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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

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    Default How Do you Deal with Procrastination?

    Hello All,

    Something which I struggle a lot lately with is to FOCUS! How do you help get your concentration on track and complete worthwhile tasks? For example: assignments, house chores, self-care and example? I just can't seem to focus in getting my assignments done and dusted! Please let me know how you deal with procrastination?

    I look forward to your helpful answers.
    Last edited by ulas621; 01-06-2020 at 12:55 AM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

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    Something that I've always done that worked for me throughout university and now with my job is making lists, and keeping planners.

    If I have something scheduled out (which I normally do in Google Calendar), it makes me more motivated to do it because it's set there in a certain time frame.

    As far as lists, I like to keep either lists in my planner, or on a word document, and then as I complete one thing, I cross it off. It makes it a lot more satisfying when you cross things off of your list and see the progress that you're making. Once I get into the zone and start crossing things off, it just motives me more to keep going.

    Something that is also hard for me to do, is get motivated to do the things I don't want to do (like housework vs. hanging out with friends), so try to make sure that you do the "less fun" things first, so that way you don't wear yourself out before getting to those more important things.
    Love ulas621 Loved

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