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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

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    i always get the bus
    i really hate it when people play music outloud ;l
    i hate ity when people shout on the bus
    when ppl smoke on the bus (is that even legal)
    when people spit out the window
    when people put feel on the chairs
    when people act as if its their bus
    people who bring rly smelly foods like boxes of fish and such n open them
    people who are behind me open the window next to me when its pissing down with rain
    when people refuse to move when its your stop cos theyre so comfy and you end up missing your stop
    people who stand on the stairs
    it annoys me when people dont say thanks to the bus driver and idk why lol
    when people are rude to the bus driver
    when the bus drivers rude to people
    when people who are like 13 and have nothing wrong with them refuse to give up their seat for older people who struggle a lot more even tho theyre def capable of just standing for a couple of stops and instead leave the older people to stand
    when the bus is full and people still put bags and stuff on seats
    when people leave hot chocolates and such on seats and it spills
    when people start trying to be rude to you because theyre with their friends like hello minding my own business here
    people with bad b.o yeah
    people who stand in the way of the door and dont mind theirselves when other people are trying to get through

    a lot of things
    oh this is only bout buses rly
    Last edited by Gina; 31-07-2014 at 07:50 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    its not legal to smoke on a bus gina wtf are they not getting chucked off or anything

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Intersocial View Post
    its not legal to smoke on a bus gina wtf are they not getting chucked off or anything
    no! nothing happens lol where i live its not a v shocking thing tbh lmaoo sometimes the bus drivers goes up but they refuse to get off the bus n then lots of trouble n police come and all that
    they prob think its not worth the trouble

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    England, UK

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    There's a lot of things that pissed me off on the bus, but I'll be fair to those people in that it wasn't their fault as such. Children are loud, large people are large, it cannot really be helped.

    There are 3 things that really pisses me off that people do.

    1. Pushing in the queue. When people are there before you it is courteous to let them ahead in most situations with the exception in #2. This isn't so much a problem when it's not a group of school kids, but it would piss me off so much when people did this. It's like they can't grasp simple concepts.
    2. Not letting those who need the space in first. Could be someone with crutches, a parent with a child, an old person etc. Regardless of how much space is on the bus, they should always be let on first as far as I'm concerned.
    3. Being intentionally disrespectful to the bus driver in any way. Be it unnecessarily loud noise, jumping around, being an arse. Again, with some kids there is an exception because they don't tend to realise what they are doing but anyone aged 11+ should be able to control themselves.

    Oh and bonus #4. Those who hold up the bus for no good reason. I had a woman who missed her stop because she pressed the bell quite late and the driver didn't realise. It happens and usually they will stop as soon as they realise. This woman could have just accepted it and walked the extra 20 metres, but no she decides she needs to argue with the bus driver for about 5 minutes therefore delaying everyone else, the selfish *****.

  5. #35
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    Mines would have to be when people curse in general when they are on public transport mainly when there are children as well but regardless of that there is no need to overly curse especially in other peoples company who need to listen to it.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemons View Post

    people who stink of BO and weed and sit next to you
    people who open the windows on the bus whilst air conditioning is on and it's 10 billion degrees
    people who talk loud
    people who don't have money on their oyster card and have long argument with driver begging to let them on
    annoying primary school kids who shout down from one end of the bus to the other
    people on the tube who don't wait for people to get off before getting on
    people who blocks the doors on the tube
    people who put their bags in their seats so people can't sit there
    people who play their music loud
    people who eat smelly food
    when there is fights on the bus that makes me super uncomfortable!

    can't think of anymore atm
    lmfaoooooooooooooooooo 'can't think of anymore atm'

    ermmmmmm ppl who play music out loud or ppl who eat loudly on buses!! even worse if the food smells yuk

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Story time!!

    Okay one time me and my gf were going up to Dublin to see a show. We got the 7:30am bus from my two and we went to the back and there were like no people on the bus so Aisling lay down on me to get some z's so we took up like three single seats. Then like a half hour later this guy got on the bus and THERE WAS STILL LOTS OF ROOM and he came to the very back and sat with us anyway and we were like oh okay.

    This guy smelt so bad of just everything, B.O., booze, weed etc. and was trying to talk with us and we were just like this guy isn't right. Like five minutes later he took out a massive bottle of Devil's Bit Cider and started drinking it AT LIKE 8 IN THE MORNING. Seriously I think it was 2-3 litres. We were really uncomfortable.

    The weird thing is, this guy was wearing a suit so we thought it was some dodgy bloke on the way to work or something. Not before long he whipped out his phone and was talking to someone for ages and eventually started saying like "Will you be my witness" and stuff like this. THIS GUY WAS O NTHE WAY TO COURT!!!!! We were really freaked out but just stayed put and then he started pissing down the fire escape and stuff omg but yeah....... didn't like him.

  8. #38
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

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    Old people that kick you off priority seats when the bus has like 3 people on it.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    I have a lot of peeves n theyre all going to come out now ok

    1. Prams that don't fold up. I get you need something to take your baby around in but that means you need to buy it a lightweight, easy-to-fold pram that doesn't block up the entire tube/bus :@
    2. Rude bus drivers. When I was at an old school, I remember I was running late one morning and so I was running for the bus. I was literally FIVE METRES away when the bus driver the closed the doors in my face, smirked, and drove off. I was only like 11 so I just wanted to cry
    3. Anyone else who is rude. I don't care if you're having a bad day, that's not my (or anyone else on this bus') fault so get over yourself and learn some manners
    4. People who won't let you sit down when there's a spare seat next to them.
    5. Screaming/crying children/babies. Some kids just need a good slap. And if your baby is properly screaming its lungs out on a fullish bus (although it's worse on the tube), it's polite to just get off at the next stop to try and calm it down instead of sending everyone around you quietly insane.
    6. People who SPIT. I was sat on the bus one time a few years ago and this teenager spat on an old lady's shoes. She gave him the dirtiest look I have ever seen and then hit him with her shopping bags it was legit one of the funniest things ever.
    7. Perfectly able-bodied people who refuse to get up for the elderly, disabled or pregnant. But that's also kinda funny because then you know everyone else on the bus is collectively hating and judging that person for being a *****.
    8. Perfectly able-bodied people who expect other able-bodied people to get up for them when the bus is full. It's first come first serve, folks.

    Hmm that's all for now. I have others related specifically to the tube but they're not as "interesting".

    Wow public transport gets me so angry.

  10. #40
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    None really, although in London today about 4 youths were flexing and climbing the bars a lot. It wasn't annoying really and in some way cool but leaving skateboards standing upright against the side which inevitably fall to the ground with a load bang while they were mucking around didn't please that many people on the Jubilee line between Canary Wharf and Stratford.

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