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  1. #81
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
    -:Undertaker:- is offline Habbox Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Jan 2006
    Mijas, the Kingdom of Spain

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    Some fool in my class misquoting me when I quoted a German Federal Report on EU legislation... needless to say, I had the last line in.

    Oh and my sleeping pattern.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    England, UK

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    People! So I'm out shopping, casually looking on the shelves for something that I actually need (I wasn't just browsing, I actually needed to make a proper, good choice about buying something!) Anyways, This couple just stood there with their trolley blocking the aisle, so I said 'excuse me, please.' Ignored. So a bit louder I said, 'Sorry, excuse me, I need to look here (pointing to the shelf)'. Still nothing! So I just thought, enough is enough, I refuse to be polite anymore and just squeezed in, they still didn't move when they could see I clearly had to push past them.

    So I'm trying to look, but they are letting their two kids (about 2/3yrs and about 5/6yrs) run around me, they are smashing the items on the shelf and about 4 things were physically dented and damaged and the mother just stood there watching while the dad looked at products on the adjacent shelf. These kids were screaming and running around and pushing past me. I actually wanted to yell at them for touching me. Especially considering one had a dreadful cough and she was just germing all over me! Eventually I was so sick of it that I just stood frozen so it was clear that they were bugging me and glared at the girl (the elder of the 2 kids) while the boy continued to smash his hand on the items of the shelf and ruin them and his mum started to look at the items on the shelf that he was so obviously trying to get her attention with. Then when she put the items down he'd scream that he wanted them.

    These parents were absolutely disgraceful, I say the parents because I really can't blame the children for their parents failure to bring them up correctly. The parents were rude, ignorant, and did not care that their children were disturbing and annoying other people or damaging items they did not own. They were a disgrace and if I wasn't so 'keep myself to myself' I would have had a proper go at them because I was so angry. They were disgusting excuses for human beings and really, really p***** me off!

    By the time the left the aisle I was furious. The germy girl had touched half of the products so I refused to touch them myself. A further selection of the products had been damaged by the children and to be honest there hadn't been a lot of choice in the first place, but that's not really the point. I couldn't concentrate on what I was buying while those children where pushing around me as I didn't want to step on them or knock them over, nor could I remain calm enough to concentrate when I was getting so obviously annoyed.

    Basically, cannot believe how revolting people can behave.

    Rant over.


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