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  1. #1
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    Default What lures you to quit your job?

    I'm just wondering about this since a friend of mine seems depressed with his life. His work giving a stable income doesn't really excites him. He have other interests but it doesn't really pay (even though it can be, but he's not that professional yet). And to top that all, he's already married. He posted in fb asking advices on whether he should or should not quit his job.

    So, I wonder, what really lures people to quit. Money? Interests? Power? Ego? And does it really benefits you?
    Like tbl Liked

  2. #2
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    I recently quit a job because my manager had become insufferable. I didn't necessarily love everything about my job, but I was good at what I did, and enjoyed some of the people I worked with. I had been thinking about quitting for a couple of months but hadn't because I kept convincing myself things would get better. Nothing really got better, it kind of just went into a steady decline and I honestly wasn't getting paid enough to put up with any of it.

    Long story short, I'm much happier now. I feel less stressed and I'm not angry everyday I get off work. The money wasn't the biggest factor but feeling like I was genuinely appreciated would have gone a long way. Somedays I miss my old job but I would do it again, no questions asked. I probably should have quit much sooner than I did to be honest.
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  3. #3
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    I had a well paying job, but I quit last year for one that paid barely half as much. I left because I was unhappy. I felt miserable every day and would hope I'd get sick or something just so I had an excuse not to go in. One day I was so dejected that, during my break, I looked on the internet and applied for the first job I thought I wouldn't mind doing. It took me about ten minutes. I got invited for an interview and was offered the job a couple of days later. I've been there for over a year now. It's a very stable job and they've asked me on multiple occasions if I want more hours, but I only took on a few. I choose to do thirty a week when I could do forty. Right now, the most important thing to me is my free time. As long as I can pay my bills, I don't care that I can earn more money. I just want time to myself to do what I want. It is a career position for some people, but not for me. I know I don't want to be there forever, but I don't mind the work at all, and the people are great, so right now I'm not stressing it.

    Sometimes I walk past where I used to work and feel so relieved that I'm not there anymore. My Grandad passed away whilst I was working there and it was a struggle to get just one day off. I don't think anybody should have to put up with bullshit like that. I see these television programmes sometimes where people are so stressed out by their jobs. I think, at that point, is it really worth it? I know some don't have the freedom to be flexible, and they are afraid of losing their stability, but I would never put work before my health or well-being. I also won't allow work to infringe upon my personal time. I started at 8:30am at my old job, so I would get up around 7:00am to give myself time to get ready and everything, but some days they would be ringing me at 6:50am to tell me all these things that I needed to do once I got in. When I am not at work, I do not want to think about work at all. So, yes... When a job starts to make me unhappy, I am gone.
    Like tbl, TinyFroggy Liked

  4. #4
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    quit my last job for various reasons, regret taking it somewhat (which I think is a factor for quitting) as I could have taken what was probably a better job with more money but hey ho I needed some money sooner rather than later
    commute was far too much and I'm not sure that any amount of money would make me do it again (felt necessary to do it with graduate unemployment figures + needing to get my foot in the door kind of thing)
    my role basically changed half way through and near the end they were going to start getting me into the marketing side of it, which will benefit me in no way
    part of the reason I decided on this job over the other is that it was a smaller company, which to me means it would be slightly more relaxed and it was for a bit, but then he just started adding rules which started to get on my ****
    it was also presented to me to be a big opportunity where I would have a decent say, but it was neither of those things and if anything, my opinion was often ignored which might be fair enough in some instances due to lack of experience, but when something is running really slowly, and I say it is running slowly, don't just sit there and ignore it.
    also my personal growth side died after the first couple of months, I was learning nothing new of interest

    what really killed it, the final straw, was that they wanted "some system" set up which involved the use of a db. I suggested to the "lower boss" i.e. the other tech guy who sketched it out, that half of the db columns were basically redundant and suggested taking them out, which he agreed. Then the other boss sees this, questions it (which is fair enough), and then I get on with it. Then he asks again as he doesn't understand it, OK so I explain again. Then he comes up and asks again, except this time he sounds rather annoyed and frustrated as if it's my fault he couldn't understand it.

    combine that with being bored and I got the frik out of there
    quit the next day which was also my last day, took a few days to chill, found a new job in less than a month with a bit more chill, less hassle, less travel (time + costs), more genuine opportunities (even ones I didn't really expect, gd 4 cv), 1500 pay rise and possibly another pay rise on friday which I'm hoping takes me to the same level as the previous job offer I turned down.

    for this current job, I want to be there for at least 1 year but it could be shorter/longer depending on how things go. The reality is while I like where I work and like parts of what I do, I'm not a huge fan of the other parts and the sector as a whole and it fundamentally just feels pointless to me i.e. my next move is likely to be shifting sector somewhat and a bit more calculated, which I think I can easily do.
    Like tbl, TinyFroggy Liked

  5. #5
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    I do 42 hour weeks so would be great if I could quit and still get the money *+*+*+ could play lots of Habbo then but yeah I require moneys
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    Blessed be
    + * + * + * +
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  6. #6
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    I'm in my first week of my new job, and I must admit I've noticed such a big change in a small space of time. Where I was previously, I was the only one who was properly trained on my aisle and knew what I was doing, so it was expected of me to do practically everything. The stress was all on me and if something went wrong it would be my fault and no blame would fall onto the others (most of the management are reluctant to do anything about this other person, even though they say they will talk to them, it's a lie).

    I wasn't progressing in my other job - I'm not 100% sure why as I know I could do the job easily (they always asked me to step up if they needed someone/if the management team were short). It could have potentially been because they couldn't really replace me on the job I was doing (even my Area Manager would specifically ask for me, because they knew I'd do the job correctly). I was never listened to in my other job unfortunately, I felt uncomfortable around a member of staff and this started over a year ago - I went to my manager TWICE about it and nothing got done (she knew I had been through the same thing with a former member of staff who actually got dismissed for it), I went to the person who made me feel uncomfortable myself to tell him to stop, and I thought he had. He hadn't and members of staff started to notice also, which resulted in this person making me feel uncomfortable again (this was just a small factor though, the main reasons were the lack of progression and stress).

    I started my new job on Wednesday, the first day was draining, I was wondering why I'd left my job of six years, but really I was just believing I was sad to leave the other job. By my next shift on Thursday my attitude had completely changed. I absolutely love this new job and I've picked it up rather quickly (I got taught by someone, but they taught me wrong so I asked other people instead and now know what I'm doing). This job is a lot more relaxing so to speak, I know it's a job but the pressure isn't there as much anymore! Every single person in my new job that I've met so far are so approachable and are always friendly, I wouldn't have even said hi to some people in my old job and they wouldn't have said hi to me.

    At my old job I had a 20 hour contract, but constantly did 30+, this one I'm contracted to 21.75 and I've already done more and I've managed to leave a little earlier every shift because I've done what is required of me. Fingers crossed it still continues to be a pleasant experience, but the fact I wasn't 100% happy at my old job and was incredibly taken for granted urged me to try look elsewhere. It took me 8-9 months to find a job and over 10 interviews, but I can say I did the right thing.
    Last edited by Samantha; 09-12-2018 at 01:53 AM.
    Like TinyFroggy Liked

  7. #7
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    In my case what would lure me to quit is the unsociable aspect of the job. I wake up on a Monday morning at 5am, drive an hour to work, and I don't go back home until Friday night (Sometimes Saturday morning) It pays well, I get paid £28 every night I sleep out, which equates to an extra £448 a month. However I'm never home, which means my weekends are normally filled with seeing friends and family, I don't often get to simply "chill" at home doing nothing, and because I'm always doing things the weekend goes WAY too quickly, and then BAM.. I'm back at work for another 5 days.

    I wouldn't say I hate the actual job, I actually rather like the job, but I just don't like the fact I'm not home every day.. But this job wouldn't really work if I even had the ability to go home everyday, as I often do 11-13 hour shifts (Sometimes 15, but normally 10-11 hours), so lets say I could go home, I'd get up at 5am, finish work at 6pm, I then have an hour drive home, so I get home at 7pm, I have a shower, I cook food, it's probably 9pm, I'll have to go to sleep soon. It would just be too much everyday, plus I'd lose my £448 a month by going home, and fuel costs getting there and back everyday unlike now.

    I've told people this is only a temp job to earn money, perhaps 3-4 years and then I'll go back into Management somewhere, more than likely taking a 20-25k pay decrease to do so. But I'd rather be happy in life than earn money to fulfill a lifestyle that I'm not happy in.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers
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  8. #8
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    Whoa. Basically most of you quit jobs because you are unhappy. It's not because a job pays more and what not.

    I find that a very bold thing to do but it seems to be worth it. I'll keep that in mind and hopefully, people will realize money isn't everything but happiness is.

  9. #9
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    I think it's one of those things you need to experience to understand, as long as the wage is livable, people would be willing to give up certain luxuries to better their overall well being and happiness.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  10. #10
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    Yeah I guess. But I don't a lot of people have the nerve to try to go thru that experience. I need to really man up to have the guts to do that T.T

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