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Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

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    Default What superpower do you wish you could have?

    I remeber this question clearly at my second interview as a Purchasing Director Assistant job role I was applying for.
    I am really intrigued to what others would have said..

    Comment below, can’t wait to read them!

    What superpower do you wish you could have?

    My response was delayed as I was taken aback... but it was to be able to read peoples minds...

    And they asked why and I went on to explaining that sometimes (especially me) I am completely read the wrong way. I am a super empathic individual, bubbly and love to have a laugh but sometimes people don’t get ME. I went on to explaining how people should never be judged, but in order to read someones mind then we would avoid many situations that lead us to being misunderstood.

    SAFE to say I was accepted and got the job!

    Have a great evening guys xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

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    I think I would definitely want the ability to read minds. Sure, being able to fly and being invisible would be cool, but I spend so much of my life overthinking and wondering what people are thinking, that it would just make my life so much easier to know what exactly they are thinking.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    United States of America

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    I've always wanted to be able to read people's minds.
    People that I became good friends with as time passed later admitted that they thought I was mean when they first met me-- hi I have RBF. So reading people's minds would go a long way in that regard? But also, do I really want to know what some people are thinking!!!

    If not reading people's minds, being able to blink and just be wherever you want would be super cool... in theory :p

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

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    Well, having mind-reading abilities in theory (EDIT: lol I did just quote tbl's take on it without knowing) could be awsom and useful in many many ways for the benefit of taking the correct decisions always, but if we take into consideration that, independently of how "clear" and lucid your mind is, our thoughts generally are instant, diffuse and disconnected for the physical world's verbal standards, versus what is expressed on that Mel Gibson film where he can "hear" what the women think of him as though it's coming out of their mouths, you know, so it's likely that reading people's synapses would be as revealing as attempting to open photographs on windows notepad

    Maybe a short-term time travelling power would be the one to go. short-term, say, 5 seconds in the past, with limited amount daily. the idea of having the power of rebooting or childhood for every single time we make a weird decision in the present seems personally wearisome and prob makes one sort of numb and incapable of developing resilience etc
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 20-09-2021 at 05:45 PM.

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