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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Default Tories sink to 25% in polls

    You always need things in life to look forward to is my view, and I am sure looking forward to Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt being given the boot by the Great British public at the next GE. It's going to be the first General Election I won't voting in, but I'll certainly be sitting up with a drink watching these chancers being wiped out.

  2. #2
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Amazing that they even thought there was a path to victory. The Tories have been in the 20s in the polls since Osborne's puppets Sunak & Hunt staged their little coup. Watching the realisation setting in that they're loathed and utterly screwed is a joy to see.

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    I really hope they do get the boot. I actually like Corbyn - i am however biased.

    Would be interesting to see if they will require support from another party to form a government. Could see a green lab co-elition if Im honest. Hopefully will get extinction rebellion on side.

    Tend not to head of lib dem much anymore mind

  4. #4
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    It's a typical cycle, people get fed up and blame the government. Labour were in power for over a decade and then got booted out. Tories have been in power for around 13 years and people are "fed up" and need a change. Labour will most likely unfortunately win the next election, screw the country even more, and people will go back to Tories after 5 or 10 years.

    Tories = Realistic party

    Labour = Everything is free, blame the rich, blame the people creating jobs, promise everything to win votes and sink the country by starting wars

  5. #5
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    They're smoking some strong stuff at Tory HQ if the report below is to be believed. The latest poll has them on a wipeout 24%.

    I'm resigning from the party (I joined in 2017) this week when I can be bothered to email them to register my disappointment and disgust at how they've stabbed us all in the back - you know after Brexit I really thought we could change them into a Disraeli type party of common sense representing the common man - how wrong I was. Not one person I know who rallied to them in 2017 and 2019 will be doing the same again. If/when Jeremy Hunt loses his seat I'll be screaming in orgasmic joy.

    Strongly likely I will join the DUP right after sending the email as they seem to be the only party in the Commons & Lords advocating some common sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seatherny View Post
    It's a typical cycle, people get fed up and blame the government. Labour were in power for over a decade and then got booted out. Tories have been in power for around 13 years and people are "fed up" and need a change. Labour will most likely unfortunately win the next election, screw the country even more, and people will go back to Tories after 5 or 10 years.

    Tories = Realistic party

    Labour = Everything is free, blame the rich, blame the people creating jobs, promise everything to win votes and sink the country by starting wars
    Not sure what's realistic about the Tory Party, this is a party that is failing to build houses whilst ramping up legal and illegal immigration to absurd levels despite being elected to make cuts to immigration, a party that can't even build a railway properly (HS2) and continues to allow our institutions like the Police and schools to be infiltrated by weirdo nonces who want to teach children that removing your body parts is perfectly fine. I just saw this week they refuse to ban XL American bulldogs (common sense, a ministerial duty) but Gove was spending time blocking a takeaway joint in his constituency. Totally upside down on everything.

    I do agree with you though that Labour are just as useless and insane. New third party needed asap.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 13-08-2023 at 03:04 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I do agree with you though that Labour are just as useless and insane.
    Probably the only thing we agree on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    Wouldn't even expect a party to get everything right, I am no purist. But the useless Tories seemingly can't manage the basics.

    Anyway here's my resignation letter that I just sent off to them.

    Quote Originally Posted by email
    To the Party Chairman, Deputy Party Chairman, Liverpool Conservatives and select MPs.

    I joined the Conservative and Unionist Party in 2017 believing that with Britain leaving the European Union, we on the right of the political divide had the chance to build a party that cut across all classes and would espouse common sense rather than dripping wet Cameroon liberalism. After the victory in 2019 - which saw working class seats that had been Labour for nearly a century fall to the Tory Party - there is no doubt the right of British politics was assured a decade in office if it played its cards right and carried out the basics expected of good government.

    But you didn't.

    Instead of immigration control, we've had record levels of immigration (both legal and illegal) with the Prime Minister preparing to liberalise immigration with India in the coming weeks, a country of over 1 billion. The complete opposite of what you promised and a farce. Instead of infrastructure projects across the north, we've even had the London line (HS2) cut back and the government instead choosing to fund a ?680m railway line in Turkey while British rail fares are hiked through the roof and northern line passengers have to ride on sluggish trains from the 1970s that belong in museums. Just unacceptable. Instead of lower energy prices with shale development like in Canada and America, we've had a ban on fracking and huge subsidies for absurdities like heat pumps and solar panels. Might as well have voted Green. We've even had males being placed in women's prisons which is just beyond words. You closed the economy over a harsh winter flu and introduced draconian restrictions on civil liberties that were disgraceful and which had no scientific basis or logic behind them. I could go on and on until the cows come home but you catch my drift.

    To say I feel disappointed doesn't even begin to cover it. A once in a lifetime realignment and you've blown it by every metric.

    I won't be renewing my membership and hereby resign my membership of the party.

    Daniel X

    Membership Number: X

    Application to join the Democratic Unionist Party is going through.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 17-08-2023 at 02:45 AM.

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