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  1. #11
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    I loved reading these, very interesting!

    I would say 10 years ago I was very happy in a wonderful school which I never wanted to leave, but at the same time I was quite shy and unsure of myself so feel that back then I didn't really be who I really am. If that makes sense? Back then I was more into games, like Habbo, but still went out a lot with friends - the same friends I go out with to this day every week - so yeah my main issue back then was I was living in my little high school bubble I guess and not making the most of life.

    5 years ago I was in university, which I hated given where I was, but made great mates who I still see every few months and we go on holidays together. I think university, where I was depressed for almost 3 years, did make me mentally stronger and I also came out of my shell more. So in that regard, in addition to the degree, it for sure made me grow as a person so I guess the pain was worth the gain.

    Today I am doing things I never thought I would do, such as travelling to faraway countries, and moving to another country soon to begin a career that I have wanted to do since the age of 12 when my favourite teacher inspired me. I have like zero interest in games now, and I am far more health conscious/sporty than ever which I really want to step up when I move to Spain. I'm also at peace pretty much now with my sexuality which was a major issue for me since the age of like 16. I also appreciate my family more than ever, especially grandparents who I have made much more of an effort with in the past two years. And my major belief/passion in life I won two years ago with the referendum in 2016, and is coming true, so I feel much more relaxed these days and content with that coming to a close.

    I also stand up for myself more now, not that I never did - I always argued my corner if something was wrong - but I always felt that to be nice I had to give way to people and prioritise them and what they wanted at the expense of my wants, whereas this year I have put myself first a bit more and what I want. In addition, I would consider dating - possibly. But i'll have to see.

    I'm a sucker for nostalgia so I always said my best moment in life was when I was age 15 to 16 (years 10+11) but you know when I think about it now and what i've done in the last like two years I actually think life is better now. And that's something I never thought I would say!

    So yeah I feel at a crossroads at the moment with a big change coming but that its the right time for a new stage if you get me.

  2. #12
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    These are genuinely fascinating to read keep posting them people!! I'll post my own once I can figure out what I was actually doing five years ago I can barely remember

  3. #13
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    10 years ago I was living with my ex boyfriend. We owned a takeaway restaurant together and lived above it. We'd been together since high school and we loved each other very much. We were brilliant together and I have some great memories from the relationship... I ended it after I decided to go to university. I thought we'd be fine long distance but I admit, I enjoyed the new attention from other men and I was intrigued by this new, care-free life... I really regret ending it. I was stupid and caught up with the party lifestyle. He was a very loyal man and I broke his heart.

    Unfortunately, I soon ended up in an abusive relationship with a DJ i met. I hit rock bottom with him. The guy hurt me physically and mentality. After 2 years of being stuck and too scared to talk to anyone, my debt was really building up and I was close to getting court orders. I had no friends, because DJ isolated me. I finally found courage and opened up to my parents (with lots and lots of tears!) and they saved me. I got a new job in a new city and my parents paid the rent for a flat there while I caught up with my debt and tried to manage my social anxiety caused by the awful relationship. I nearly got back with Mr loyal but he ended up getting engaged when he went travelling in Thailand, so we ceased contact. I was happy he was happy.

    But it was all up from there! Following my move to the new city, I was finally financially stable again and I had acquired an amazing network of friends!! My career was going really well and I started dating a lovely man. After 2 years we had a baby and bought a house together. We're now trying for our second child and buying our second house.

    So within 10 years I have done a 360 really. I got lost somewhere in the middle but I've found my way and my experiences have given me a positive, can-do attitude. I now know how important it is to have a good network of people around you, for those times in need. I make better decisions, because I've made bad ones in the past.

    If you want change, make it happen. If you're having a rough time, use your experience to make yourself a better person.

    Love to you all and especially to those who are not feeling too good. Reach out if you need to xxxxxxx

  4. #14
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    10 years ago was OK I guess, didn't really like school much until year 10/11 but it was passable. I think it was around now, maybe a few months yet actually where I stopped using Habbo/x so much and flipped it out with Call of Duty which was absolutely excessive in retrospect, but at least 80% of the time I was playing with irl peeps so I guess that's a sort of positive. I preferred the later years where I would go out a bit more and not be so addicted to one thing. Wasn't until 2012 Minecraft server days where I really got into Habbox I guess, thanks 2012 hxss. Didn't really like college all that much for a whole host of reasons and I wish I could say I took something from it, but I really didn't. Just felt like I pissed away 2 years.

    Which brings me to 5 years ago in 2013. Too much Habbo and was the start of decline into 2014 where I was probably at my worst in just about every respect. But The Last of Us was a cool game, so there's that I guess. Oh actually from like turning 18 to around the end of September was flipping rad.

