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  1. #1
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    Default Feminism Assignment help...

    Hey guys so as part of my assignment I have to ask a variety of people a few questions. Everyone is welcome to answer my questions as it will be a big help with my assignment I will be taking answers to the questions until the 24th as its due on the 25th. Everyone who answers will be put into a draw to win a GB. soooo the questions...

    1. Are you a feminist?

    2. What do you think feminism is?

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today?

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind?

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue)

    !:random!:! / Becky
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/bonkers_becky

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    1. Are you a feminist? no

    2. What do you think feminism is? fat butch lesbians on tumblr with short pink hair

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today? no

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind? fat butch lesbians on tumblr with short pink hair

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue) none

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

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    1. Are you a feminist? no

    2. What do you think feminism is? a movement that doesn't make sense in the western world (other than abortion etc in ireland) & is based on anecdotal evidence and misunderstandings of 'theories' - as well as deliberate misconstructions of these theories (eg the gender/wage gap) in a way to push their real agendas. at the core of it, it's a movement that believes women should be treated the same as men and the belief men are somehow infallible humans that rule the world - forgetting that being born male comes with its own disadvantages.

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today? yes but not in the way white feminists will make you believe. it's not as black and white as it is made out - women may face shaming for their sexuality or looks but so do men. a lot of 'issues' that feminists argue against can also be faced by men and ironically by fighting for 'gender equality' they create inequalities for men eg forcing the stereotype that men are all pigs and don't face fat/looks shaming etc. they also forget men are denied rights too, particularly parental rights. so whilst men face those disadvantages and females reproductive rights are also controlled, if it's something that affects both, how is it a gender inequality?

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind? people who hide behind the term 'equality' when they really mean 'a man looked at me/a man rejected me/i spend too much time on social media and was told i can't achieve my dreams because men make it so.' like that's the stereotype i get from meeting feminists but i know it's not all true because i do have friends who aren't interested in men who are also feminists - but they tend to fall in the latter group where they believe something because they were told it because that's how i got into feminism - took everything at face value without ever asking men or those against feminism!

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue) already mentioned reproductive rights but also the main issue imo would be the way race/sexuality/other minorities interact with gender eg a homeless man will be more disadvantaged than a middle class woman etc, or how black girls are more sexualised or pushed into sex than white girls.

    pigged 25/08/2019

  4. #4
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    England, UK

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    1. Are you a feminist? I would not define myself as such.

    2. What do you think feminism is? Depends on the era. Earlier feminists seem like those who sought some kind of equality between men and women whilst recognising inherent differences between the two. Nowadays, it seems like it's hijacked by a loud minority to either push through their own agenda (e.g. the "fat acceptance movement") and/or to simply make their own lives better/easier (e.g. lowering standards for women's fitness tests to get jobs). I would also say it's quite hateful in some uses.

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today? Yes, in three ways. Firstly, there are places in the world where women are genuinely mistreated because they are women. This is wrong. Secondly, there is inherent inequality just because men and women are different and this should be accepted rather than constantly **** about. Thirdly, there's arguably growing inequality against men (under the guise of equality for women) such as the use of quotas or in the courts where parents are battling for custody.

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind? A fairly OK idea in theory, but in modern day practice has just been hijacked by a group of solely self-interested nutcases who believe a "tampon tax" (which never was a tax and was simply a lowered rate of 5% VAT) or man-spreading are big issues under the guise of equality. See the picture below for a poster that was in a southern based train.

    God forbid somebody spread their legs out, but nobody mention about when people selfishly and knowingly take space with their bags or by sitting on the inside seat (and not moving accordingly on a busy bus/train).

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue) The main issue is the lack of genuine debate. A few loud feminists tend to win because if you dare challenge them, then you're simply labelled a misogynist.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

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    1. Are you a feminist? Nope.

    2. What do you think feminism is? A cult for those who are either woefully misguided or wilfully misguiding others.

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today? Yes.

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind? Baseless lies from people who have no actual interest in the truth if it's inconvenient to them.

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue) The enormous disparity in judicial sentencing, especially with regard to sexual and violent crime
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    1. Do you use tumblr?


    2. What do you think feminism is?


    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today?


    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind?


    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue)

    if a male so much as thinks about hitting a woman he gets arrested and the world explodes
    if a female attacks a male nothing happens and people think it's funny

    bill burr has some comedy gold on the subject

  7. #7
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    1. Are you a feminist?

    No, I don't believe in group or collective rights. I believe in individual rights and English liberty.

    2. What do you think feminism is?

    In the modern day it appears to be a crusade to fight a battle that was largely over back in the 1970s and even before then. Nowadays it is generally a lobby group of people demanding discrimination in favour of women in professions which either don't attract women or causes (such as wage rates) which are as they are due to the choices women make rather than any institutional bias or discrimination against them.

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today?

    Yes, and there always will be. Gender inequality is rational too - are as many women suitable for the position of fire fighters as men are? Clearly not due to differences between men and women. And the same applies to jobs in caring, nursing, working with children, building, manual jobs: men and women are different and there's nothing wrong with embracing that or the so-called inequality that results from that.

    For genuine inequality where women are treated badly, see the Islamic world which we're not supposed to talk about.

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind?

    Loud. Screaming. Chubby. Crew cut. Intolerant of differing views. Women who can't get a man.

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue)

    Islamic attitudes towards women.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Middlesbrough, England

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    1. Are you a feminist?

    2. What do you think feminism is?
    That you are judged on the contents of your character rather than what genitalia you have. This applies to both genders. As Jen points out, men are just as much boxed into a certain character type based on having a dick

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today?
    Yes. While I do think men can have just as much of a struggle when they attempt to subvert masculinity norms, overall, I think women are judged far harder

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind?
    Probably the suffragette movement. It's where I first heard the word in some lesson.

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality? (please only choose one main issue)
    I don't think there's ever a main issue. It's more connected to attitudes about how people are judged. At the core of each issue will be an assumption about how we expect men/women to behave and sometimes those assumptions lead to injustices and we should say so rather than saying 'that's just the way it is'

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    1. Are you a feminist?
    Umm no not really, like I understand what they're fighting for etc but it just doesn't really concern me

    2. What do you think feminism is?
    A movement to slim the inequality gap between male and females

    3. Do you think there is still gender inequality today?
    Personally, I've never witnessed gender inequality with my own eyes which is why I don't support feminism because I believe the issues they were fighting for all them years ago have been resolved. E.g women can now vote, do jobs that traditionally only men did etc etc. So really until I see with my own eyes that women are still being discriminated against I won't really be pushing for feminism. (ye it may come across as ignorant but thats the way I see it) (oh and I'm only referring to the UK in this, obviously in some countries women are treated awfully and are still in the past, however in some men are treated down etc)

    4. When you hear the word feminism what first comes to mind?

    Honestly it's the insane ones that come into mind, chaining themselves to stuff etc. But I guess that's the way the media portray it so that's really all you see of it.

    5. What do you think today’s main issue is with gender inequality?
    Urmm I honestly think that some feminists are pushing too far now and making stuff more unfair on males. I think the gap has been closed enough, if not fully (talking solely about UK), that if they push anymore then theyre gonna be discriminating on the guys.

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