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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

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    Default Christmas Magic?

    Is it just me or has the Christmas Magic become lost? To me, it doesn't feel like Christmas and I'm not really excited for Christmas day like I used to be when I was younger. I always wonder and think, is it because I'm now grown up and no longer believe in Santa? I know Christmas isn't supposed to be about what you get, but each year now I generally don't have anything to open, because you get to open Christmas Cards before Christmas day, so there's no element of surprise, wondering what I've been bought. Obviously, I get money sent to me and I can spend it on what I want, but somehow it seemed to be more of a thrill to recieve something actually wrapped up.

    I usually look forward to spending time with my family. Each year I will have around 2/3 Christmas dinners, one I will have Christmas Day with my Mum and brother. My other brother is going to be here this year for the first time in a while so that's a nice thing, then my Grandma and Mum's boyfriend will come over for Boxing Day to have a proper Christmas Dinner and then at some point in the week before New Year's we will have another dinner going over to my Aunts with my Grandma being there too, but the thing is it's supposed to be about family, and my Aunt has a co-worker join us, where the majority of us don't even like her so I'm not really looking forward to that as much as I used to.

    I'm also guessing that fact this year I've been working a lot, know I'm working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day doesn't help matters, because I feel I am likely to not be around when everyone else is eatting and I will feel somewhat awkward tucking into my Christmas dinners when everyone else have finished.

    Each year the magic of Christmas ebbs away just a little bit more for me. I try and embrace it, like I am one of the few that will wear a Christmas hat at work, but i'm just not really feeling that Christmassy!

    How about you guys? Is Christmas still wonderful for you? Or is it just another day of the year?
    Let's hear your thoughts!

  2. #2
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    Imho, it's nothing to do with santa it's to do with family.

    Obviously when you're 10 and when you're 27 there's going to be a difference in the presents you get and the amount of them, and even now I don't get much presents and mostly money (because I ask for it mainly) but I still get a few gifts I can open from family.

    Why would you feel awkward tucking into dinner when others are finished, it's your family? Surely the one place you wouldn't feel awkward would be with family lol

    But yes the average age of the forum is about 10 years younger than yourself (not an insult, if it seems like one) so obviously most will feel different.

  3. #3
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    It's the lights that seem to do it for me, I set up my dad's tree and decorated it today and everything feels so Christmassy now even just sitting here on the forum. Low lighting with twinkling in the background, all snuggled up with a fab jumper/cardigan and thoughts of far too much food, it's all great, lit not even bothered about presents at all except for them being pretty wrapped up
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    Blessed be
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  4. #4
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    I do think it loses its touch when you grow older, but I do get that lovely feeling when it's Christmas day and I'm surrounded by family and we're all doing lovely things together and just trying our best to get along

  5. #5
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    Christmas is always a magical day for me still. Just being with family and everyone smiling. Opening each other presents, and watching each others faces at the surprises. Then family coming round and having a laugh and getting merry. Some of my family are sometimes a bit miserable like, and doesn't always feel magic with them anymore but they lighten up a lot. Arguments sometimes spoil the atmosphere too lol. But I hate negative attitudes and I haven't got time for people when they are like that on Xmas!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by e5 View Post
    Christmas is always a magical day for me still. Just being with family and everyone smiling. Opening each other presents, and watching each others faces at the surprises. Then family coming round and having a laugh and getting merry. Some of my family are sometimes a bit miserable like, and doesn't always feel magic with them anymore but they lighten up a lot. Arguments sometimes spoil the atmosphere too lol. But I hate negative attitudes and I haven't got time for people when they are like that on Xmas!
    Yes I agree with you christmas is a magical day with having smile in face with friends and family.

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