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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

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    Lightbulb 1st Room Design Attempt

    Hello guys! I was looking for some Habbo art tutorials and then it gave me a huge necessity to start to design my own rooms as I saw some Habbo room designer doing! :-) Specially the walls and floors. I'll try to create new furnis soon! So, I want your opinion, guys! You know more than anyone how's the best choice for a Habbo room, because... You're Habbo players too lol

    Ok, It's an ordinary room with custom walls and floors and a curious window: It's not exactly a furni! It looks great for n00bs though. I don't know. Maybe it just makes you play more, at least make a cool room to invite your friends. XD

    Now, take a look at these examples of how you could fill your room, with random people and furnis!

    A "Party" example! I really liked that, because it resembles the "old times" game, specially because these furnis. Sorry the image quality! It's not as good as it should be but when I noticed that I converted it into a compressed GIF, it was too late!

    Diner at friend's house. If you saw your face on this picture.... Maybe you're not that wrong!

    Those kind of rooms which you can easily find at Habbo but you simply can't believe! Not because the guys above the gold, but because the gold itself. Lots of gold...

    - I was'nt sure about the Tile size. I think that it's closest to the original, but I couldn't put some furni-floors side by side. I'll fix that later!
    - These pictures are only a simple image editing, as an example. So don't you worry if you saw some out-of-place furnis!
    - By the way! Thanks to Habbo by their awesome furnis and Habborator.com by the furni/avatar pictures!

    Hope you like it Next try: I'll make a room design with stairs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

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    It looks pretty decent, however;

    1) Not sure about the white outlining for the exterior edges? It looks a bit odd and sticks out.
    2) On the window, whilst the reflection on the pane is fine, it shouldn't continue onto the window frame in the same direction... it looks bizarre.
    3) I could be wrong here, but the inside corners of the walls need to meet the middle of the outside corners of the walls - if you look at the corner on the right closest to the door the outside & inside don't line up.

    It's a great attempt though and would be a cool style of room to have

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

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    Love the first one!
    Just a kid drowning in A levels.

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