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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Default Christian couple pull child from school after a boy wears a dress

    Absolutely right.

    It always starts off like this. "What's the problem? Why can't you just let him wear a dress?" and then quite rapidly before you know it the other children are then forced to refer to him as she when he's clearly a boy. Would you accept a school punishing your child for refusing to go along with the delusion that a boy is a girl? No, the TRUTH should never be punished.

    Exactly the same with gay 'marriage'. "Why are you bothered? If you don't like it then don't get gay married" and within a year or so we've got Christian bakers being taken to court for refusing to bake a cake for a gay 'marriage'. Only just before I read that apparently the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow MP, made a speech to PinkNews arguing that Churches ought to be forced to conduct gay 'marriages' - I'd sooner shut my church down than ever accept that.

    This is why these people need to be opposed from the very beginning. They won't compromise until they've forced their warped tumblr ideology on us all, so **** them. It's increasingly my opinion that these culture wars will end in violence - especially in the United States - and at the end of the day who is going to win? Scrawny radical leftists, blokes in drag and gays or normal straight men and women (from bikers to the army to the armed) who've had enough? Bring it on.


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    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa someone does things I don't like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I should be allowed to be abusive and stop other people from acting in ways that don't affect me waaaaaaaaaaa

    There is absolutely zero percent chance that:
    • The child didn't know the word "confused" before
    • One kid wearing a dress was the reason that this child didn't like school
    • Any rights are being trampled for this POOR POOR COUPLE
    • It's "discriminatory" to allow harmless behaviour
    • These parents aren't merely projecting their inadequecy on their own innocent child
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  3. #3
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    People can and should wear whatever they want. What's the point in living in a world where self-expression and doing what you enjoy is stamped out. Somebody wearing different clothes isn't doing anyone harm.
    Last edited by Neversoft; 12-09-2017 at 03:51 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Do you have a church? I thought as a gay you wouldn't be welcomed.

    But I don't care that someone pulled their kid from school, or that the school let a boy wear a dress.

    I disagree with taking bakers to court over saying no to a sale in their business, although idk where you can draw the line there cause then what happens when they refuse to serve a female, serve a black person, etc.

    Scrawny radical leftists, blokes in drag and gays or normal straight men and women (from bikers to the army to the armed) who've had enough? Bring it on.
    I guess you're shit out of luck then.

  5. #5
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    One student wearing a dress to school doesn't affect the other students education. Child aren't born with this idea of men and women being the only genders to exist and you must stick to what society tells you is right for that gender, it's taught and we can just as easily teach them that gender isn't black and white, that it's okay to be yourself and express yourself however you wish. These stereotypes are ridiculous and old fashioned, in this day and age people should be able to dress how they wish, identify as they wish, etc. without closed minded people shutting them down and telling them their wrong because they aren't. Self expression should be encouraged and we should be encouraging people to be themselves.

    They can take their child from school but it doesn't change anything because they can't wrap their child in cotton wool and protect them from the world and the fact that things like this are slowly becoming more common and in someways, more accepted.
    thanks lucpix for the cute sig xo
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  6. #6
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    People can and should wear whatever they want. What's the point in living in a world where self-expression and doing what you enjoy is stamped out. Somebody wearing different clothes isn't doing anyone harm.
    A lot of deviants also like having sex in public view or walking around in public naked, that's not great or good - it's weird. A male child in a dress is also weird and wrong, and even worse is having everyone go along with the delusion that he's a girl.

    I am so fed up of this be yourself crap. No, don't be yourself. Be a respectable, decent and normal person.

    Quote Originally Posted by scottish View Post
    Do you have a church? I thought as a gay you wouldn't be welcomed.
    Church doctrine, Catholic at least, is abstinence - something I follow anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by scottish
    But I don't care that someone pulled their kid from school, or that the school let a boy wear a dress.

    I disagree with taking bakers to court over saying no to a sale in their business, although idk where you can draw the line there cause then what happens when they refuse to serve a female, serve a black person, etc.
    Well that's very tolerant of you unlike most of the SJWs.

    Question, should other children be forced by threat of punishment to refer to this boy as a girl?

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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    A lot of deviants also like having sex in public view or walking around in public naked, that's not great or good - it's weird. A male child in a dress is also weird and wrong, and even worse is having everyone go along with the delusion that he's a girl.

    I am so fed up of this be yourself crap. No, don't be yourself. Be a respectable, decent and normal person.
    There's a huge difference between public indecency, which is in some cases a crime, and a boy wearing a dress.

    Also, what a plain outlook on life. How boring society would be if everybody acted the same. Normal means typical, regular, and ordinary. Why would anybody want to live such an unremarkable existence?
    Last edited by Neversoft; 12-09-2017 at 06:02 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    There's a huge difference between public indecency, which is in some cases a crime, and a boy wearing a dress.

    Also, what a plain outlook on life. How boring society would be if everybody acted the same. Normal means typical, regular, and ordinary. Why would anybody want to live such an unremarkable existence?
    I don't see what gets you so excited about men wearing dresses and makeup and pretending they are women? In what way is that exciting or remarkable? It's pitiful, humiliating and really quite sad if anything. And that's the nice(r) way of putting it.

    Wow! A fella dressing in his mothers clothes and pretending he's a woman. What a remarkable existence!

    No, something remarkable or exciting is somebody in society who is a war hero who saves lives. Or an artist who creates a beautiful building. Or a charity worker who collects for their community. That's remarkable - not wearing a dress.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 12-09-2017 at 06:17 PM.

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    I never used remarkable to refer to the boy and the dress. That was in response to you saying people should lead 'normal' lives, which I said would be a plain and unremarkable existence. It's right there in writing, so please don't try and twist my words.

    The boy with the dress is admirable, though. Anybody who is willing to go against the grain in order to express themselves is admirable. Living in a world in which you must conform to what is accepted or be shunned would be dreadful, but for some reason that's the sort of world you want. This has absolutely no impact on your life whatsoever. It isn't even an issue, so why does it bother you so much? As long as it's not harming others, I don't care what people do or wear. Does it really matter?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    I never used remarkable to refer to the boy and the dress. That was in response to you saying people should lead 'normal' lives, which I said would be a plain and unremarkable existence. It's right there in writing, so please don't try and twist my words.
    A normal life is actually quite a remarkable existence, really. Far more remarkable to be a straight male who wears a suit, goes to work, buys a house, raises a family well and is surrounded by grandchildren than say a gay guy who is statistically very prone to depression, prone to STDs at an alarming rate, statistically will end up suffering from acute loneliness and will die alone.

    Normal is actually pretty good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft
    The boy with the dress is admirable, though. Anybody who is willing to go against the grain in order to express themselves is admirable. Living in a world in which you must conform to what is accepted or be shunned would be dreadful, but for some reason that's the sort of world you want. This has absolutely no impact on your life whatsoever. It isn't even an issue, so why does it bother you so much? As long as it's not harming others, I don't care what people do or wear. Does it really matter?
    In terms of the dress, it is more sad - and saddening that we're going along with the child's delusion that he is a girl. But again we go back to the how does it effect you argument which your side always uses, and it DOES effect us because you'll be the one telling the other children that they've got to pretend and refer to this boy as a girl when the *truth* is that he is a BOY.

    In Canada already a Professor has got into trouble for refusing to call mentally ******ed people by their invented pronouns - a huge infringement of his freedom of speech and a threat to his employment at the university. So yes, it does effect the rest of us.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 12-09-2017 at 06:42 PM.

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