Quote Originally Posted by !!Max!! View Post
PLEASE, i actually really like celebs and of course she has listened to her music and tbh she deserves to get PAID alot of money for her music, but with most celeb perfumes most of them just put their name to something they had no input in making.
As a matter of a fact, for your info, she actually hand selected the ingredients in the perfume to create the retro smell.

Quote Originally Posted by GommeInc View Post
No you're wrong, it's to exagerrate, not to mean the exact opposite. Like when you say you have 'tons of money,' it means you have money, but not literally tons of it. Your definition of hyperbole would turn this sentence:

"I have tons of money."

Which means:

"I have money."

Into this:

"I am poor and have no money" which is the wrong definition to hyperbole

Ostinato. was, in a word, acting. The stereotype for a glamourous woman/man is to say "babe" to anyone of any gender or age... He was spraying what is advertised as a 'glamourous perfume' and getting into character with it, and necessarily said "babe" to his mum.

Why, spot. do you have such a negative view about everything and see everything as black and white? Ostinato. was just trying out the perfume and wants his girlfriend to wear it by getting it for her for Christmas? Loads of men have an obsession with a woman, a famous woman especially and Ostinato. isn't that much different. Heck, Evolution had/has an obsession with Britney Spears and it doesn;t mean he is gay for liking a woman, isn't that the exact opposite?!
Best post of the whole thread. Someone with a bit of sense who can outline to the idiot clearly that hyperbole does not mean the opposite of something. :rolleyes: