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  1. #41
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    Don't you usually advocate for abolishing minimum wages and allowing businesses to compete as they wish? And no, you're not talking about supply and demand, you're talking about how you believe that employers go out of their way to hire people who live in fantasy 10 bed houses when the reality is that those complaining about jobs being "taken" aren't even applying. You're talking about your belief that Doug The Thug somehow deserves to be paid big business rates for menial work that he doesn't want to do and won't put any effort into. You're talking about supporting government intervention of the highest order with regards to every facet of an employer's rights, which is utterly can't believe it's not butterly hilarious considering your usual stance.
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Not at all, schools here would jump through hoops for a history teacher who speaks English fluently.
    Why did you not go to teach history then?

    Darling, it's relatively easy to work in *any* country provided you have something to offer.
    still not easier than what we have with freedom of movement/freedom to work which was the point, it typically relies on a) knowing the language of the host country to a certain degree (fair enough), b) an education (in a country where education budgets are being gutted), c) some ties to the country either by relation (pure chance) or by some education/work experience (which brexit will make harder at least for eu countries) and d) work experience in a field, which is reliant on point b

    They should have turned up when it mattered, ie campaigning (like I did) and voting (like I did). Too late now.
    it's not too late, that's not how the democracy you claim to fight for works

    I honestly don't even remember the argument and I am 3 Cruz Campo (large) beers in.

    I do apologise for not replying as often lately though, my mood was like a rollercoaster if I am honest.
    OK well go look at it now and tell me if you were right or wrong rather than deflecting

    Absolutely not.

    In fact, one thing I have praised Jeremy Corbyn for was introducing statutory holiday for the entire UK for St Andrew/Patrick/George/David Day.
    i cba to go and find it but i'm pretty certain you said it was on the employee to negotiate their own holiday and that the state shouldnt be involved
    i suspect you still think thats true but accept these 4 days because to you theyre of significance
    if i suggested having another 4 days that werent these days you'd probably be dead set against it

  3. #43
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    you literally still can't admit being wrong

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    Why did you not go to teach history then?
    Not got that qualification (yet).

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    till not easier than what we have with freedom of movement/freedom to work which was the point, it typically relies on a) knowing the language of the host country to a certain degree (fair enough), b) an education (in a country where education budgets are being gutted), c) some ties to the country either by relation (pure chance) or by some education/work experience (which brexit will make harder at least for eu countries) and d) work experience in a field, which is reliant on point b
    It will be harder if you are going to pour coffee, sure. But that's about it. Spain for example will still need holiday reps who are native speakers, bar staff who can speak English and teachers who speak English. The same applies for any other industry.

    Going to work in Europe or abroad generally is such a minority pursuit anyway and usually only applies to the middle classes. Like I said earlier, my thoughts are more with those in my own country actively *suffering* because of Freedom of Movement.

    The public voted to end FoM.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    it's not too late, that's not how the democracy you claim to fight for works
    Democracy does not mean overturning votes before they are implemented. If Labour wins the next election, how would you react if Theresa May stood outside Number 10 and said "Well, yano, we'll have to do this again because people didn't know what they were voting for." - a travesty of democracy. In the same way it would have been had Scotland been denied its independence.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    i cba to go and find it but i'm pretty certain you said it was on the employee to negotiate their own holiday and that the state shouldnt be involved
    i suspect you still think thats true but accept these 4 days because to you theyre of significance
    if i suggested having another 4 days that werent these days you'd probably be dead set against it
    In theory it's a nice idea, but in reality not so. Libertarianism in a nutshell.

    Hence why i'm a High Tory.

  5. #45
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  6. #46
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    Tonight the House of Cockroaches voted to overturn the British constitution, and essentially rob Her Majesty's (elected) Government of the power to organise and introduce bills in Parliament. This is yet another breach of our parliamentary conventions, trashing hundreds of years of rules such as the Speaker being impartial just so they can overturn a democratic referendum result.

    I really do think this is only heading one way now...... and it it won't be pretty, but it will be necessary.

    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 25-03-2019 at 11:09 PM.

  7. #47
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    you still cant admit you were wrong so at this point you're just a liar

    to the direct above post, i thought the whole point of brexit was parliamentary sovereignty
    the government is not elected and theresa may is dicking around so please do describe to me how the people are being sovereign by being hostage to theresa may
    also how is the speaker not being impartial, just because hes doing things you do not like does not mean he is favouring either side

    and stop trying to dehumanise a bunch of people trying to sort out this shit
    Last edited by dbgtz; 25-03-2019 at 11:12 PM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    to the direct above post, i thought the whole point of brexit was parliamentary sovereignty
    So if Parliament is sovereign and passed a law saying we were leaving on the 29th March 2019, how is it that this can be just undone with a letter exchange between the EU and HM Government? Yet to trigger A50, it required an Act of Parliament.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    the government is not elected and theresa may is dicking around so please do describe to me how the people are being sovereign by being hostage to theresa may
    Excuse me, the government *is* elected and controls the legislative timetable so long as it commands the confidence of the House of Commons. If it does not command the confidence of the House of Commons, then it falls and Parliament is dissolved.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    also how is the speaker not being impartial, just because hes doing things you do not like does not mean he is favouring either side
    Name me a Speaker who has behaved like this Speaker has.

    He has single-handedly destroyed one of the greatest offices in the land. I doubt it will ever recover.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    and stop trying to dehumanise a bunch of people trying to sort out this shit
    "Trying to sort this shit out" aka cancel a vote.

    Historically, what has happened to institutions and people that cancelled votes?

  9. #49
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    still can't do it can you
    still can't admit you were wrong about something
    really says a lot

    what a waste of time

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