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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Latest Awards:

    Lightbulb Stuff you can't abandon

    No matter how materialistic you may or may not be, there is a very large possibility that you have some object in your house (toy, books, or any other miscellany) that, although it has not been used since ages, you simply do not want to get rid of it it is because of the affective value this has, or because something tells you that "this object will still be useful in the future', eheheh

    What would that be to you?

    I have an unjustifiable appreciation for the 2 Hot Wheels that they gave me 10 years ago, a Monopoly box and hundreds of shredded comics! I rarely use or read or play with them but giving them to others who would make better use of them or selling them are very radical possibilities and that would certainly make me regret it seconds later.

  2. #2


    Everything is replaceable apart from my 2 kids.. I'm not materialistic in any sense

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

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    I have too much stuff, loads of it still from my childhood. I want to cut down on my belongings, because I've moved a lot, and every time it's so annoying lugging all this stuff around and finding new places for it. I want to chuck a bunch of things on eBay, but just haven't found the time yet. Things I can't abandon are mostly special childhood belongings, and past relationship mementos. I used to wear this Mickey Mouse cap when I was a little boy, and was so upset when I lost it one day. My parents bought me an identical one to cheer me up, and I still have it like twenty years later even though it serves no practical use. I also have a soft toy of Edd the Duck, who was a puppet that used to be on British television around 1990. I barely even remember these things, but I felt quite sad one day when I thought I had lost it. I want to just have perhaps a box of special things, but right now I have like six boxes worth.

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