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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
    -:Undertaker:- is offline Habbox Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Jan 2006
    Mijas, the Kingdom of Spain

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    Default Double by-elections: Historic swing as Labour trounce the Tories

    Double by-elections: Historic swing as Labour trounce the Tories

    Tories lose two seats in one night with just over a year until the next General Election must be held


    Truly delightful that, for all his plotting and desperation to get into Number 10, Rishi Sunak is going to go down as a footnote in British history as one of the shortest serving Prime Ministers. So desperate to get into power for his career, only to get through that black front door and do absolutely nothing. He's a dud that we all saw coming a mile off, which is why he failed to win the Tory leadership contest with the membership.

    At the next General Election I won't be voting but I will be sitting with some brandy, enjoying the sight as the useless Tories sink beneath the waves and the awful SNP take a hammering. It'll mean a Labour government of course, but we've already got a Labour government in all but name anyway. The country is up poo creek without a paddle either way, so may as well sit back and just laugh at this appalling political class who can't enforce the borders or even build a railway line.

    My hope is that the Tories are so damaged that they are destroyed and replaced by a real National Party. IE Canada 1993.


  2. #2
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
    -:Undertaker:- is offline Habbox Hall of Fame Inductee
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    Mijas, the Kingdom of Spain

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    Some letters starting to go in.

    Believed that Sunak will wait until the latest now to call a GE - January 2025 - so god help us all as this useless government limps on.

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