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  1. #4641
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    Smackdown vs Raw 2010 to have online Battle royal?


    sounds interesting

  2. #4642
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

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    Yeah, I read that a few weeks back, very nice. Hoping for 8 men in the ring or more like JBI.

  3. #4643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    Yeah, I read that a few weeks back, very nice. Hoping for 8 men in the ring or more like JBI.

    Needs to improve on it's heavy lag for it to be decent though.

  4. #4644
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    Roster so far:

    RAW: Cody Rhodes, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Maryse, Mickie James, Randy Orton, Triple H.
    Smackdown: Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, John Morrison, JTG, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Shad Gaspard, Undertaker.
    ECW: Christian.
    Legends: The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin.

  5. #4645
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  6. #4646
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    From IGN:
    - In the latest SVR game, you're going to be able to create fully 3D characters, entrance videos, finishers, logos, color schemes for existing WWE stars, and even your own stories to play through. As is that wasn't impressive enough, the hook is that you'll be able to upload all of these creations to the SVR servers so that the world can search for them, rate them, download them, and share ideas.

    Main Menu
    - The main menu is where you'll get to tackle the first-ever SVR tutorial. Rather than just have you watch a video or play a game of Simon Says, the facility is packed with more than 100 moves and events for you to master.

    - As you move around the ring, different tasks pop up in the corner of the screen in an attempt to teach you the things you can do in a given area. If you're standing in the middle of the ring, the task might be as simple as taunting, but if you're coming up on your opponent -- who can stand there like a punching bag or be changed to one of the game's difficulties -- the game might try to teach you how to pull off a grapple move. As you perform these tasks, the move gets checked off on the screen and disappears so that it won't pop up while you're learning again. You can turn the tips off or reset them so everything pops up again, but the idea is to give newcomers an idea of how to play and to give seasoned vets a refresher course while sprinkling in some of the game's newest offerings.

    Further Gameplay Improvements
    - When I took on Triple H as Chris Jericho in a falls count anywhere match, the ref followed the fight around the barricade and up the entrance ramp -- he didn't stay in the middle of the ring like a goon. When we were brawling around the squared circle, the camera angles were actually cool and not way too close and/or obscured by barricades like last year. When I slapped the hell out of John Morrison's chest as Edge, his chest actually got red from flesh on flesh contact.

    - The big on-screen HUDs are gone. Now, the matches have a TV style feel to them from the location of the bout popping up during entrances to the "WWE Live" logo that appears in the lower left corner of the screen as the match begins to the WWE copyright that pops up at the end of the fight -- mind you, this is all happening during exhibition matches.

    - Anyway, momentum is now displayed by a small halo around the feet of your Superstar. There's a blue outline that slowly builds as you pull off suplexes and drop kicks. When you've earned enough for your Signature Move, an "S" in a yellow circle appears on the meter, and when you've got your finisher, an "F" in a red circle appears down there. There's still limb damage and such to worry about, but you'll need to watch how the Superstars are acting and not some colored silhouette.

    - In terms of controls, 2010 played pretty much exactly the same as 2009, but there were more additions and polished moments. There's one shoulder button for reversing. It'll pop up above your character's head to give you that window of opportunity to block a punch and fight back. Thing is, you get just one shot at it, so spamming the reversal button isn't going to help anyone but your opponent. I came across another interesting addition in a first blood match as Edge against John Morrison. When I pushed Morrison to the mat, a right stick icon with a blood outline popped up on my momentum meter. When I hit it, Edge knelt down and began jacking John in the head to try and draw blood. Similarly, when I was getting kicked to death as Triple H, a shoulder button combo appeared on my meter that commanded Hunter to roll out of the ring.

    - The models and moves look better than ever but they still do look like last year's; these little camera cuts and ring rope physics make the experience feel fresher and more realistic.

    CAW Improvements
    - Create-A-Superstar is back, but this time all the parts are in 3D, which means ties will no longer be painted to your character's chest and so on. There are more than 1,000 parts in this year's mode and it's packing a new interface, super-quick load times, and more.

