice a year) and a match is on at the same time. That hardly makes me a fan lol. A true fan watches must at least, (as a minimum!) four games in one season of their club. So unless you have supported United for the past two years then maybe fair enough. But I'm guessing not as you supported them when you was two. How many home games have you missed from Man Utd then over the last few seasons? Naughty naughty.
    It's not that easy if you live far away, especially if you are uni, or if your doing your A Levels. Plus if your a student, 50 quid is quite a lot for a football match. It depends really, on how far you live and how much it is. In my life, I've probably seen... 50-60 Arsenal games, however, the bulk was when I was younger as recently I just don't have time. This season I will try to make to at least 5 home games, maybe more but I don't have the money or time as it's a big year.

    Anyway, it depends on cost/age/location !
    Last edited by CHA!NGANG; 20-09-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  9. #349
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    Bellamy is a great striker.
    Last edited by Jack.Lfc; 20-09-2009 at 08:01 PM.

  10. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by lBlue View Post
    Corruptness at it's highest level.

    Anyway. Dirty scummy fan spitting.

    Anyone love how after that Rooney walks up to him and gives him a pat on the back to say well done as if he would have done the same himself.

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