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  1. #1
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    Default *DEBATE* Should the UK leave the EU?

    Should the UK leave the EU?

    The UK (United Kingdom) is part of the 25 European countries in the EU
    (European Union), but do you think that the UK should leave the European Union?

    The European Union has done lots for us during the 32 years that UK has been in 'The economic association. Such as:

    Combining nations together to stop another destructive conflict such as the ones in the past
    (WW1 and WW2) There has not been a conflict between the EU/EC nations
    since the foundation of the EU. We now have a sence of 'cooperation' between the countries
    that we have been to war against.

    The EU has also looked at the Economic point of view, many of the UK's businesses trade with other EU countries such as: Germany, France and Spain.
    Many people in the UK have jobs because of the EU. (From Truck drivers
    to business men)
    Without the EU the economy of the country could be worse.

    The EU has helped British citizens by making it a legal requirement for firms
    to give workers 4 weeks pail leave ever year.
    British Citizens can work in any EU state (country) without needing a Visa Card.
    Even though people are taking advantage of this law, it is still a very good law.

    The EU has benifited 'The future' (The young adults of the country).
    Students who study in a EU country are charged the same as a citizen who already lives there, they dont have to pay expensive internetional fees. Many British choose to study abroad.

    Th European laws have a supremacy (to dominate or defeat) over British laws.
    Do you want none British citizens to say how the UK is run? After all, they dont live here and maybe dont have the best intrests of British citizens at heart...

    What do you think?
    Should the UK leave the Eu?

    Please do not comment with "yeah it should" or "No it shouldnt" please make relevent points and point of views aswell as evidence to back up your post. Thanks [/U]

  2. #2
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    London init!

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    I think the UK should stay in the EU as we are better united then un-united and also the EU has helped the UK in many ways e.g the war i believe the uk should stay united with the EU

  3. #3
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    Well. I can see the beneficial points for the UK being in the EU. They're located Europe.

    But what would be the good and bad points if it leaves the EU?

    If the EU has benefited the UK that much, why would they wanna leave...

    Concentric - Super Mod
    Please only post in a debate if you have some specific points to make, for example by explaining how the EU has benefited the UK. It is against the debating section rules to post without supporting your points with reasoning or statistics.
    Last edited by Concentric; 22-12-2005 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #4
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    I see no point in the change, the EU has been suported etc, but Im not to sure, down in Australia we dont discuss the UK

    Concentric - Super Mod
    Please don't post in a debate unless you know about or have opinions on the topic. It is against the debating section rules to post without supporting your points with reasoning or statistics.
    Last edited by Concentric; 22-12-2005 at 10:55 PM.

  5. #5
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    It is better to be in then to be out as we will loose out on things.

    Concentric - Super Mod
    Please do not post in a debate unless you wish to make a sophisticated and extensive arguement. It is against the debating section rules to post without supporting your points with reasoning or statistics.
    Last edited by Concentric; 21-12-2005 at 02:14 PM.

  6. #6
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    There are always two sides to every coin and the EU is one of those issues that will probably never be 90% agreed on.

    There are many good points about being in the EU, it makes travelling around Europe a lot easier, we don't need to sign extra documents like non EU countries do. Also the EU provides jobs and gives a lot of money to the UK. Farmers from the UK get a lot of money from the EU, but that may be decreased now if Tony Blair gives it away :rolleyes:.

    Now I'm going to go a bit UKIP on you. The EU costs tax payers from the UK a lot of money each year, in fact billions, a lot of the time this money is going to countries we don't trade with and itis not benefitting people in the UK. Laws are put in place by the EU that may not work well in the UK, sure it may work well in Romania but does it work as well in the UK? The EU has also changed British ways of farming and fishing many say it is wasteful and expensive because of the EU. There is also the fact that the UK is under pressure to join the Euro which would mean having no independent currency for people of the UK. The EU trading systems cost a lot as well, unlike ones seen in other continents UK is having to pay more to rade than some non-EU members! We are also paying for problems in other countries when our countries has problems of its own. We are paying for to fund Pensioners in mainland Europe when our own aren't in good conditions. Many people also complain that other Europeans are coming and taking British peoples jobs, but a lot of these are jobs people from the UK don'tr want anyway.

    In conclusion I still believe we should stay in the EU, although we could stay in the European trade group and get the benefits from that.
    Mit - Looking for Green Pillows

  7. #7
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    I think we should stay in the Eu however, There are two sides and Mit yes taxpayers money does go to other countries but just think, We are helping them and hopefully if we are ever in need they will help us. As mentioned above the eu has stopped many conflicts and has created a lot of jobs. Can you imagine what it would be like without it? I would like to meet someone who believes we should leave because that would be a very interesting arguement. Also a lot of people believe we sould leave because a lot of the EU countries use the euro and at one point we might have changed to it. It is argueable that we should leave and stick to pound sterling however we are using pound sterling now and have done for the past god knows how many years so why can't we carry on?

    In conclusion i believe we should stay in the EU.

  8. #8
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    Talking bad

    Well.... The longer we stay in the EU the more protected we will be against other nations because no other countries want to leave the Eu and risk losing portection so they wont attack any E.U countries.
    Therefore as part of the E.U we are safer.
    But The E.U also decides some of our decision we make and decided wether they are safe enough for the other countries aswell

    I think we should stay in the E.U because if we leave we losr protection and we may be refused permission to join the E.U ever again so leaving would hurt the country badly
    Habbox productions trialist

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr-Sniper-05
    I think the UK should stay in the EU as we are better united then un-united and also the EU has helped the UK in many ways e.g the war i believe the uk should stay united with the EU
    Sorry to pounce on you here, but that doesn't make any sense. How has the EU supported the UK in "the war" (by which i assume you mean Iraq)? Other major EU members such as France and Germany were opposed to the war. Please explain what you mean.

    Further to this, do you have any reasoning to support your idea that we're better of united than seperate? Why exactly are we better off like that? To my mind we're worse off to certain extent, because we end up having to support the other less economically successful EU members.
    For example, between 1995 and 2003 Britatin paid more into the EU per person than France and Italy, despite getting far less back due to having a far smaller farming industry and most of the EU subsidies being farming related (the UK pays roughly £6billion into the EU for agricultural use, and would get very little back if it weren't for the ~£2-3billion rebate).
    "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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  10. #10
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    It is against the debating section rules to post without supporting your points with reasoning or statistics

    Instead of just posting "Britain is better off in the EU.", explain why it's better off.
    "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

    Curry-N-Rice Girl video
    Pure Pwnage
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    Put your wasted CPU power towards curing cancer;

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