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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Default A United States of Europe by 2025, says Schulz


    A United States of Europe by 2025, says Schulz

    The head of Germany's Social Democrats and the former President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, a potential future governing partner of Chancellor Angela Merkel, called Thursday for the creation of a "United States of Europe" by 2025.

    Schulz delivered a passionate plea for a more united and federal Europe at an SPD party congress that was due to decide whether his centre-left party will enter exploratory talks to form a new coalition government with Merkel.

    "I want a European constitutional treaty that creates a federal Europe", said Schulz, the former European parliament president, proposing a written convention involving civil society and citizens.

    The treaty would then be presented to all member states for ratification, with those that reject it automatically leaving the bloc, Schulz proposed in a speech at a Berlin meeting of some 600 delegates.

    He suggested a target year of 2025, one century after the SPD first spoke of a future "United States of Europe".

    Schulz said only a more united EU could meet challenges such as combating climate change or managing mass migration, forcing internet giants such as Google and Facebook to respect civil rights or stopping large companies from dodging taxes.

    "Europe is our life insurance," said Schulz. "It is the only chance we have to keep up with the other great regions of the world."

    He also argued that only a strengthened EU would stop the advance of right-wing nationalists, citing gains they had made in Germany as well as Austria, Denmark, Finland, France and the Netherlands.

    "If we don't change course, if we don't strengthen Europe in very practical and concrete ways, then these forces will win," he warned.

    He reiterated that the eurozone should have more investment and a common finance minister and budget.
    I actually agree with him.

    For far too long pro-EU people have hidden behind the lie that it's just about co-operation and working together, and that claims of a federal Europe, the EU making most of our laws and an EU army are rubbish - which you have to ask yourself if the EU hardly has any influence on our laws, why does it appear so hard to leave it? :hmm:

    In the remaining EU member states (Britain has already made it's decision MR BLIAR) there should be referendums on a United States of Europe, and those who say No should get an automatic depature. I'm all for that.

    Thoughts? I'm interested in the views of those who backed Remain.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 07-12-2017 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #2

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