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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

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    Default BNP leader Nick Griffin invited to attend the Queen's Buckingham Palace garden party

    The leader of the British National Party has received an invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party hosted by the Queen.
    Nick Griffin has been invited in his capacity as the North West’s MEP along with his wife, Jackie, and their two daughters, Jennifer and Rhiannon.
    His attendance would be controversial and may result in other guests boycotting the July 22 event.
    Opponents of the far-right party have warned that his presence would risk politicising the event and would disgrace the Queen.
    Mr Griffin, who has a conviction for distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, tried to attend one of the Queen’s garden parties last year as a guest of party member Richard Barnbrook.
    However, he stayed away due to a public outcry.
    British MEPs are given a pair of tickets to one of the Queen’s three garden parties at Buckingham Palace.

    It is unclear how Mr Griffin obtained four.
    A spokesman for Buckingham Palace said Mr Griffin had been sent an invitation as the MEP was eligible and the Palace would not discriminate against democratically elected representatives.
    Glad the palace does not discriminate. Why people will say it'll embarrass the Queen I don't know - this is a democracy and all thoughts and views are welcome providing they're not violent...

    A quote from somebody which I liked...

    Typical of the people in this country - they want democracy but only as long as it suits them and doesn't make them feel uncomfortable by allowing people to express views they disagree with.

    Griffin has a right to attend, as a voted-in MEP.

    This is just yet more BNP bashing by the pathetic people who haven't even spent time reading their manifesto.
    Thought I'd post this for you guys to chew up as the other thing is getting old!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Billingham, near Middlesbrough

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    i believe he should be allowed as he is currently an elected MEP, it's only fair. i lol'd at the bit, it is unclear how he managed to get four.

    the quote you used from wherever is mainly right apart from saying 'by the pathetic people who haven't even spent time reading their manifesto', most people who read their manifesto dislike them even more lol.

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