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Thread: Decade Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    Default Decade Review

    Sorry @-:Undertaker:-; I didn't like your questions so I stole your post basically

    Same thing but more about you rather than crappy politics or fashion

    What your biggest/proudest accomplishment?

    Whats your biggest regret?

    What was your best decision?

    What goals did you reach?

    What did you do for the first time?

    What goals did you not achieve?

    What do you want to achieve in the next decade?

    that's all I can think of for now..
    Like Triz Liked

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    United Kingdom

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    What your biggest/proudest accomplishment?
    New job, passed driving test in car, and 2 lorry tests.

    Whats your biggest regret?
    Time wasted dating my ex.. not the actual dating, just knowing it was a waste of time. I don't have a fear of commitment, I have a fear of wasting time.

    What was your best decision?
    Leaving my old job

    What goals did you reach?
    I promised myself I would tell people how I feel and be more open about my feelings, so when I like someone I tell them straight, this hasn't worked out in my favour so far, but can't say I haven't tried ..

    What did you do for the first time?
    Pretty sure within the last 10 years I had sex for the first time lol, although that may have been 11 years ago, can't say I remember the date lol

    What goals did you not achieve?
    As per usual, I did not achieve my goal of going to the gym

    What do you want to achieve in the next decade?
    Wife and kids lol

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

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    What your biggest/proudest accomplishment? Getting a new job, probably one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.

    Whats your biggest regret? I don't really have regrets as I believe everything happens for a reason. I'd probably say not taking different subjects for my GCSEs though. My school was very limited in what we could take, but I'd have probably taken music and French instead.

    What was your best decision? Getting a new job and saying yes to going out with my boyfriend.

    What goals did you reach? Not sure to be honest. Passed my GCSEs and came out with 3 A Levels after college so that's good. Probably being more confident, I've definitely done that.

    What did you do for the first time? Got a job, went to college, had my first kiss etc., left a job, became a manager at Habbox , got off the Do Not Hire List.

    What goals did you not achieve? Not sure, I didn't really have any.

    What do you want to achieve in the next decade? Save enough money for a deposit on a house, potentially go abroad and live with my boyfriend. I would also say have children, but my boyfriend doesn't want any, but we'll see!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

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    So much has happened in 10 years! I guess most of us became adults in the last decade so plenty of firsts and achievements. Some things that come to mind for me....

    What is your biggest/proudest accomplishment?
    Having 2 wonderful children.. and with no pain relief lol

    Whats your biggest regret?
    Choosing computer science at university. I just didn't have enough passion for the subject so ended up quitting by second year. I would have failed anyway, as I hardly went to lectures and was clubbing too much. My brain is mostly baby poo now

    I also regret not wearing my retainer after my brace was removed .... doh!

    What was your best decision?
    Leaving my ex who I met in a club during uni days. He was an angry dude who was abusive, made me anxious and feel crap about myself. Moved out our rented house, quit my job & got a new job and flat in a different city to start fresh, all in one day! It all got good from that point.

    What goals did you reach?
    10 years is quite a long time, so I have plenty of goals and achievements but I think the one goal I reached that let everything else fall into place was... Getting out of debt. My only debt now is a mortgage. Learning to deal with finances was a game changer.

    What did you do for the first time?
    Extra work for TV, drive, buy first home, buy second home, sell a house, visit lots of faraway places..

    What goals did you not achieve?
    Get promoted at work, but hopefully I can do it this year! This decade is all about my career and family.

    What do you want to achieve in the next decade?
    Get promoted, finish decorating, save for & book a wedding. Look after my health and wellbeing more, and see my parents more often. I would love to do more for charity this decade too.

  5. #5
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    Way too hard because yeah so much happened, these are probably more the last 5 years

    What your biggest/proudest accomplishment? Learning to put myself first and aiming higher than I have previously.

    Whats your biggest regret? Letting people manipulate, abuse and take advantage of me, trying to please and fix people who treat me like shit

    What was your best decision? Same as above, every decision I made for myself and making the hard decisions that I needed to

    What goals did you reach? Learning to love myself!! Removing myself from many toxic relationships. Getting a job in a well known company that pays more than I thought I was worth.

    What did you do for the first time? Loved myself? Flew alone for the first time. Moved out for the first time? Lived alone for the first time?

    What goals did you not achieve? Wanted to be married, with kids and a house.

    What do you want to achieve in the next decade? Married, with kids and a house lol. Stay in a similar salary or even better. Get a masters if possible but the first 2 specifically are most important.

    pigged 25/08/2019

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    lmfao trust Samanfa to mention hx on it ;lll shit I just realised I did too... nvm

    What your biggest/proudest accomplishment? Probably job and buying a house

    Whats your biggest regret? The only regret I really have is one situation

    What was your best decision? honestly as cringe as this is going to be met @buttons; (sorry) but if I didn't I think I'd still have the same kind of lifestyle I had before that and I'd probably still be fat and addicted to games and have no interest in relationships, friendships or working really... i'll leave it at that.

    What goals did you reach? Not sure I had any goals, but I suppose I became more social, became fitter, lead a more active lifestyle, made friends, bought a house, got a good job that I enjoy, got loads of pay raises, etc.

    What did you do for the first time? Oh idk meet a habbo, have bobba, fell in love, , go to the gym, rented, bought a house, got my own car, got a job, dumped someone, went on a date, went outside of the UK, took part in a race, etc.....

    What goals did you not achieve? I'm not sure really? I mean I wanted the whole wife and kids but that was something I wanted with that partner and not specific to my age, so I didn't have a goal to be married with children in my 20s for example, I don't think I had any specific goal I wanted to get done in my 20s.

    What do you want to achieve in the next decade? Married with kids, run a marathon, explore a lot more of the world than I currently have.
    Last edited by scottish; 04-01-2020 at 02:36 PM.

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