    CAW Parts
    - When THQ was paging through the hairstyles, all of the options popped up in a second and as the player scrolled through the hairpieces on the character's head, the longer styles swayed back and forth with a surprisingly fluid animation. Rather than restrict you to a certain number of layers as in years past, SVR 2010 gives each item a point value and only allows you to use so many points (48 is what I saw when fooling with the mode) for your guy or gal. The goal of this overhaul is to make the CAW look as good as the real WWE talent. During the demo, I didn't see any that accomplished this goal -- hats still look goofy -- but these created character definitely look better than the offerings of previous titles.

    Character Pose Before Match
    - Plus, you can even choose your character's pose for the versus screen. There are 18 options ranging from intimidating to hilarious and it's about time we got that choice.

    Paint Tool Customization
    - WWE SVR 2010 packs the Paint Tool. Here, you can create original art that you can then slap on a piece of clothing or straight to someone's body as a tattoo. In action, the tool looks a lot like the paint tool in Fire Pro Wrestling and packs a bunch of tools -- pen, eraser, paint can, etc. -- as well as a color spectrum on the left side of the screen with the canvas on the right. This is a freehand option, so you're free to create comic book logos, sports icon, and whatever else you can think up. These icons will appear online and, again, you can upload them for other people to download and use.

    Superstar Customization
    - You can choose an existing Superstar and create three alternate outfits for him. Now, this isn't a create mode so you can't put the Undertaker in a tiny pair of briefs; you're just changing the colors of the existing clothing the character is wearing. Each Superstar has an individual menu based on his outfit, and you can go in and tweak it however you like. This should be huge for fans looking to keep their roster looking like the one they see on TV each week.

    Create A Finisher Improvements
    - When it comes to Create-a-Finisher, 30 percent more moves have been added to the front grapple and there's a new position for diving attacks. Beyond that, you're still stringing 10 parts together for your move, you can apply it to a CAW or existing Superstar, and you can choose from a list of announcer-ready names or deem the action whatever you like via the virtual keyboard. During the presentation, THQ built a top rope finisher and strung together God knows how many flips. Aside from making moves like this that are completely impossible, you can also change the trajectory of your leaping finisher so that you're getting close to touching the rafters or coming in low and lazy -- a dotted arc appears on the screen so you can track the move.

    Story Designer Mode
    - The craziest thing THQ is trying out this year is WWE Story Designer. There was no hands-on with this option -- I just saw a video and listened to Ledesma talk about it -- but the idea is that you get to work from the Gorilla Position and create your own storylines. When you start a storyline, you'll choose your show -- you can have this feud last for one show or two years -- and then pick if you want to work on a match or a cutscene. If you go the match route, you'll pick your competitor, difficulty, win condition, who is running-in, who that guy's running in for, who the other fighter's help will be and so on. You can use some of these options, all of them, or none of them -- it's your choice. On top of that, you can go in and set limb damage for the Superstars to reflect whatever beatdown is going on in your story.

    Story Designer Mode Continued
    - In SVR 2010, you're going to have more than 100 scenes to choose from. Now, these scenes are things like contact signings in the middle of the ring, limos pulling up backstage, people getting hit by cars, and a car exploding . You'll cast up to five people in these scenes, pick where it's going down (in the ring, backstage, etc.), and move the camera all over the place and play with zooms and such. What was nifty was watching THQ go in and change the emotions of these characters -- making JR smile after getting yelled at in the middle of the ring and then going and changing it to frown in a split-second. You can choose what's playing on the Titantron, you can have the camera locked on a specific target, and you can add text so that your actors are saying the right stuff to push your story forward. Again, create an awesome story, and feel free to upload it so others can download it and enjoy.

    Speed Improvements
    - One thing that's standing out to me was just how fast everything was loading. I already talked about the creation bits coming up really quick, but matches were loading quickly, the CAF moved super-fast, and the video I saw made previewing an uploaded move before downloading it look like a breeze.

    Road To Wrestlemania Improvements

    - Although I didn't get to see it, Road to WrestleMania is back with six new stories, one of which is a Diva tale and one of which is for your created Superstar and supposedly will feature more decisions for you to make and more branching plots for you to explore as well as replay for different endings.

