This may sound kinda wierd to you, but I think it would be fun to have a paintballing, first person shooter on wii...

It would be like most first person shooters, but no monsters or zombies etc. Just normal people having fun. For instance you could have many paintball guns and customize them, along with your clothes etc.
There would be many maps and even a map maker! Wi-fi would be great to have fun and interactive leagues for some paintballing teams or just you and friends in a friendly!

For the gameplay there could be 3 vs 3 to 10 vs. 10 and even maby 3 teams at once and everyman for himself. In gameplay there could be capture the flag etc. You could also use paint bombs and flash bangs for extra effect! You would have limited amount of paintballs and gas..

Tbh I think it would be great, especially with the Wii zapper!

What do you think?