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  1. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by GommeInc View Post
    Before Dan the forum was a neglected child.
    And now it's a battered and abused one with no purpose. Not sure what it is that you think he's done other than open a few threads with misleading titles and then do absolutely nothing about whatever small debate might ensue

    Quote Originally Posted by lRhyss View Post
    It's the fact that he was a child about the whole ordeal which angers me.
    This is the entire issue, yes. He's trying to pretend it's still about the flag because he's an idiot and has less of a leg to stand on than Heather Mills but the reality of it is that it's his childlike tantrum over being asked to remove something from his signature that isn't even related to him in any way that's caused problems.

    I've had to delete this image before:

    and yeah it's a little annoying but I somehow managed to just get on with it instead of pettily spreading around PMs and acting like there was some great injustice happening
    Last edited by FlyingJesus; 12-07-2015 at 12:29 PM.
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  2. #112
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  3. #113
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  4. #114
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  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by wixard View Post
    Who else is eating their breakfast and reading this thread
    I saw this thread when I woke up this morning but I had to go into town so I knew I'd save it for later. Was in Boots and they sell a load of sweets near the checkouts so I bought some skittles specifically so I could come home and read this thread whilst eating skittles

    it's heaven i'm telling you

    i'll reply again when i've finished reading the whole thing

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empired View Post
    I saw this thread when I woke up this morning but I had to go into town so I knew I'd save it for later. Was in Boots and they sell a load of sweets near the checkouts so I bought some skittles specifically so I could come home and read this thread whilst eating skittles

    it's heaven i'm telling you

    i'll reply again when i've finished reading the whole thing
    u inspire me.

  7. #117
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    @lRhyss; - Jesus, what is up with your post.

    Also once again great moderating skills on this forum to see that we can now directly call people the C word and it doesn't get moderated.

    Also if the flag has been banned surely only that and the Mississippi state flag should be banned. If the Texan flag has been removed then that's just stupid.

  8. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by thms View Post
    u inspire me.
    thank you do you want one

    Alright I've finished and this entire ordeal seems to have become an absolute train wreck. In short: everyone involved here has been an idiot.

    Dan: you need to stop acting like the victim here, you've majorly overreacted and are acting like a child who's been told it can't get an ice cream, you went about appealing the decision to ban/remove that flag in entirely the wrong way, hid the truth about what you really did (sending outraged PMs to users only telling them what makes you look victimised? Really?! Were you hoping for some sort of Habbox revolution?! Let's all rise up again Wispur; how dare he enforce the rules!) and now you seem to be pretending that this whole thing is about this bloody flag when it's NOT. And you're smart enough to know that.

    As others have stated before (which you seem to have completely ignored, interesting...) you were fired because YOU BROKE THE RULES. I'm not talking about the initial "rule" about this flag being banned as that's a grey area, I'm talking about your avatar + sig being removed and you repeatedly going against moderation and putting it back. Are you honestly so arrogant that you think you're above having to go through the complaints process like everyone else? And more importantly, what on earth did you think you were going to achieve by going against mods and putting the flags back each time? Are you so deranged as to think the mods would just go "damn! Undertaker's too strong for us! May as well give up now, lads". If I was asked to remove my avatar and signature because it was too big, refused, and kept adding it back after the mods removed it for me, I would expect to eventually be banned.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to ban the flag (I'll get onto that in a minute) but I am saying that there is a process to appeal the decision made to remove the flag from the forum and you purposely decided not to use it. That in itself should result in being fired from a managerial position imo. If a manager thinks themselves above the rules, why in hell should non-staff bother to follow them? But you should have removed the flag from your signature and avatar, then PMed whoever explaining WHY the flag is not offensive and why you should be allowed to keep it, and then wait to see what's said. Pissing off General Management and mods is pretty much a sure-fire way to never getting what you want.

    Ok. Time for my thoughts on the banning of the flag. Basically it seems like a thoughtless decision made in a panic because mods/general management (don't know) didn't know what to do and thought that "quick fix" would be the best way to shut undertaker up (lol). I believe what should have happened is you ask Dan to remove it and state explicitly why, and give him a chance to remove it AND THEN explain why he thinks he should be allowed to keep it. If it was a good enough argument, then everything should have been fine. If you decide it should still be removed, then you should say that.
    END OF. No need to ban flags, no need to have sig/avatar wars, no need for a ridiculously childish feedback thread.

    Also, I wonder how many people are against undertaker or wispur just because of personal reasons...

    TL;DR undertaker has behaved childishly, banning the flag was stupid and unnecessary, everything is FALLING APART

    and i've just finished eating this bag of skittles and feel really sick now
    Last edited by Empired; 12-07-2015 at 02:14 PM.

  9. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empired View Post
    thank you do you want one

    Alright I've finished and this entire ordeal seems to have become an absolute train wreck. In short: everyone involved here has been an idiot.

    Dan: you need to stop acting like the victim here, you've majorly overreacted and are acting like a child who's been told it can't get an ice cream, you went about appealing the decision to ban/remove that flag in entirely the wrong way, hid the truth about what you really did (sending outraged PMs to users only telling them what makes you look victimised? Really?! Were you hoping for some sort of Habbox revolution?! Let's all rise up again Wispur; how dare he enforce the rules!) and now you seem to be pretending that this whole thing is about this bloody flag when it's NOT. And you're smart enough to know that.

    As others have stated before (which you seem to have completely ignored, interesting...) you were fired because YOU BROKE THE RULES. I'm not talking about the initial "rule" about this flag being banned as that's a grey area, I'm talking about your avatar + sig being removed and you repeatedly going against moderation and putting it back. Are you honestly so arrogant that you think you're above having to go through the complaints process like everyone else? And more importantly, what on earth did you think you were going to achieve by going against mods and putting the flags back each time? Are you so deranged as to think the mods would just go "damn! Undertaker's too strong for us! May as well give up now, lads". If I was asked to remove my avatar and signature because it was too big, refused, and kept adding it back after the mods removed it for me, I would expect to eventually be banned.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with the decision to ban the flag (I'll get onto that in a minute) but I am saying that there is a process to appeal the decision made to remove the flag from the forum and you purposely decided not to use it. That in itself should result in being fired from a managerial position imo. If a manager thinks themselves above the rules, why in hell should non-staff bother to follow them? But you should have removed the flag from your signature and avatar, then PMed whoever explaining WHY the flag is not offensive and why you should be allowed to keep it, and then wait to see what's said. Pissing off General Management and mods is pretty much a sure-fire way to never getting what you want.

    Ok. Time for my thoughts on the banning of the flag. Basically it seems like a thoughtless decision made in a panic because mods/general management (don't know) didn't know what to do and thought that "quick fix" would be the best way to shut undertaker up (lol). I believe what should have happened is you ask Dan to remove it and state explicitly why, and give him a chance to remove it AND THEN explain why he thinks he should be allowed to keep it. If it was a good enough argument, then everything should have been fine. If you decide it should still be removed, then you should say that.
    END OF. No need to ban flags, no need to have sig/avatar wars, no need for a ridiculously childish feedback thread.

    Also, I wonder how many people are against undertaker or wispur just because of personal reasons...

    TL;DR undertaker has behaved childishly, banning the flag was stupid and unnecessary, everything is FALLING APART

    and i've just finished eating this bag of skittles and feel really sick now
    Where's the childish feedback thread?

  10. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kardan View Post
    Where's the childish feedback thread?
    This is basically feedback but in a different forum!!!!

    if you sent anyone a screenshot but scribbled over it saying congrats and thank-yous, everyone would say this was feedback

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