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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saurav
    I miss the time when DJ-3000, Anitar, Seacat, JackHb used to run the forum. People did a better job then.
    The forum was much smaller at that time so its not as hard to moderate etc but yes they were all great people .

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ---MAD--- View Post
    The forum was much smaller at that time so its not as hard to moderate etc but yes they were all great people .
    Not really.
    Back then you had around the same number of users online as you do now.
    The only difference is the amount of members.

  3. #33
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    Well, half them links have been sorted now, lol. :]

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saurav View Post
    I think we need more moderators or moderators who actually do their job properly

    I was looking at Discuss Anything - Took me 5 minutes and I found all these. You really need better moderators. Also, most of them are over a week old.
    http://habboxforum.com/showpost.php?...0&postcount=10 - pointless post
    http://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=399616 - wrong forum
    http://habboxforum.com/showpost.php?...87&postcount=6 - pointless post. nothing to do with the topic.
    http://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=399525 - wrong forum
    http://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=398975 - already a thread on it
    http://habboxforum.com/showpost.php?...4&postcount=12 - pointless post again
    http://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=398916 - already posted in sports forum. so multiple thread on same topic.
    http://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=397929 - wrong forum

    ^^ Most of them might get edited now. I dont think the forum moderators are doing a great job in Discuss Anything (apart from mattmeister)
    Above are just examples, I am sure there are alot more.

    I know a lot of threads are posted each day, but I am sure if I can find them by just looking around the forum, moderators can too.

    Oh and please dont just say "report them"
    You know the rules have changed and most of the threads you have pointed out are the softest of rule breaks that don't even require an edit or action unless the members does it constantly so the mods are doing what is required of them in the moderator guide. They are supposed to concentrate on the harder rule breaks. If they were editing every single little thing you would be saying that that they are power mad so they can't win The majority of the mods are new as well so I think you should give them a break

  5. #35
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    None of your business!

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    At the moment there are enough modertors but like with anything it takes time to train them and the forum is very busy. Also we can't guarantee that moderators will be online when rule breaking occurs, once it occurs I'd Say virtually all rule breaking is dealt with fairly quickly. All moderators are active (unless they are away etc) as Habbox do not employ moderator who are not doing their job correctly. Habbox has a very strict scheme of moderating and make sure only the highest standard of moderation occurs throughout the department. I can assure you that all the staff are working very hard, you have to remember that large proportions of moderators are new and people do not just get promoted to Super Moderators as someone suggested earlier. Moderator have to be experienced and very active to be placed as Super Moderators as more responsibility is required and tasks vary from moderation.

    The moderation department is running at optimum performance and in my opinion no more moderators are needed and neither are any changes. Some things take a little while to be dealt with but not matter how many moderators you employ you can't be sure that will speed things up as it is impossible to tell when rule breaking will occur. It's much better to have a team of Quality moderators/super moderators rather than mass moderators who make loads of mistakes and do not have a clue what they are doing.

    I can assure all of you that all moderators and super moderators work very hard and deserve their jobs at Habbox otherwise they simply would not be here.
    Last edited by Mr.OSH; 21-09-2007 at 10:07 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by opensourcehost View Post
    deserve their jobs at Habbox otherwise they simply would not be here.

    Surely the fact that a user has pointed out posts, and even ive noticed mistakes made by the baby mods and how other forums and posts have remained unactive, the otherday i went completly offtopic in a thread and went from discussing webdesign to discussing the pregnency of danny, lasting well over an hour, where was the mod then? , wheres my infraction damn it!

    If the mods arn't showing the levels they should be , they should be replaced

    But of course i can't pass any real comment about mods keeping there jobs when they shoudn't until the moderator trials are over... surely then the baby mods who don't deserve there jobs will be removed, as after the long conversation in the feedback thread , i have faith in the management.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan View Post
    Surely the fact that a user has pointed out posts, and even ive noticed mistakes made by the baby mods and how other forums and posts have remained unactive, the otherday i went completly offtopic in a thread and went from discussing webdesign to discussing the pregnency of danny, lasting well over an hour, where was the mod then? , wheres my infraction damn it!

    If the mods arn't showing the levels they should be , they should be replaced

    But of course i can't pass any real comment about mods keeping there jobs when they shoudn't until the moderator trials are over... surely then the baby mods who don't deserve there jobs will be removed, as after the long conversation in the feedback thread , i have faith in the management.
    As you said mistakes made by new moderators is expected. Unfortunately you guys will have to accept that they are still learning for now. Other than that, I can be 100% sure when I say everyone else within the department deserves there job and I'm sure most if not all the new moderators do to, I'm sure they will all do great. It's hard at first but in time it comes like a second nature if you work hard at it.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by opensourcehost View Post
    At the moment there are enough modertors but like with anything it takes time to train them and the forum is very busy. Also we can't guarantee that moderators will be online when rule breaking occurs, once it occurs I'd Say virtually all rule breaking is dealt with fairly quickly.
    I have seen a lot of posts which take over a week to get removed. Sometimes they are ignored. I pointed out a few pointless posts in my first post. They were around 10 days old.
    Also not all the moderators are trialists ...
    Last edited by Soil; 21-09-2007 at 10:19 PM.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan View Post
    Surely the fact that a user has pointed out posts, and even ive noticed mistakes made by the baby mods and how other forums and posts have remained unactive, the otherday i went completly offtopic in a thread and went from discussing webdesign to discussing the pregnency of danny, lasting well over an hour, where was the mod then? , wheres my infraction damn it!

    If the mods arn't showing the levels they should be , they should be replaced

    But of course i can't pass any real comment about mods keeping there jobs when they shoudn't until the moderator trials are over... surely then the baby mods who don't deserve there jobs will be removed, as after the long conversation in the feedback thread , i have faith in the management.
    I think it's a bit too much to expect all rule breaking to be dealt with within the hour. Within 24 hours is more realistic.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saurav View Post
    I have seen a lot of posts which take over a week to get removed. Sometimes they are ignored. I pointed out a few pointless posts in my first post. They were around 10 days old.
    Also not all the moderators are trialists ...
    Pointless posting for example is what we call a piece of soft rule breaking. This occurs regularly and little if any action if taken for it, your likely just to have your post edited, so when I said the above I was implying hard rule breaking is deal with very quickly e.g. bullying, inappropriate post, filter abuse etc, the more important things that need to be dealt with.

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