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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Latest Awards:

    Creativity-amplifier songs

    If the left and right sides of your brain do not occasionally merge causing a sensory explosion when you try to write a letter while listening to Sheeran's last hit, you probably listen to songs (either instrumental or w lyrics) as you work creatively, either as a self-motivating deed, or perhaps to make the world around you shut up while you do connect yourself to yourself, or probably just because the silence disturbs you

    While I work, I do always have a NEED to listen to some AIR band music, especially the older ones, which (intentionally or not) have a more intimate, retro, easy-listening vibe that is accidentally confused with what nowadays we call it vaporwave

    Those who've shared screens with me once might understand how f*** up the library is

    What about you?
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 12-03-2018 at 06:55 PM.

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