Hi guys! On Wednesday the 18th November at 11am GMT we will be having our Fansite Faceoff with HabboQuests. There are two teams - blue and red, you will be told on the day which team is which. The aim is to complete the mini-game and each surviving person that gets to the green tile is 1 point. The team whose counter gets to the green colour tile first wins and grabs themselves a snazzy badge!

We would love to see as much support as possible for Habbox and would be very grateful to all who attend! As a thank you to all who attend the event, we will give all users who showing their support to Habbox (this can be by playing the event for Habbox's team, advertising Habbox in the room, wearing the Habbox colours or anything supportive you can think of!) 1 week of VIP and 150 tokens as a small thank you!

Thanks guys & I hope to see some familiar faces down there on Wednesday!

- Kelly