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  1. #91
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    I am 100% against it lmao. How on Earth are we meant to teach children violence is not the answer (minus self defence, but that's a different matter) if we allow them to be smacked themselves? There are many different ways and as an odd example using the show Supernanny or w.e with Jo Frost, she didn't used to smack kids to teach them a lesson - at most she would pick them up and carry them which is not smacking.

    It's never ever ever ever the answer and I know a **** tonne of people (myself included) who have suffered horrifically emotionally because of the amount of times our parents have smacked us (and done A LOT worse...) as a child when they simply didn't need to.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liva View Post
    No idea where this came from, and I don't think I would actually do the whole smacking thing when I do have children. I said I only think it would really count as abuse when the child is older, and it should stop before then.

    That's essentially what smacking is, no? [strike (someone or something), typically with the palm of the hand and as a punishment.]
    It leaves a (slightly painful) tingle on the skin which, I guess, makes them think twice before doing it again. My parents did it with me and I don't resent them or blame the way I am personally on it, if anything it made me definitely learn not to do it again!
    (Just as long as it doesn't last longer than a minute or two, pain wise, or any bruises/long-term effect.)
    No, you don't hit a child to hurt them, that's abuse and it's quite frankly terrifying. If you're going to discipline a child in that sense (which for the record I disagree with), you don't hit to hurt them, just to show authority.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hayden View Post
    I am 100% against it lmao. How on Earth are we meant to teach children violence is not the answer (minus self defence, but that's a different matter) if we allow them to be smacked themselves? There are many different ways and as an odd example using the show Supernanny or w.e with Jo Frost, she didn't used to smack kids to teach them a lesson - at most she would pick them up and carry them which is not smacking.
    Thank you so much for saying this I swear Nick could not understand this no matter how many times I said it and probably thought I was insane!

  3. #93
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  4. #94
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    I'm going to be one of those "I was spanked as a child & look how I turned out" kind of people.

    I was a very unruly child when I was growing up. I would not listen to my parents, at all. When I got in trouble they tried grounding me, they tried taking my toys, and they even tried the time out chair. None of that worked, I laughed at most of it, and most definitely I stole all my toys back from my parents. The last thing they could result to was physically punishing me, as in spanking. Yea, sometimes it hurt, but I knew that I deserved it and knew exactly why I was receiving it. What else were my parents suppose to do? Talk to me? I'd laugh in there face or just walk off. My parents always used physical discipline as a last resort though, not as a first one.

    There is also a line between abuse & physical discipline. I was also abused as a child, so I do know the difference(My father verbally, mentally, and physically abused me). A spanking should never ever leave a bruise, if you make it leave one then that is clearly abuse and you're just being a **** to your child and aren't fit to raise one.

    I don't see where y'all are getting at that spanking your children causes them to be violent? I've lived in two different environments, one where spanking was the norm and one where spanking was taboo.
    The environment where spanking was the norm, every kid seemed well behaved, there didn't seem to be any fights between any of the kids.
    Now to the environment where spanking was taboo, that environment surprisingly had the most violent kids that I've ever seen. Kids were joining gangs, when fights broke out they would smash other kids' heads into lockers. I even remember one instance at my middle school there was a fight where someone got stabbed in the back of the neck with a pen.
    However, even though spanking is used in the well behaved environment, and not int he other, doesn't mean that it's the reason why the two environments are the way they are. Sure it plays a part, but it's also the way the culture is in the environments and the household, which also plays a huge factor.

    I'm sure there are better ways to discipline children, but sometimes parents have to result to punishing their children like that. Trust me they don't find joy in it (unless they're abusive ***** like my father)

    Also, each child reacts to things differently and different things work on one child that wouldn't work on another. One child might respond well to a time out and thats all you would need to do. While another child doesn't respond well to a time out, and you'd have to try different methods.

    As stated above, I was spanked as a child. However, being spanked as a child hasn't made me anxious or afraid of other people. It also didn't make me afraid of my parents.

  5. #95
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    A smack that doesn't leave a mark but let's then know they're in trouble. I used to be for it but now seeing parents take liberties and attack their children I'm totally against now

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