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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Default Now the British Flag is under attack as EU tries to take us closer to a Superstate

    Now the Union Jack is under attack as EU officials try to take us closer to a United States of Europe

    - Senior officials cause outrage by suggesting member states should drop their flags in favour of the EU design

    - UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said this is further evidence of Britain's identity being trampled

    Dual sovereignty: David Cameron frequently speaks in front of both the Union Jack and the EU flag

    Quote Originally Posted by Mail
    It has become traditional for David Cameron to appear at European summits in front of both the Union Jack and the EU emblem to illustrate the ‘dual sovereignty’ between London and Brussels. But now a senior EU official has caused outrage by appearing to suggest that the national flags of member states should be dropped in favour of the EU design of a circle of stars on a blue background. Christine Roger, the communications director of the European Council, the EU’s governing body, made her comments in a speech to 650 'spin doctors’ from local authorities across Europe, including the UK.

    Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, with their national flags and the EU's

    Quote Originally Posted by Mail
    She called for a new, dedicated public-relations budget to help ‘sell’ the EU as a ‘brand’ to its increasingly disenchanted citizens. The meeting in Brussels last month, which cost taxpayers across the Continent tens of thousands of pounds, came as EU leaders were fighting to contain the eurozone economic crisis. In her speech, a copy of which has been seen by The Mail on Sunday, Ms Roger – a veteran Brussels apparatchik – posed a series of leading questions, including how Europe should be defined. ‘Are we talking about a state-to-be? About a federation?’ she asked. Then, as she flashed up a picture of French President Nicolas Sarkozy standing next to both a French and EU flag, she said: ‘How much do we believe in ourselves? For how long will we see Heads of State with the European flag alongside the national flag? If we don’t believe in ourselves, why should the world outside do so?’

    Last night, as Eurosceptic politicians accused her of calling for countries to sacrifice their national identity to promote the EU, Ms Roger insisted that she had been misinterpreted. One of her aides said: ‘What is meant in this presentation is clearly not about national flags. On the contrary, it is part of a discussion on how better to organise the branding and visual identity of the various European institutions and agencies for which there is, at present, no overall brand architecture. ‘The question, “For how long will we see Heads of State with the European flag alongside the national flag?” is meant to underscore the importance of the European brand being clear and simple. In other words the implication is, if it is not, will member states continue to use it?’

    In her presentation, Ms Roger also called for more money to be poured into the EU’s image as a ‘single entity’. She said: ‘If member states do not invest enough in the European brand, a proliferation of sub-brands is sure. Branding contributes to improving Europe’s internal and worldwide reputation as a social and political entity, making Europe’s achievements easy to identify for stakeholders and citizens [and] building a sense of common belonging.’ She called for more money to be ploughed into advertising the benefits of the EU, adding: ‘There is no common funding for a European communication policy.’ She said one should be developed ‘to communicate on European achievements’.

    Nigel Farage: 'It's like a competition to be the most stupid'

    Quote Originally Posted by Mail
    UKIP leader Nigel Farage described the plans as a further example of national identities being trampled. ‘This summit was a disgusting waste of taxpayers’ money, typical of the delusional EU and its staff who see any disaster as an opportunity and think that money grows on trees,’ he said. ‘This organisation has recently voted to increase its budget while hard-working people struggle in a financial crisis. ‘Their choices and priorities are so unwelcome and so unhelpful it’s as if they are having a competition within the EU to see who can be the most stupid. ‘I must say, the competition is looking pretty fierce.’

    Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles also entered the row last night, questioning why communications experts from British councils had been sent to the meeting to hear Ms Roger and other experts speak. ‘I don’t think it’s appropriate that taxpayers should foot the bill for a spin doctors’ summit in Brussels,’ said Mr Pickles.
    She attempted to backtrack with the waffle her office released as an explanation but we can all see what she's saying, they are annoyed with national flags still being put to use at EU conferences because of course it doesn't conform to their frankly mad world view. I once read though that its actually right that our spineless 'leaders' display the EU flag at all times seeing as the majority of our laws now come from Brussels directives and regulations.

    Think its just a suggestion though? think again. Often Brussels will use this tactic, it will mention something which will cause 'outrage' from government officals of the nation states and it will the implement those parts later, just as it did with the anthem, emblem and flag of the EU which were said to be 'dropped' with the Lisbon Treaty but it just implemented them regardless despite three referendums refusing permission for these acts. It is the same tactic with budget increases, they'll ask for 12% when they only want 6% and then national leaders will hail a 6% deal as a 'victory'. See, this isn't even about a United States of Europe or a Federal Europe for a large number of these mandarins, its about creating a highly centralised state with one flag, one anthem, one nationality, one currency, one government, one economy, one fiscal policy with one common border.

    Apart from elections what can you do? small things, if you ever notice a EU Commission booklet, a flag or anything along those lines of propaganda simply dispose of it if its possible (as I did with an EU Commission book and booklet in school) and i'm joining UKIP tommorow as i've had it - the extent of this takeover is becoming plain to see as they slither out into the open.

    More on EU flag meddling by stealth; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...nion-Jack.html

    Thoughts? will you ever accept the EU flag as your flag?
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 06-11-2011 at 04:40 AM.

  2. #2
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    Yet another reason for us to make a quick exit from the EU whilst we still can...
    Quote Originally Posted by Chippiewill View Post
    e-rebel forum moderator

  3. #3
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    Will you ever accept the EU flag as your flag?
    Simple Answer: No.

    It should always be the union jack, no matter what.

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  4. #4
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    I hate being called European, let alone seeing the EU in flag which often begs the question "why" when the EU never built the country we have today. It's an organisation that takes too much credit for too many things. I don't see why we don't just pull out, but our political elite are a little bit selfish, bureaucratic and enjoy the idea of dictatorships a bit too much.

  5. #5
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    Quite simply, I would protest against it. I mean there are have been a lot of protests recently, of which they all fight something which actually has a reason why it is happening (spending cuts) and even if you don't agree they're cutting the right places, it's necessary and they obviously won't cut anything else. However something like this is utterly pointless, along with giving up another bit of independance and identity. Oh well, at least it will die soon and maybe people will realise, big =/= good.

    Also can someone tell me, the country gives money to help bailout countries within the EU. Is this money then seen as lent by the EU or by the UK?

  6. #6
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    Pretty pointless really, we'd never give up the union jack

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