    Now, after going to uni again and not dropping out and turning into a complete wreck, I'm definitely better all in all. Met some very interesting people (for better or worse) along the way, some of which I think will basically be friends for life, others who I somewhat wish I still spoke to frequently but life goes on and in some cases extended some kind of olive branch (is that the phrase?) didn't really work, and others who I hope to never bump into again because they were frankly rude and phony (mostly students involved in student politics). Started exercising frequently (until it became a bit murky when 1st job came into play, but sorting that shit now yo), learning things in my leisure as oppose to completely pissing time away, actually sort of keeping in contact with people a bit better rather than letting it hang for months, think I somewhat managed to improve my "fashion sense" even if it still is a bit shit which it is, but less so. My local peak was probably late 2016/early 2017 before making some poor financial choices which possibly lead me into a job I didn't really want but really kind of needed the cash and I do kind of wish I took a different job I was offered, but hey hum. My current job is much better, literally got paid to play table tennis yesterday so that's always good and is just a more pleasant place to work, and also no getting up at 5:40 odd which is great.

    my only true regret in life is not asking this girl why i was supposed to remember her

    it's interesting to read all of these and just compare and see how different people basically are, even just looking at the typing style
    idk I think I can just forget how different people are
    also weird to think of the people who probably would have posted in this thread as little as 1 year ago, lip to the fallen
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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Zak View Post
    10 years ago I had no aspirations and had recently left school. Relationship was shaky. Started College, starting to drive.

    5 years ago. Got a degree, became a teacher, secured full-time employment, new partner, first holiday in nearly 10 years, can drive.

    Today. New job, buying a house, visited 20+ countries.

    wow, goals.

    as for me, boring. 10 years ago, SSDD. (same shit, different day)
    5 years ago, SSSDSD. (same super shit, different shitty day)

    seriously, 10 years ago I thought I had it all. Husband, kids, beautiful life. It will all spiral down if you have a spouse who is addicted to gambling and women. Your finances will drain and your life will be hell.
    But this is my year and I will make it better. This is Year 1 for me, to changes and a new life.

  6. #16
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    10 years ago I never went out. Left school and was on the computer 24/7 (mostly gaming and on here) Got diagnosed with agoraphobia (already had anxiety and depression) Was taking drugs too

    5 years same crap, more drugs. Few overdoses and ambulances between years 10 and 5. Didn't really give a crap about my life so spent more days high than sober. Stims my main DOC so my heart hated me for that one. Psychosis from spending sometimes over a week without sleep didn't do my mind much good either (I'm proper scared of the dark because of the shadow people)

    5-Present - drug use calmed down after my last hospital visit a couple of years ago. Go out most days (walking) but only because I have to go to my local chemist to pick up my bupe prescription for opiate addiction. Funny really how the thing that most likely held me back ended up getting me out of the house. Anyway just alcohol and my subs for the past 7 months now so I guess my life has improved compared to the past 10+ years. Life still sucks though

    I wasn't gonna post this because I hate personal shit but tbh it's nice to type it out and realise how much I have actually improved
    plus this bottle of wine helped too

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeptemberNum View Post
    wow, goals.

    as for me, boring. 10 years ago, SSDD. (same shit, different day)
    5 years ago, SSSDSD. (same super shit, different shitty day)

    seriously, 10 years ago I thought I had it all. Husband, kids, beautiful life. It will all spiral down if you have a spouse who is addicted to gambling and women. Your finances will drain and your life will be hell.
    But this is my year and I will make it better. This is Year 1 for me, to changes and a new life.
    To be fair, I'm a completely different person. I've achieved more in five years than I ever thought I could. I rarely drink, I don't smoke and I don't gamble. A womanizer, I wish haha

    Life will get better, I've been through some rough times. My childhood was a mess but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Never give up.

  8. #18
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    wow these posts are so interesting! I'll contribute..

    10 years ago: I was a naive 11 year old just about to start high school. I thought I had the bestest friends in the world but they were just normal people in hindsight. I was obsessed with Disney and i was very much care-free! I was not too fussed on the future or did not have the intelligence to realise there was better life beyond being 11.

    5 years ago: I was about to start sixth form (year 12) and had chosen my options, i was thinking about university and life beyond school and i thought i was happy. I was actually in the 3rd year of a very toxic relationship with a guy that did not deserve my time - it lasted 5 years -. I was still friends with those 'bestests' and had gained more along the way, there was a big group of us.

    Now: I am no longer with said boyfriend, i am no longer friends with said friends. I have just finished 3 amazing years at university with some amazing people. I've discovered my passion for singing and musical theatre. I struggle with my mental health sometimes because of past insecurities and genetics (family full of anxious people) but i would not change it for the world - it helps me live life to the full. I am about to start an MA in a course I LOVE and am excited for the future. I am actually happy (and still obsessed with Disney: seeing incredibles 2 now eek)
    Lidya xox
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  9. #19
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    Let's do an inside-out derivative of this thread, comparing us to ourselves 05 and 10 years... in the FUTURE. Technically a cyberprophecy.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottish View Post
    Oh also, I've always been very self conscious about pictures of myself so straight up refused to have any pictures taken of me and I would hide from pictures lmfao where as now I'm happy to sit for a picture and couldn't care less when people take them.
    Also just to add..

    I think pretty much everyone I speak to online has seen me now, and some people even get blessed with like 20 selfies a day

    So even in the last month that's changed a lot as only like 3 people had seen me?

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