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    Post Tips/Guide on calling for help

    Hey I see a few Habbos come into [HxHD] saying 'I called for help but no one came, why dont they help me?!', so heres some information on calling for help.

    Be Specific
    Try to include as much information as you can in your Call for help, you don't have to send your name, the room name and owner of the room, because that's already sent in the call, but try to include; The Habbo(s') name(s) who are breaking the Habbo way and what they are doing wrong. You don't have to repeat what they have said, as this is already sent in the chatlog automatically made when you call.

    Be Polite
    You must be polite in your call for helps, if your call has alot of swearing and abuse in it then you're going to be the one who ends up been banned, not helped. Remember when you have a problem it isn't the Moderators fault, so try not to be rude to them.

    Don't send lots of calls for help
    If you have sent a call, wait patiently. Moderators work through the calls for help in how important they are, for example; if a Habbo is scamming, that call would be taken before the 'I can't dance' call Once you have sent a call for help, wait at least 15 minutes before sending another one.

    Remember modertors a don't have to come to the call to help
    Just because you don't see a Moderator doesnt mean your call hasn't being taken care of. You will only see a Moderator on calls that need assistance from one. If you send a call saying, 'My furni is in the walls, could someone please remove it?', then you are likely to see a Moderator, but if you send one '***** is flooding', then the call is likely to be taken remotely, and you won't see a Moderator.

    Remember Moderators can't help with everything
    Moderators only have limited powers, they cannot help you to get your stolen pass back. For these kind of things you have to use the Habbo Help Tool. (

    Use it, don't abuse it
    If you abuse the call for help you are likely to be given a two hour ban. Moderators receive hundreds of calls every hour, and can do without calls like 'My cat ate my homework', as funny as they may be If you send pointless calls for help, you are taking up the Moderator's time, where they could be helping another Habbo that desperately needs help.

    Send a call for help if;
    - You see someone trying to scam,
    - Someone is repeatedly swearing/Flooding or being abusive
    - You have a question about the Hotel

    Send an e-mail to Habbo Help Tool if;
    - You forgot your date of birth
    - You have a new idea for the Hotel
    - To get your account back
    - You want to report a scamsite
    - You see a new type of scam
    - You wish to report a scammer
    - You have had your furni stolen.

    Hope this has helped you all. Remember Moderators are volunteers, they give up their own time to help YOU, so don't be abusive towards them.
    Last edited by Angel-Light; 12-07-2006 at 01:25 AM.

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