  7. #4647
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    From Gamespot

    After Match Highlights
    -In keeping with the game's customization theme, it will be easy to record your own match highlights this time around. At the end of a match, you'll be able to see a list of defining moments in the match you just completed. You can choose to rewatch any of these defining moments--anything from bloodying your opponent to sending him (or her) through a stack of tables--and save them for later use.

    Superstar Customization
    - For existing WWE Superstars, there's a "Superstar Threads" tool to customize their outfits--such as changing up the colors of Rey Mysterio's masks and ring attire to something completely of your choosing.

    - Other control changes include a new pinfall kickout system borrowed from THQ's Legends of WrestleMania game (which requires you to fill up a meter in order to kick out of a pin), a load of new moves available to players when standing on the apron (such as Triple H yanking people into the ring, or Rey Mysterio Jr. performing a springboard leap into the ring), four "strong" grapple holds available to players (up from two in last year's game)--collar and elbow, side headlock, wrist lock, and rear waste lock, each of which triggers a different set moves. In addition, you'll be able to manually transition between grapples by holding down the right bumper and moving the right stick.

    Console Differences
    - On the Wii, the frenetic pace and motion-based gameplay of last year's game have been nearly completely jettisoned this time around in favor of a more realistic game speed and a control scheme that more closely resembles that found in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game. In fact, producers told us that the goal was to make the Wii version as comparable to the other versions of the game as possible. As a result, SVR 2010 for the Wii will have a feature set that is virtually identical to the other versions, including the extensive creation options like create-a-finisher, the upgraded create-a-wrestler, and the all-new story designer. The controls in the Wii version will be more button-centric than ever before--and the aforementioned motion controls have been largely done away with, mainly because they were so unpredictable in the previous game. That said, you'll have lots of options for control--including the default Wii Remote and Nunchuk, as well as alternate control schemes using the GameCube controller or the Wii Classic Controller. THQ is still searching for an ideal DS solution for the SmackDown series, and this year represents another experiment. Game speed has been upped from previous games, and in the ring, the gameplay takes place from an elevated camera, with a perspective that is almost top-down. Unlike previous games, which used the touch screen almost exclusively, this year's game on the DS will use buttons to control the action in the ring. The big addition for the DS version will be a collectible card system. You'll earn cards in season mode, either by winning matches or by doing favors for WWE Superstars you'll encounter along the way, and you'll have a deck of cards to choose from before a match. You'll go into a match with a handful of cards and can activate them in the match, like run-ins from other wrestlers, or for specialized boosts that will make your grapples temporarily unblockable. In addition to the match boost cards, you'll earn cards that will unlock goodies like new match types, create-a-wrestler parts, and more. The DS version will also have a story mode that will have you interacting with WWE Superstars, and even Vince McMahon himself. The 12-chapter story will be semi-open-ended, allowing you to travel across multiple locales, such as the gym (where you can train your created character to improve his or her stats), the hospital (where you can nurse your wounds), and Mr. McMahon's office (where you can be berated by the boss). Of course, you'll be wrestling in tons of matches as well, as you play through a storyline that is sure to have plenty of double-crosses, body slams, and, presumably, lots and lots of exclamation marks.

    - Unfortunately, Smackdown commentators are Tazz & JR, not Todd Grisham and JR but RAW has Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. ECW has Joey Styles and Matt Striker. It's quite annoying how Tazz will be commentating on matches, especially how he isn't even in the WWE now, he's in TNA.

    Check Triple H's taunt after the Pedigree, his muscles now bulk up during flexing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w5Se9nVMGk

    Gameplay videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPSHbL9Ffs0 & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKiuwqOvvZ0

    DS users get the Ambulance Match.

    Magazine scans: http://wfigs.proboards.com/index.cgi...&thread=145771

  8. #4648
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    wayne can u find all the backstage brawls id like to know where they all areee

  9. #4649
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    I'm not sure that there are many backstage areas to fight in this year again. I think it might be locker room and parking lot.

  10. #4650
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    I think it looks well good im kinda excited i hope its better then the previous 2009 one i was kinda disappointed tbh

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