God it doe's my nut.. They are so ignorant and have wild accusation's like many of them think Pete is putting on his Tourettes.. It's like WDF as if you could put that on for so long.. And when you see him tonight trying to practice for a task and his Torettes keep effecting it you can see he isnt putting it on.

They have all these wierd conspircy theorys about how the producers want certain people to win and such not. I made this up but this is how they are like;

''OMG! Did you see last nights episode?!!?! They showed 2 secounds less of Jayne coming in the house than they did of Jennie!!! But it can't be because they don't want her in because she's there, so it must be because of the clothes shes wearing!!! She was wearing leather right??? Well I think the producers are animal righht protesters right. That's why they showed 2 secounds less of Jayne!!''

They also think Pete is a devious mastermine that is controling the house and is just doing it for the camera's. It's like come on.. Anyway..

Pete and Jennie to get it to together and to have little Torettes suffering baby's that first word is ****! :p