Well i've been planning this for a few months now and have decided to make this happen.
Basically Firend will be a non-profit website based on two things, Lightment Site Panel and Darkment web scripts.

Lightment Site Panel
Lightment will be a site panel thats extremely secure. In the download there will be a small amount of features but there will be plugins made that you can install into the panel via an installer included in the panel. These plugins can either detirmine the function of the panel or can just be an addition to the panel.
There will also be themes created for the panel which can be changed through a theme changer included in the panel.
Lightment will also be a community project as we are relying on the community aswell as our team to create plugins and themes.

Darkment web scripts
These scripts will vary and will be made by popular demand.
Just like Lightment, all Darkment scripts will be free to download.

Firend is hiring
As this is a massive job i will be needed volunteer coders, designers and site administrators to join me in making this a success.
If you are interested in being a part of this please pm me.

What's a site administrator?
Due to many questions being asked about this position i've decided to explain it abit more.
Basically site administrators will manage the website content via the site panel and will manage daily mail that's received.

If you have any questions feel free to reply or pm me.

- Luke