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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Latest Awards:

    Goldcoins + * Save Santa! * + 15-27 Dec 2022

    It's the most wonderful tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime of the yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ♪♫

    Presents and prizes and joy galore as we head into the festive season of Habboxmas... but oh no, we can't just GIVE everything away. That would be in keeping with the season's spirit, but you'll have to work for your gifts this year because they're all still stuck up at the North Pole. No, it isn't another Royal Mail strike, it's even worse - Santa's been taken hostage!

    Tensions have been running high in the magic workshop, with elves and snowmen bickering constantly over who should be in charge of the Naughty And Nice List. The two factions were so busy arguing that they didn't notice that the nutcracker toys had kidnapped the big man himself and tied him up with tinsel! Saucy. The first moment the elves and snowmen realised something was up was when each group received a strange ransom letter:

    Looks like there's only one way to settle this... In true Habbox fashion...

    Some of you may bobba, but that's a sacrifice I am willing to make

    A lot of people around here will know our annual Habbox Summer Spectacular tournament which is massive and mad - this will be similar with teams and points and leaderboards, but without quiiiite so much madness!

    Probably. Maybe. We'll see.

    We've got 1000 credits in the kitty to be won, so don't miss out!

    How to take part:

    First up, pick a side!
    Similar to during HxSS, you'll need to be on a team to compete this Christmas.
    Do you want to side with the energetic Elves or the salubrious Snowmen? Who do YOU trust with the Naughty And Nice List?

    Once you've made your decision, make it official by joining the appropriate usergroup - click here to do this!

    You'll then start earning points for winning events and competitions over Habboxmas between 15th and 27th December, and there are some chances to win biiiig bonuses too with some extra special tasks that have been put in place. The top 4 scorers of each team will be in for some really special treats on top of any winnings that you earn along the way:

    1st 200c
    2nd 150c
    3rd 100c
    4th 50c

    One really good way to get yourself extra points is by entering our Christmasoke singing competition, which will give you a huge bounty of 20 points right off the bat, and can be done before we even begin!

    Best of luck, and may the best team win

    Last edited by FlyingJesus; 11-12-2022 at 10:43 PM.
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    Blessed be
    + * + * + * +
    Love _spirit Loved
    Shocked Chipmunks Shocked

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